BAPPackage Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for BAPPackage:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for BAPPackage:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BAPPackage (string aProjFile)
 BAPPackage (string aSectFile, string aVesFile, string aTransFile)
 ~BAPPackage ()
void Print (int aWidth=1, int aDetail=0) const
int NumSections () const
array< int > SectionLengths () const
int NumVessels () const
array< int > VesselLengths () const
array< int > Arrivals () const
array< int > Departures () const
array2< int > Distances () const
array2< int > Transhipments () const
array< IntPairSolution () const
int SectionAssignedTo (int aVesselID) const
int WharfmarkAssignedTo (int aVesselID) const
unsigned long ObjectiveValue () const
unsigned long Penalty () const
unsigned long TranshipmentCost () const
double Density () const
double ABD () const
bool SolutionExists () const
int NumTimeZones () const
array< IntPairTimeZones () const
set< int > TimeZones (int aVesselID) const
set< int > Vessels (int aTimeZoneID) const
int StartTimeZone (int aVesselID) const
int EndTimeZone (int aVesselID) const
int Arrival (int aVesselID) const
int Departure (int aVesselID) const
string BAPPath () const
string ProjectFilename () const
string ParamFilename () const
string PartitioningFilename () const
string PackingFilename () const
string PartitioningTraceFilename () const
string PackingTraceFilename () const
void WriteSolution (string aCreator, string aParamFile) const
void VerifySolution () const
void AnalyzeSolution () const
void ReadSolution ()
void ReadSolution (string aSolFile)
int SectionAssignedTo (int aVesselID, int aSectionID)
int WharfmarkAssignedTo (int aVesselID, int aWharfmark)
unsigned long ObjectiveValue (unsigned long anObjValue)
unsigned long Penalty (unsigned long aPenalty)
unsigned long TranshipmentCost (unsigned long aCost)
double Density (double aDensity)
double ABD (double aDemand)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 61 of file BAPPackage.h.

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Generated on Tue Sep 9 15:40:10 2008 for BAP by  doxygen 1.5.3