
[ IVLE ]

[ Overview ]
[ Syllabus ]
[ Grading ]
[ >Homework ]
  [ HW 1 ]
  [ HW 2T ]
  [ HW 2I ]
[ Misc. ]

Last updated: Thu Aug 23 01:01:39 GMT-8 2007 to fix error on HW2 team assignment restriction.

The course will have two different homework assignments. The first will be a homework assignment on adversarial search (read: game playing). The second will be an assignment on constraint satisfaction. The individual assignment variant will give you an opportunity to learn a new programming language, prolog, while the team assignment will allow you to do some hands-on learning through the use of the school's Lego Mindstorms Kits.

  1. HW #1: Lines of Action
  2. HW #2T: Lego SLAM
  3. HW #2I: Light Up

You have the option of doing up to a maximum of one assignment as a team of two or three. If you choose to do Homework #1 as a team you can do it in a team of two. If you choose to do Homework #2 in a team, you must choose to do the Mindstorms homework (not the Prolog homework) and as a group of two or three. Due to the limited number of robotic kits, we cannot let you do the Mindstorms assignment in individually or in teams of two. Note that you are not required to do team assignments for this course (you can do Homework #1 individually and do the individual Homework #2 Prolog assignment), this is left up to you.

You'll need to submit your homework submissions to the IVLE workbin by the deadline mentioned on the detailed homework page (see links on the left). Make sure that you read the late policy for submissions; the deadlines are very strict (i.e., the penalties are very severe)! They are there so that you can have your assignments finished by certain time so you can go forward with your other coursework (and I know you are very busy). Also make sure that you read and obey the correct format and naming for your executables, documentation and example files. Any deviations from these standards cause headaches when grading (and I know you don't want to give me a headache when I'm grading *your* assignment, right? :-)

Min-Yen Kan <> Mon Dec 6 10:01:55 GMT-8 2004 | Version: 1.0 | Last modified: Sun Oct 7 18:19:43 2007