Logic Seminar in Semester I AY 2021/2022
Talks are Wednesday afternoon from 16:00 to 17:00 hrs via Zoom;
the timing was chosen as one of the organisers (Yang Yue) has to
teach from 17:00 hrs onwards on Wednesday.
Meeting ID: 830 4925 8042
Passcode: Compute z where z is the first number equal to
x3+y3 in two ways.
Then use Passcode z=x3+y3 where z is a fourdigit number and x,y are only
variable names not to be replaced.
- Wednesday 11/08/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 1,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Frank Stephan. A survey on the structures realised by
positive equivalence relations.
Let a positive equivalence relation to be an r.e. equivalence
relation on the set of natural numbers with infinitely many
equivalence relations. Khoussainov initiated with coauthors
a deep study of the following question: Given a positive equivalence
relation η, which structures from a given set of structures does
this equivalence relation realise? Here realisation means that
functions in the structure are recursive and relations are r.e.
with the equality itself given by the equivalence relation η.
In other words, the given r.e. structure divided by η is the
structure realised by η. Now questions studied by Khoussainov
and his coworkers included questions like "What is the partial
ordering on positive equivalence relations η,ρ where
η is below ρ iff every structure in the given set of
structures which is realised by η is also realised by ρ?
Besides algebraic structures and orders, it has also been studied
how the learnability notions behave with respect to uniformly
r.e. one-one families realised by positive equivalence relations.
Slides are available as
ps-file and
- Wednesday 18/08/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 2,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Yu Liang. Generalizing Besicovitch-Davis theorem.
Besicovitch-Davis theorem says that the Hausdorff dimension of
every analytic set can be approximated by its closed subset. But the
Besicovitch-Davis theorem fails for co-analytic sets under the assumption
V=L as observed by Slaman. We prove that the theorem holds for arbitrary
sets under ZF+sTD. We also prove that the theorem holds for
Σ12-sets under Martin's axiom.
This is joint work with Peng Yinhe and Wu Liuzhen. The slides are
here as pdf.
- Wednesday 25/08/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 3,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Ng Keng Meng. Are the rationals dense?
There has been a recent revival in the interest in sub-computable
mathematics. One of these approaches is to consider ``primitive
recursive'' or punctual structures. This has led to a greater
understanding in the effective content of well-known objects and
proofs in classical computability theory. When considering the
punctual anaologies of classical computabilitiy we often obtain
strange and surprising results. I will discuss some recent work in
progress in this area, focussing particularly on structural results.
- Wednesday 01/09/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 4,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Rupert Hölzl. The reverse mathematics of inductive
We investigates inductive inference from the perspective
of reverse mathematics. Reverse mathematics is a framework that
allows gauging the proof strength of theorems and axioms in many
areas of mathematics. We apply its methods to
basic notions of algorithmic learning theory such as Angluin's tell-tale
criterion and its variants for learning in the limit and for
conservative learning, as well as to the
more general scenario of partial learning.
These notions are studied in the reverse mathematics context
for uniformly and weakly represented families of languages. The results
are stated in terms of axioms referring to induction strength and to
domination of weakly represented families of functions.
- Wednesday 08/09/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 5,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Bakhadyr Khoussainov and Frank Stephan.
Parity Games - Background and Algorithms.
Parity games are games where a marker is moved on
a finite graph and each node is annotated with a
natural number; the game runs forever and the largest
number in an infinitely often visited node decides
the winner, if it is even then player Anke wins
else player Boris wins. Marcin Jurdzinski showed
that this game is in UP intersected coUP and also
provided the first not fully exponential algorithm
for it; however, the exact time complexity remained
unresolved. In 2017, Calude, Jain, Khoussainov, Li
and Stephan found a quasipolynomial time algorithm
which Jurdzinski and Lazic as well as Schewe and his
collaborators improved to be in polynomial space
as well. The talk provides the way this algorithm
was found and the implications it has for the
fixed-parameter-tracktability of parity games and
related problems like coloured Muller games. Though
now quite a number of quasipolynomial time algorithms
are known and there is quite extensive research in this
topic, the question on whether parity games can even
be solved in polynomial time is still unresolved.
This talk is given by Bakhadyr Khoussainov and
Frank Stephan jointly also on behalf of their coauthors
Cristian Calude, Sanjay Jain and Wei Li.
- Wednesday 15/09/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 6,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Bakhadyr Khoussainov. Probability Structures.
This talk belongs to the area of probabilistic logic semantics.
The first contribution of this work is the introduction of probability
structures. Probability structures are the algebraic structures
equipped with probability functions on the domains and the atomic
predicates. These structures
extend type 1 probability structures introduced by Halpern and Bacchus.
Type 1 probability structures contain probability functions on domains
only. Our probability structures possess an additional statistical
knowledge, - probability functions on atomic predicates.
We present a method that builds probability spaces for the first order
logic formulas and prove that our semantics is sound.
The second contribution of this work is the introduction of smooth
probability structures.
The smooth probability structures carefully refine probability
structures so that we have a better control of the probability spaces
defined by first order logic formulas. For these structures we
initiate the study of first order probability logic (FOPLS),
investigate axiomatizability of FOPLS, and address decidability and
undecidability questions of the sets of valid formulas. We also study
a few algorithmic questions on probability structures.
The work is joint with Mingyu Xiao (UESTC) and
Jiamou Liu (The University of Auckland).
- Wednesday 29/09/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 7,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
No talk.
- Wednesday 06/10/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 8,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Chong Chitat. First-order strength of tree colorings.
In this talk we discuss the proof-theoretic strength, from the reverse
mathematics perspective, of combinatorial principles concerning the
coloring of binary trees and finite products of binary trees.
Beginning with the principle TT1, which states
that every finite coloring of the full binary tree has an isomorphic
monochromatic subtree, we will cover its strengthening to the existence
of a strong monochromatic subtree, and to the full generalization of
the latter known as the Halpern-Läuchli Theorem.
- Wednesday 13/10/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 9,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Liao Yuke. Computable Coloring Without Π3
Solution for Hindman's Theorem.
Hindman's theorem is a Ramsey type theorem related to finite sum while its
proof-theoretic strength still has a huge gap. One form of the question is
that if any computable coloring function would have an arithmetic
solution (homogeneous set). We will construct a computable coloring
functions that no Π3 set can be homogeneous.
- Wednesday 20/10/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 10,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Yang Yue. A recursive coloring without Δ3
solutions for Hindman's Theorem.
This is a follow up of Liao Yuke's talk last week. I will
explain in detail his result which says that there exists a recursive
f:N → {0,1} such that for all infinite subsets X
of N, if FS(X) is homogeneous for f,
then X is not recursive in 0''. Here FS(X) is the set
of all finite sums of distinct elements of X. Liao Yuke's
result improved Blass, Hirst and Simpson's theorem in 1987
(from no 0' recursive solutions to no 0'' recursive ones).
- Wednesday 27/10/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 11,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Mars Yamaleev. On the Shoare-Stob Theorem.
In our talk we consider relative enumerability of 2-c.e. Turing
degrees in c.e. degrees below them. We focus on an old question which
arises from the well-known work of Soare and Stob in 1982. The Soare-Stob
theorem says that for any noncomputable low c.e. Turing degree a
there exists a non-c.e. Turing degree d which is above a
and relative enumerable in a. The question is whether the degree
d can always be chosen as 2-c.e. We answer this question by
showing that for some a the degree d must be beyond 2-c.e.,
and discuss the ideas of proof.
Also we consider possible generalizations of this result.
All results are obtained in a joint work with Arslanov M.M. and
Batyrshin I.I.
- Wednesday 03/11/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 12,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Wu Guohua.
Domains: where Scott and Ershov met without appointment.
Domain theory was contrived by Dana Scott in 1969 as a
theory of approximating computations. This topic was also raised by
Ershov independently. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction
of domain theory first, hopefully, from the beginning, and then move
to the comparison of various substitutions of Hausdorff property,
including sobriety, well-filteredness and monotone convergence.
- Wednesday 10/11/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 13,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
Manat Mustafa.
Rogers semilattices of punctual numberings.
The talk employs the punctuality paradigm in the studies of
numberings. We consider the punctual numberings, i.e. uniform computations
for families of primitive recursive functions. The punctual reducibility
between numberings is induced by primitive recursive functions. This
approach gives rise to upper semilattices of degrees, which are called
Rogers pr-semilattices. The main focus of the talk will be the structural
properties of Rogers pr-semilattices. We will show several examples, which
highlight further contrasts between the punctual framework and the
classical theory of computable numberings.
All results are obtained in joint work with N. Bazhenov and S. Ospichev.
Talks from the
previous semesters.