Huang 黄智勇
Associate Professor (Practice)
13 Computing Drive, Singapore 117417
huangzy {at} comp.nus.edu.sg, dcshuang {at}
Phone: +65 651 61170, Fax: +65 6779 4580
About Selected
publications Graduate
students Teaching Service Misc CV
Selected publications
L., Huang Z., Chen X., Machine learning-based Optimization for Molten pool
Dynamics in Laser Manufacturing, ICLR 2025 Workshop XAI4Science.
Li K., Tian Y., Hu Q., Luo Z., Huang Z., Ma J., MMCode:
Benchmarking Multimodal Large Language Models in Code Generation with Visually
Rich Programming Problems, ICLR 2025 Workshop LLM Reasoning and Plan.
K., Meng Z., Lin H., Luo Z., Tian Y., Ma J., Huang Z., Chua TS, ScreenSpot-Pro: GUI Grounding for Professional
High-Resolution Computer Use, ICLR 2025 Workshop LLM Reasoning and Plan.
Y., Huang Z., Huang W., TA-MIR: Text Aggregation for Multimodal Feature Representation
in Medical Image Registration , ISBI 2025.
H., Cai S, Dinh TTA, Huang
Z., Ooi BC, CtxPipe:
Context-aware Data Preparation Pipeline Construction for Machine Learning , Proceedings
of the ACM on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 2 (6), 1-27, 2024.
Y., Cao X., L K., Chen Z., Wang H., Meng L., Huang Z., Towards Better
Text-to-Image Generation Alignment via Attention Modulation , ICONIP 2024.
X and Huang Z., Zero-shot
Cross-lingual Alignment for Embedding Initialization. ACL 2024 Findings.
Y., Huang Q., Bao Y., Tung A. K. H., Huang Z., TSGBench:
Time Series Generation Benchmark, VLDB 2024.
Y., Bao Y., Huang Q., Tung A. K. H., Huang Z., TSGAssist: An Interactive Assistant Harnessing LLMs and RAG
for Time Series Generation Recommendations and Benchmarking. Demo, VLDB 2024.
10. Teoh X., Lin Y., Liu R., Huang Z., Dong
J. S., PhishDecloaker: Detecting CAPTCHA-cloaked Phishing Websites
via Hybrid Vision-based Interactive Models, USENIX Security 2024.
11. Liu R., Lin Y., Teoh X., Liu G., Huang
Z., Dong J. S., Less
Defined Knowledge and More True Alarms: Reference-based Phishing Detection
without a Pre-defined Reference List, USENIX Security 2024.
12. Ang Y., Huang Q., Tung Anthony K. H.,
Huang Z., EADS: An Early Anomaly Detection System for Sensor-based Multivariate
Time Series. Demo, ICDE 2024.
13. Zhai Y., Zeng Y., Huang Z., Qin Z., Jin X., Cao D., Multi-Prompts
Learning with Cross-Model Alignment for Attribute-based Person
Re-Identification, AAAI 2024.
14. Gao H., Yue C., Dinh
A., Huang Z., Ooi B.C., Enabling Secure and
Efficient Data Analytics Pipeline Evolution with Trusted Execution Environment.
VLDB 2023.
15. Ang Y., Huang Q., Tung, Anthony K. H.,
Huang Z., A
Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Enabling Early Anomaly Detection with Correlation
Analysis, ICDE 2023.
16. Wang M., Chen J., Zhang X., Huang Z., Rahardja S., Multi-modal
speech enhancement with bone-conducted speech in time domain , Applied
Acoustics, Volume 200, November 2022, 109058.
17. Chen J., Wang M., Zhang X.L., Huang Z.,
and Rahardja S., End-to-end multi-modal
speech recognition with air and bone conducted speech , IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2022.
18. Li R.,
Huang Z., Kurniawan E., Ho C. K., High-Tech
Librarian Knows its Books, A*STAR Research Magazine, Issue 3, April-June
2016, page 42.
19. Tee K. P., Yan R., Chua Y.W. and Huang
Z, Tracking
Human Gestures under Field-of-View Constraints, the 4th annual
International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI), 2016.
20. Zhou L., Tee K. P. and Huang Z., Simulation
of a Tele-operated Task under Human-Robot Shared Control, the 4th annual
International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI), 2016.
21. Zhou L., Li R., Ng K. P., Narayanamoorthy
A.and Huang Z, A
Robotics Simulator Platform for RADOE, IEEE 2016 The 2nd International
Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). 2016.
22. Li R.,
Huang Z., Kurniawan E., Ho C. K., AuRoSS:
an Autonomous Robotic Shelf Scanning System, Regular Paper, IEEE
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015.
23. Narayanamoorthy A., Li R., Huang Z., Creating
ROS Launch Files Using A Visual Programming Interface, IEEE International
Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on
Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM) (CIS-RAM), 2015. Best Paper Award –
24. Tee K. P., Yan R., Chua Y.W., Huang Z.,
and Liemhetcharat S., Gesture-Based
Attention Direction for a Telepresence Robot: Design and Experimental Study,
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2014.
25. Xu Q.L., Ng S.L.Jamie,
Tan Y.L. Odelia, Huang Z., Tay
T.C.B., Park T., Methodological Issues in Scenario-based Evaluation of
Human-Robot Interactions, International Journal of Social Robotics, 2014.
26. Xu Q.L., Ng S.L.Jamie,
Tan Y.L. Odelia, Huang Z., Needs and Attitudes of
Singaporeans towards Home Service Robots – A Multi-generational Perspective,
Universal Access in the Information Society, DOI 10.1007/s10209-014-0355-2,
2014, pp. 1-10.
27. Gao M.C., Thanh T C., Nanjappa A., Tan
S T., Huang Z.: gHull: A GPU algorithm for 3D convex hull. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 40(1): 3 (2013).
28. Yan R., Tee K. P., Chua Y.W., Huang Z.,
and Li H., An
Attention-Directed Robot for Social Telepresence, The First International Conference
on Human-Agent Interaction, iHAI 2013 (Presentation).
29. Gao M.C., Thanh
T C., Tan S T., Huang Z., Flip-Flop: Convex Hull Construction via Star-Shaped
Polyhedron in 3D, ACM SIGGRAPH
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D), 2013.
30. Gupta R., Chia A. Y. S. Rajan D., Ng
E.S., Huang Z., Image Colorization Using Similar Images, 20th ACM international
conference on Multimedia, ACM MM 2012, pp. 369-378.
31. Fong W.T., Chin C.L., Farbiz F., Huang
Z., Ungrounded
Haptic Rendering Device for Torque Simulation in Virtual Tennis, ACM
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery & Emerging Technologies 2012.
32. Song P., Xu S.H., Fong W.T., Chin C.L.,
Chua G.G., Huang Z., An
Immersive VR System for Sports Education, IEICE Transactions on
Information and Systems, Vol. E95.D, No. 5, 2012, pp. 1324-1331.
33. Chu Y.W., Tee K. P., Yan R., Li L. Y.,
Huang Z.Y, Li H.Z., Towards More Engaging Telepresence by Face Tracking, Workshop at SIGGRAPH
Asia (WASA), 2012.
34. Tee K. P., Yan R., Chua Y.W., Huang
Z.Y, Li H.Z., Robust
Modular Inverse Kinematics for an Upper-Body Humanoid Robot, International Journal of Humanoid
Robotics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2012.
35. Fong W.T., Huang Z., Farbiz F., Chin C.L., Rahardja
S., Ungrounded
Handheld Device for simulating High-Forces of ball impacts in Virtual Tennis,
ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA Art Gallery & Emerging Technologies 2011.
36. Fong W.T., Cher J., Farbiz
F., Huang Z., Variable
Frequency 60-g Haptic Renderer for Virtual Tennis Simulation, ACM SIGGRAPH
ASIA 2011 Posters.
37. Nguyen H.T., Ong E.P., Huang Z., Fast and Automatic 3D Full
Head Synthesis using iPhone, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Technical Sketches.
38. Yuan M.L., Khan I. R., FARBIZ F., Huang
Z., Niswar N., Augmented Reality glasses try-on (demo), IEEE Symposium
on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2011.
39. Yuan M.L., Khan I. R., FARBIZ F., Huang
Z., A Mixed Reality System for Virtual Glasses Try-On, ACM SIGGRAPH International
Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry
(VRCAI) 2011.
40. Bao C.Y., Ong E.P., Niswar
A., HUANG Z., A Facial Animation System for Generating Complex Expressions, Asia Pacific Signal and
Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA),
41. Gao, M., Cao, T.T., Tan, T.S., Huang, Z., gHull:
A Three-dimensional Convex Hull Algorithm for Graphics Hardware, i3D 2011
42. Niswar, A., Ong, E.P., Huang Z., Pose-Invariant 3D
Face Reconstruction from a Single Image, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 Sketches.
43. Fong W.T., Cher J.T., Farbiz, F., Huang, Z., Sub-100 grams ungounded haptics device for 14-g impact simulation,
ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 Sketches.
44. Chin, C.L. and Huang, Z., Real-Time
Animation of a Virtual Tennis Player, Apsipa
2010, pp. 593-597.
45. Song P., Xu S.H., Fong W.T., Chin,
C.L., Chua, G.G., Huang, Z., An
Immersive VR System for Sports Education, Apsipa
2010, pp. 587-592.
46. Tee, K.P., Yan R., H. Li, Huang, Z., Singularity-Robust
Modular Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Gesture Imitation, IEEE Intl Conf Robotics and Biomimetics,
pp. 920-925.
47. Rahardja S., Farbiz
F., Manders C., Huang Z., Ng S. L. J., Khan I. R.,
Ong E. P., Song P., Eye
HDR: gaze-adaptive system for displaying high-dynamic-range images, ACM
SIGGRAPH ASIA Art Gallery & Emerging Technologies 2009: 68.
49. Nguyen H. T., Ong E. P., Niswar A., Huang Z., Rahardja S.,
Automatic and real-time
3D face synthesis. ACM VRCAI 2009: 103-106.
50. Niswar A., Ong E. P., Nguyen H. T., Huang Z.,
Real-time 3D talking
head from a synthetic viseme dataset. ACM VRCAI
2009: 29-33.
51. Liew P. S., Chin, C. L., Huang Z., Development
of a Computational Cognitive Architecture for Intelligent Virtual Character,
Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), (
52. Xu S. H., Chin, C.L., Chua G. G., Huang
Z., Rahardja S., Tennis
Space: An Interactive and Immersive Environment for Tennis Simulation. ICIG
2009: 652-657.
53. Khan I. R., Huang Z., Farbiz F., Manders C. M., HDR
Image Tone Mapping Using Histogram Adjustment Adapted to Human Visual System,
ICICS (IEEE Singapore) [SEE] Intl Conf Information, Communications and Signal
Processing, (Macau), 2009.
54. Ruiz
JR. C. R., Monteverde Levi C., Huang Z., Combining
Shape and Color for Retrieval of 3D Models, Intl
Conf on Networked Computing, Advanced Information Management and Digital
Content and Multimedia, (The Grand Hilton Seoul), 2009. (IEEE CS) ISBN:
978-0-7695-3769-6, Pages 1295-1300.
55. Tran
K. N. and Huang Z., Design
and implementation of a built-in camera based user interface for mobile games,
2007, 1-4 December 2007 Perth, Western Australia. Sponsored by ACM
SIGGRAPH, pp. 25-31.
56. Lu
T. K and Huang Z., A
GPU-based method for real-time simulation of Eastern painting, Graphite
2007, 1-4 December 2007
57. Akanksha, Huang Z., Prabhakaran B. and Ruiz, Jr. Conrado
R., Animation
Toolkit Based on Database Approach for Reusing Motions and Models , Journal
of Multimedia Tools and Applications, 32(3), 2007, pp. 293-327.
58. Ooi B. C., Huang Z., Lin D., Lu H., Xu L.,
Relational Database Engine to Accommodate Moving Objects in SpADE.
ICDE 2007: 1505-1506.
59. Huang
Z., Jensen Christian S., Lu H., Ooi B. C., Collaborative
Spatial Data Sharing Among Mobile Lightweight Devices , Dimitris Papadias, Donghui Zhang, George Kollios (Eds.): Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases,
10th International Symposium, SSTD 2007, Boston, MA, USA, July 16-18, 2007,
Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4605 Springer 2007, ISBN
978-3-540-73539-7, pp. 366-384.
60. Lu
H., Huang Z., Jensen Christian S., Xu L., Distributed,
Concurrent Range Monitoring of Spatial-Network Constrained Mobile Objects ,
Dimitris Papadias, Donghui
Zhang, George Kollios (Eds.): Advances in Spatial and
Temporal Databases, 10th International Symposium, SSTD 2007, Boston, MA, USA,
July 16-18, 2007, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4605 Springer
2007, ISBN 978-3-540-73539-7, pp. 403-422.
61. Monteverde,
Levi C., Ruiz, Jr. Conrado R. and Huang Z. A
Shape Distribution for Comparing 3D Models , 13th International Multimedia Modeling Conference, ed. Tat-Jen Cham, Jianfei
Cai, Chitra Dorai, Deepu, Rajan, Tat-Seng Chua,Liang-Tien Chia (2007): 54-63.
62. Peng
N., Huang Z., Hou Z., An
Image Registration Method based on the Local and Global Structures , 13th
International Multimedia Modeling Conference, ed.
Tat-Jen Cham, Jianfei Cai, Chitra Dorai, Deepu,
Rajan, Tat-Seng Chua,Liang-Tien Chia (2007): 106-115.
63. Guo
S., Huang Z., Jagadish H. V., Ooi
B. C. and Zhang Z., Relaxed
Space Bounding for Moving Objects: A Case for the Buddy Tree , SIGMOD
Record, 35, no. 4 (December 2006): 24-29.
64. Xu
J. and Huang Z., HOPI:
A Novel High Order Parametric Interpolation in 2D, Dieter Fellner, Charles Hansen (Eds.), Eurographics
2006 (short paper), pp. 99-102. slides
65. Xu
W., Wu J., and Huang Z., A
maximum margin discriminative learning algorithm for temporal signals, IEEE
ICPR (2) 2006 (Oral), pp. 460-463.
66. Fong
Q., Ng F. M., and Huang Z., Spatio-Temporal Visualization of Battlefield Entities and
Events, H.-P. Seidel, T. Nishita, and Q. Peng
(Eds.):CGI 2006, LNCS 4035, pp. 622-629, 2006. slides
67. Huang
Z., Jensen C. S., Lu H., and Ooi B. C., Skyline
queries against mobile lightweight devices in MANETs, The 22nd
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006):66. slides
68. Chen
C., Huang Z., Yu H., and Chang E.-C., Progressive
Transmission and Rendering of Foveated Volume Data, The
1st International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
(GRAPP 2006), J. Braz, J. Jorge, M. Dias, and A.
Marcos (Eds.), INSTICC Press, pp. 67-75. slides
video: coarse-to-fine 1
, 2
. region-based 1
, 2
69. Goh
C.L., Shu Y., Huang Z., Ooi B. C., Dynamic
Buffer Management with Extensible Replacement Policies , VLDB Journal
(2006), 15(2):99-120.
70. Zhang
H., Huang W., Huang Z., Li L., Affine
Object Tracking with Kernel-based Spatial-Color
Representation , IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR 2005 Poster), I, pp. 293-300. slides
, video 1
(238KB avi) , 2
(382KB avi) , 3
(1.3MB mpg) , 4
(2MB mpg) , 5
(3.2MB mpg) , 6
(4MB mpg)
71. Zhang
H., Huang W., Huang Z., Zhang B., A
Kernel Autoassociator Approach to Pattern
Classification , IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics- Part B:
Cybernetics, IEEE CS, Vol. 35, No. 3, June 2005. pp. 593-606.
72. Yu
H., Chang E.-C., Huang Z., Zheng Z., Fast
Rendering of Foveated Volumes in Wavelet-based
Representation , Pacific Graphics (PG 2005), Journal of Visual Computer,
21(8-10), Sept 2005, pp. 735-743. slides
73. Chionh C-H, Huang Z, Tan K-L, Yao Z, Towards
SCALEable Protein Structure Comparison and Database
Search , International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT),
World Scientific Publishing, Vol. 14, N5, October 2005, pp. 827-848.
74. Li
H., Lu H., Huang B., Huang Z., Two
Ellipse Based Pruning Methods for Group Nearest Neighbor
Queries , The 13th ACM International Symposium on
Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2005, pp. 192-199.
75. Xu
W., Wu J., Huang Z., and Guan C., Kernel
based hidden Markov model with applications to EEG signal classification
, IASTED ICBE 2005, pp. 401-404.
76. Shou L., Huang Z., Tan K.-L., The
Hierarchical Degree-of-Visibility Tree , IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering, IEEE CS, Vol. 16, No. 11, Nov. 2004, pp. 1357-1369.
77. Huang
B., Huang Z., Li H., Lin D., Lu H., Song Y., ITQS:
An Integrated Transport Query System , ACM SIGMOD 2004 demo paper, 951 -
78. Namboori R., Teh C., Huang Z., An
Adaptive Sampling Method for Layered Depth Image , Computer Graphics
International (CGI 2004), pp. 206-213.
79. Yang
Y., Mitra T. and Huang Z., Improving
Rendering by Texture Map-Based Triangle Strips , Journal of Computer Aided
Design & Computer Graphics, Vol. 16, No. 6, June 2004, Science Press, pp.
80. Zhou
Y. and Huang Z, Decomposing
Polygon Meshes by Means of Critical Points ,
Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2004), pp. 187-195. slides
81. Zhang
H., Huang W., Huang Z., Zhang B., Kernel
Autoassociator with Applications to Visual Classification . ICPR (2) 2004: 443-446.
82. Zhang
H., Huang Z., Huang W., Li. L., Kernel-Based
Method for Tracking Objects with Rotation and Translation . ICPR (2) 2004:
83. He
D., Huang Z., Ma R., Sun Q., Feature
difference analysis in video authentication system. ISCAS (5) 2004:
84. Zhang
K., Huang Z., and Chua T. S., A
Framework to Customize a Face Model for Reusing Animation , Computer
Graphics International (CGI 2003 short paper), pp. 258-261.
85. Yu
86. Shou L., Huang Z. and Tan K.-L., HDoV-tree: The Structure, The Storage, The Speed , THe 19th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE
2003), pp. 557-568.
87. Chang
E.-C., Mohan S. Kankanhalli, Guan X., Huang Z., Wu
Y., Robust
Image Authentication Using Content-based Compression, ACM Multimedia
Systems Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2003, pp. 121-130.
88. Akanksha, Huang Z., Prabhakaran B. and Ruiz, Jr. C. R., Visualizing
Animation Databases , International Journal of Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering, Feb 2003, Vol. 13, No. 1, World Scientific, pp. 1-25.
89. Ji
X., Kato Z., and Huang Z., Non-Photorealistic
Rendering and Content-Based Image Retrieval ,
Pacific Graphics (PG 2003), pp. 153-162.
90. Liang
W. and Huang Z., An Enhanced
Framework for Real-time Hair Animation , Pacific
Graphics (PG 2003), pp. 467-471.
91. Wu
Y., Chang E.-C., Huang Z., Kankanhalli M. S., Feature
Extraction of Volume Data Based on Multi-Scale Representation, Graphite
2003, pp. 175-180.
92. Li
N. and Huang Z., Feature-Guided
Painterly Image Rendering , IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP 2002) (oral presentation), I pp. 653-656.
93. Zhou
L., Atmosukarto I., Leow W. K., and Huang Z., Reconstructing
Surface Discontinuities by Intersecting Tangent Planes of Advancing Mesh
Frontiers , Computer Graphics International (CGI 2002), pp. 183-199.
94. Yang
G. and Huang Z., A
Method of Modeling and Real Time Animation of Short
Human Hair , Pacific Graphics (PG 2002), 435-438.
95. Kankanhalli M. S., Chang
E.-C., Guan X., Huang Z. and Wu Y., Authentication
of Volume Data Using Wavelet-Based Foveation. EG
MM 2001, 119-130.
96. Li
X., Woon T. W., Tan T. S., and Huang Z., Decomposing
Polygon Meshes for Interactive Applications. The 2001 ACM Symposium on
Interactive 3D Graphics, March 19-21, North Carolina, USA, pp.35-42, pp. 243. slides
, video
(7MB avi.gz)
97. Shou L., Chionh
C. H., Huang Z., Ruan Y., and Tan K.-L. Walking
Through A Very Large Virtual Environment In Real-time .
VLDB 2001, pp. 401-410.
98. Shou L., Chionh
C. H., Tan K. L., Ruan Y., and Huang Z. REVIEW: A
Real Time Virtual Walkthrough System . ACM SIGMOD 2001 demo paper, pp. 601.
99. Wang,
Q., Tang, J. H, Lim, C. H., Teh, H. C. and Huang, Z. Using
A-Buffer in Radiosity , Computer Graphics
International (CGI 2001), pp. 193-200.
Wu, Y., Guan, X., Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Huang, Z. Robust
Invisible Watermarking of Volume Data Using the 3D DCT ,
Computer Graphics International (CGI 2001), pp. 359-362.
Wu Y., Guan X., Kankanhalli M. S., Huang Z. Robust
Invisible Watermarking of Volume Data. SIGGRAPH 2000 Sketches &
Applications, pp. 252.
Koh C. K. and Huang Z, A
Simple Physics Model to Animate Human Hair Modeled in
2D Strips in Real Time , EG CAS 2001, pp. 127-138.
Koh C. K. and Huang Z. Real-Time
Human Hair Modeling and Animation. SIGGRAPH 2000
Sketches & Applications, pp. 248.
Koh C. K. and Huang Z, Real-Time
Animation of Human Hair Modeled in Strip
, EG CAS 2000, pp. 101-112.
Liu S. and Huang Z. Interactive
3D Modeling Using Only One Image , ACM Symposium
of Virtual Reality Software Techniques (VRST 2000), pp. 49-54. slides
, video
(16MB mpg)
Gotla M.
and Huang Z., A
Minimalist Approach to Facial Reconstruction, Multimedia Modeling (MMM 1999), pp. 323-334. slides
, video
(19MB mpg)
Boulic R.,
Capin T. K., Huang Z., Kalra
P., Linterrnann B., Magnenat-Thalmann
N., Moccozet L., Molet T., Pandzic I. S., Saar K., Schmitt A., Shen J., Thalmann D., The
HUMANOID Environment for Interactive Animation of Multiple Deformable Human
Characters . Comput. Graph. Forum 14(3): pp.
337-348 (1995).
Huang Z., Boulic R., Magnenat Thalmann N., Thalmann D, A
multi-sensor approach for grasping and 3D interaction , Computer Graphics
International (CGI 1995), pp. 235-253.
Boulic R.,
Huang Z., Magnenat-Thalmann N., Thalmann
D., Goal-oriented
design and correction of articulated figure motion with the TRACK system.
Computers & Graphics 18(4): 443-452 (1994), Elsevier.
Huang Z., Motion
control for human animation . PhD thesis, EPFL, 1997 .
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