CIIDAA is a large scale, Comprehensive IT Infrastructure for Data-intensive Applications and Analysis. In the project, we aim to harness the power of cloud computing to solve Big Data problems in the real world. The goal is to provide a generic platform to which different cartridges can be plugged in for supporting different applications. To this end, we are investing various areas pertaining big data analysis and the cloud: computing framework, system architecture, performance, security, programming language, software engineering, databases and analytics.
Three main research challenges that CIIDAA faces are in the design and implementations of:
We will demonstrate the value of our system through multiple real-world applications. Specifically, we are focusing on applying CIIDAA for supporting predictive analytics in healthcare (in collaboration with NUHS) and in the area of web consumer (with Starhub).
CIIDAA comes with a comprehensive software stack aiming to support a wide range of data intensive applications and analysis. CIIDAA sits between the OS and user applications, providing multiple layers of services: storage, computation, security and monitoring.
National University Health System (NUHS). We work closely with doctors and healthcare informatics experts at NUHS to develop wide range of clinical predictive analytics applications including optimizing patient flows, risk prediction,and treatment decision making.
Starhub is the major telecomunication company in the island with million customers and generating billion transactions per day. We are working with Starhub to build a comprehensive data analytics tool for better understanding customer needs, therefore helping the company improve customer services and marketing campaigns.
We are thankful to the NRF for supporting our research
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