
00001 /******************************************************************
00002  *
00003  * Filename    : BAPPackage.h
00004  * Author      : David Ong Tat-Wee
00005  *
00006  * Version     : 1.02b
00007  * Date        : 14 May 99
00008  *
00009  * Description : Interface file for problem package class.
00010  *
00011  * Reference   : nil
00012  *
00013  * Notes       : This class interfaces the algorithm functions with
00014  *               the BAP domain classes.  It has to encapsulate all
00015  *               necessary information for solving the problem, based
00016  *               on our problem model:
00017  *               - the set of sections S
00018  *               - the set of vessels  V
00019  *               - the intersection distance D
00020  *               - the transhipment flows    F
00021  *
00022  * Changes     : 
00023  *               14 May 99
00024  *               Add ReadSolution() and WriteSolution() methods
00025  *               Add mSolutionExists, mObjectiveValue and mPenalty attributes
00026  *               Add VerifySolution() method
00027  *
00028  * Copyright   : Copyright (c) 1998, 1999
00029  *               All rights reserved by
00030  *               Resource Allocation and Scheduling Group
00031  *               Department of Information Systems and Computer Science
00032  *               National University of Singapore
00033  *
00034  ******************************************************************/
00037 #ifndef __BAP_PACKAGE__
00038 #define __BAP_PACKAGE__
00040 #include "def.h"
00041 #include "BAPBase.h"
00043 using leda::string;
00044 using leda::set;
00045 using leda::array;
00046 using leda::array2;
00048 //
00049 // Structures are used to pass mass information to the user
00050 //
00051 struct Indicators
00052 {
00053    double   ObjectiveValue;
00054    double   Penalty;
00055    double   TranshipmentCost;
00056    double   Density;
00057    double   ABD;
00058 };
00061 class BAPPackage : public BAPBase
00062 {
00063 public:
00064    // This class takes in either
00065    // (i)   a project filename
00066    // (ii)  section, vessel and transshipment filenames
00067    // and constructs the necessary attributes and data structures for
00068    // storing the essential information
00069    BAPPackage(string aProjFile);
00070    BAPPackage(string aSectFile, string aVesFile, string aTransFile);
00071    ~BAPPackage();
00073    //
00074    // Debugging facility
00075    //
00076    // prints the current package information using the given indentation
00077    // width and in the given detail level
00078    void        Print(int aWidth = 1, int aDetail = 0) const;
00080    //
00081    // Accessor member functions
00082    //
00084    //
00085    // Sections S info
00086    //
00087    // returns the number of sections
00088    int         NumSections() const;
00089    // returns an array A of section lengths,
00090    // such that A[i] = length of section i
00091    array<int>  SectionLengths() const;
00093    //
00094    // Vessels V info
00095    //
00096    // returns the number of vessels
00097    int         NumVessels() const;
00098    // returns an array A of vessel lengths,
00099    // such that A[i] = length of vessel i
00100    array<int>  VesselLengths() const;
00101    // returns an array A of vessel arrival times,
00102    // such that A[i] = arrival time of vessel i
00103    array<int>  Arrivals() const;
00104    // returns an array A of vessel departure times,
00105    // such that A[i] = departure time of vessel i
00106    array<int>  Departures() const;
00108    //
00109    // Intersection Distances D info
00110    //
00111    // returns a 2-dimensional array A of intersection distances,
00112    // such that A(k, l) = distance from section k to section l
00113    array2<int> Distances() const;
00115    //
00116    // Transhipment Flows F info
00117    //
00118    // returns a 2-dimensional array A of transshipment flows,
00119    // such that A(i, j) = number of containers being exchanged between
00120    // vessel i and vessel j
00121    array2<int> Transhipments() const;
00123    //
00124    // Solution Information
00125    //
00126    // returns an array A of (section, wharfmark) info,
00127    // so A[i].First() = section assigned to vessel i
00128    //    A[i].Second() = wharfmark assigned to vessel i
00129    array<IntPair> Solution() const;
00130    // returns the section assigned to the given vessel
00131    int            SectionAssignedTo(int aVesselID) const;
00132    // returns the wharfmark assigned to the given vessel
00133    int            WharfmarkAssignedTo(int aVesselID) const;
00135    //
00136    // Solution Indicators
00137    //
00138    // returns the objective value
00139    unsigned long  ObjectiveValue() const;
00140    // returns the penalty value
00141    unsigned long  Penalty() const;
00142    // returns the transshipment cost of the current solution
00143    unsigned long  TranshipmentCost() const;
00144    // returns the density of the current vessel set
00145    double         Density() const;
00146    // returns the ABD (Average Berth Demand) of the current vessel set
00147    double         ABD() const;
00149    //
00150    // Useful Information
00151    //
00152    // returns true if existing solution is found, false otherwise
00153    bool           SolutionExists() const;
00154    // returns the number of time zones wrt to the current vessel set
00155    int            NumTimeZones() const;
00156    // returns an array A of time zone info,
00157    // such that A[i].First() = start time of time zone i
00158    //           A[i].End() = end time of time zone i
00159    array<IntPair> TimeZones() const;
00160    // returns the set of time zones spanned by the given vessel
00161    set<int>       TimeZones(int aVesselID) const;
00162    // returns the set of vessels in the given time zone
00163    set<int>       Vessels(int aTimeZoneID) const;
00164    // returns the start (first) time zone of the given vessel
00165    int            StartTimeZone(int aVesselID) const;
00166    // returns the end (last) time zone of the given vessel
00167    int            EndTimeZone(int aVesselID) const;
00168    // returns the arrival time of the given vessel
00169    int            Arrival(int aVesselID) const;
00170    // returns the departure time of the given vessel
00171    int            Departure(int aVesselID) const;
00173    // returns the BAPPath specified by shell variable $BAPHOME
00174    string         BAPPath() const;
00175    // returns the project filename
00176    string         ProjectFilename() const;
00177    // returns the parameter filename
00178    string         ParamFilename() const;
00179    // returns the partitioning solution filename
00180    string         PartitioningFilename() const;
00181    // returns the packing solution filename
00182    string         PackingFilename() const;
00183    // returns the partitioning trace file name
00184    string         PartitioningTraceFilename() const;
00185    // returns the packing trace file name
00186    string         PackingTraceFilename() const;
00188    // writes the solution
00189    void           WriteSolution(string aCreator, string aParamFile) const;
00190    // verifies the solution
00191    void           VerifySolution() const;
00192    // analyzes the solution
00193    void           AnalyzeSolution() const;
00195    //
00196    // Modifier member functions
00197    //
00199    // reads the solution
00200    void           ReadSolution();
00201    // reads the specific solution
00202    void           ReadSolution(string aSolFile);
00204    //
00205    // Functions to do assignment of vessels
00206    //
00207    // assigns the given vessel to the given section
00208    int      SectionAssignedTo(int aVesselID, int aSectionID);
00209    // assigns the given vessel to the given wharfmark
00210    int      WharfmarkAssignedTo(int aVesselID, int aWharfmark);
00212    //
00213    // Change individual indicators
00214    //
00215    // sets the objective value
00216    unsigned long  ObjectiveValue(unsigned long anObjValue);
00217    // sets the penalty value
00218    unsigned long  Penalty(unsigned long aPenalty);
00219    // sets the transshipment cost to the given cost
00220    unsigned long  TranshipmentCost(unsigned long aCost);
00221    // sets the density to the given density
00222    double   Density(double aDensity);
00223    // sets the ABD to the given ABD
00224    double   ABD(double aDemand);
00227 private:
00228    //
00229    // Modifier member functions
00230    //
00231    void     ComputeTimeZones();
00232    void     Input(string aSectFile, string aVesFile, string aTransFile);
00234    string const    mProjectFilename;
00235    string          mBAPPath;
00236    string          mParamFilename;
00237    string          mPartitioningFilename;
00238    string          mPackingFilename;
00239    string          mPartitioningTraceFilename;
00240    string          mPackingTraceFilename;
00241    bool            mSolutionExists;
00243    // sections S
00244    array<int>     *mSectionLengths;
00246    // vessels V
00247    array<int>     *mVesselLengths;
00248    array<int>     *mArrivals;
00249    array<int>     *mDepartures;
00251    // intersection distances D
00252    array2<int>    *mDistances;
00254    // transhipment flows F
00255    array2<int>    *mTranshipments;
00257    // solution
00258    array<IntPair> *mSolution;    // (section, wharfmark) pair
00260    // useful information
00261    array<IntPair> *mTimeZones;   // (start time, end time) pair
00262    set<int>       *mVesselsInTimeZone;
00263    set<int>       *mTimeZonesByVessel;
00265    // indicators
00266    unsigned long   mObjectiveValue;
00267    unsigned long   mPenalty;
00268    unsigned long   mTranshipmentCost;
00269    double          mDensity;
00270    double          mABD;
00272    int             mUnallocatedVessels;
00273 };
00276 #endif

Generated on Tue Sep 9 15:40:10 2008 for BAP by  doxygen 1.5.3