CS5248: Systems Support for Continuous Media
Semester 1 2004/05, School of Computing, National University of Singapore


You are expected to write a survey paper on a recent research topic related to this class. This will constitute 25% of your final grade. A survey paper, as described by ACM Computing Surveys, is "a paper that summarizes and organizes recent research results in a novel way that integrates and add understanding to work in the field. A survey article assumes a general knowledge of the area; it emphasizes the classification of the existing literature, developing a perspective on the area, and evaluating trends." For the purpose of this class, "general knowledge of the area" includes the topics we cover in class. You may ignore "evaluating trends".

You are expected to read at least 4 papers on one of the selected topics (see below), and produce a survey on the topic. The survey paper must be 6-8 pages in length, using the LaTeX/Word template provided. Ideally, it is of publication quality (you may pretend you are submitting it to ACM Computing Surveys). It should not be just a concatenation of paper reviews. You will be graded based on your writing, presentation, and how it enhance the understanding of the research topic.

You may select a research topic related (or the same as) your research project. Be careful when you choose the papers to read. You would want to read good papers solving interesting aspect of the research problems. Citeseer citation listings may be helpful in deciding which paper is important and which are not (This rule of thumb does not apply to recent papers). You may also want to restrict your readings to papers published in rank 1 and rank 2 journals and conferences (ranking list available here).

Due Date

The survey paper is due on 11th Oct.

Review Format

For survey, you should follow the ACM proceeding style guidelines. Please use the given LaTeX (recommended) or Word template so that to ensure that there are little variations in margin and font size.

Useful Links



You may propose other survey topics that are of interest to you. Citations in the description are there to help you get started with your survey. You should not limit your survey to the work cited below.