Logic Seminar in Semester I AY 2022/2023
Usual meeting time: Wednesdays, 17:00-18:00 hrs, either Zoom (overseas
speaker) or S17#04-05 (local speaker).
Meeting ID: 830 4925 8042
Passcode: Compute z where z is the first number equal to
x3+y3 in two ways.
Then use Passcode z=x3+y3 where z is a fourdigit number and x,y are only
variable names not to be replaced.
- Wednesday 10/08/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 1,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Tran Chieu-Minh.
O-minimal Methods and Generalized Sum-Product Phenomena.
For a bivariate P(x,y) ∈ R[x,y] ∖ (R[x] ∪ R[y]),
we show that for all finite A ⊆ R,
|P(A,A)| ≥ α|A|5/4
with α = α(deg P) ∈ R>0 unless
P(x,y)=f(γ u(x)+δ u(y)) or
for some univariate f, u ∈ R[t] ∖ R, constants
γ, δ ∈ R ∖ {0} and
m, n ∈ {1,2,3,...}.
This resolves the symmetric nonexpanders classification problem
proposed by de Zeeuw and is a step towards the analog for polynomials
of the Erdös-Szemerédi sumproduct Conjecture.
The proofs of our results use tools from semialgebraic / o-minimal
- Wednesday 17/08/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 2,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Wong Tin Lok. Another quantifier-elimination result
in arithmetic under negated induction.
I will present another quantifier-elimination result in arithmetic under
negated induction. This gives new information about pigeonhole
principles and expansions to second-order models.
This work is joint with David Belanger, CT Chong, Wei Li and Yue Yang.
- Wednesday 24/08/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 3,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Goh Jun Le. An exact pair in the
Σ02 enumeration degrees.
We present ongoing work with Steffen Lempp, Ng Keng Meng and
Mariya Soskova on the algebraic structure of the
Σ02 e-degrees,
i.e., the quotient structure on the
Σ02 subsets of the natural
numbers induced by enumeration reducibility. The
Σ02 e-degrees are
analogous to the r.e. Turing degrees in some ways, but an elementary
difference between them was exhibited by Ahmad (1998): In the former
structure there are incomparable degrees
a and b such that if x < a then x < b.
(Such a and b
cannot exist in the r.e. Turing degrees by the Sacks
splitting theorem.) Ahmad also showed that this phenomenon cannot occur
symmetrically, i.e., there cannot be incomparable degrees
a and b such that if x < a iff x < b.
In contrast, we show that there are incomparable degrees
a, b and c such that if x < a if and
only if both x < b and x < c.
In other words, the ideal {x: x < a} admits an exact pair
This result constitutes progress towards our ultimate goal of
algorithmically deciding the truth of all two-quantifier sentences in the
Σ02 e-degrees.
- Thursday 31/08/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 4,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Yang Yue. The Strong Minimal Pair Problem.
A pair (a,b) of nonzero r.e. Turing degrees is called
a strong minimal pair iff the recursive Turing degree is the only
common lower bound and if every nonzero Turing degree bounded by
a has with b a join greater equal a. We show that
such strong minimal pairs do not exist.
This is joint work with Cai Mingzhong, Liu Yiqun, Liu Yong and
Peng Cheng.
- Wednesday 07/09/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 5,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Liao Yuke. A computable coloring without
Π03 witness with apartness
for Hindman theorem.
We construct a computable coloring function such that any
Π03 set with apartness can not be
a witness of Hindman theorem for this coloring. And we can modify
the coloring function and drop the condition "with apartness".
- Wednesday 14/09/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 6,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Ammar Fathin Sabili.
Alternating automatic register machines.
We introduce and study a new computation model called an Alternating
Automatic Register Machine (AARM). An AARM possesses a basic features
of a conventional register machine and an alternating Turing machine,
but can carry out computations using bounded automatic relations in
a single step. One particular finding is that an AARM can recognize
some NP-complete problems, including CNF-SAT (using
a particular encoding), in log*n + O(1) steps.
Furthermore, we also show that padding the input with
a polynomial-size string allows to recognise exactly the sets in
the polynomial hierarchy using
log*n + O(1) steps.
These results illustrate the power of alternation when combined
with computations involving automatic relations.
This is joint work with Gao Ziyuan, Sanjay Jain, Li Zeyong and
Frank Stephan. A technical report is available on
- Wednesday 28/09/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 7,
Zoom 830 4925 8042, Passcode z=x3+y3, replace z as indicated above.
No talk.
- Wednesday 05/10/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 8,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Yang Yue. Between Σ1 and
Σ2 Induction.
Yang Yue will talk about his past and concurrent research in
Reverse Mathematics and provide the background of other researchers
on the same topic, please see the
linked pdf-file for more details.
- Wednesday 12/10/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 9,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Frank Stephan. Initial segment complexity for measures.
Based on a joint paper with Andre Nies,
click here for its technical
report version, the speaker will present the background and
selected results of the paper. Furthermore, the slides are available
as a ps-file or a
- Wednesday 19/10/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 10,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Abdul Basit. On the shatter function of semilinear families.
The shatter function, a combinatorial function associated to a family
of sets, is an important measure of its complexity. For example,
it is related to the popular notions of VC dimension and VC density.
We show that the shatter function of a semilinear family
(i.e., a family definable in (R, + , <) is asymptotic to
a polynomial. This implies, in particular, that any semilinear
family has integer VC density, which confirms a conjecture
by Artem Chernikov.
This is joint work with Tran Chieu-Minh.
- Wednesday 26/10/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 11,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Sun Mengzhou. End extensions of weak arithmetic theories.
Paris and Kirby showed that a countable model satisfies
BΣn+2 if and only if it has an
(n+2)-elementary proper end extension. Later Kaufman
asked whether we can always end extend countable models of
BΣn+2 to some model of
BΣn+1. We briefly discuss what we
have now related to this question and what is the difficulty here.
- Wednesday 02/11/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 12,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Wu Guohua. Ring constructions: axioms needed.
Many constructions in rings involve applications
of various axioms, which guarantee the existence of wanted
objects. In this talk, I will present examples of such
constructions, and show how these axioms are applied
and really needed.
The slides are available
here as pdf-file.
- Wednesday 09/11/2022, 17:00 hrs, Week 13,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
Benjamin T Castle.
Complex Polynomials up to Interdefinability.
Motivated by recent progress toward Zilber's Restricted
Trichotomy Conjecture, we study reducts of the complex
field up to interdefinability over parameters. Precisely,
we will consider structures of the form
(C, P1,...,Pn),
where the Pi are polynomial maps
of potentially different arities. Somewhat surprisingly,
our main result states that almost all such structures
(in a precise sense) are interdefinable. The proof
uses a mix of tools from geometric stability
theory, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry.
This is joint work with Chieu-Minh Tran.
Talks from the
previous semesters.