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Last updated: Mon Aug 20 17:39:16 GMT-8 2007 add
TA and update tutorial information
Module Description (excerpted from the bulletin):
The module introduces the basic concepts in search and knowledge
representation as well as to a number of sub-areas of artificial
intelligence. It focuses on covering the essential concepts in AI. The
module covers Turing test, blind search, iterative deepening,
production systems, heuristic search, A* algorithm, minimax and
alpha-beta procedures, predicate and first-order logic, resolution
refutation, non-monotonic reasoning, assumption-based truth
maintenance systems, inheritance hierarchies, the frame problem,
certainly factors, Bayes' rule, frames and semantic nets, planning,
learning, natural language, vision, and expert systems and LISP.
Course Characteristics:
- Modular credits: 4.
- Prerequisites: (CS 1102 Data Structures and Algorithms)
and (CS 1231 or CS 1231S Discrete Structures). Exceptions to these
pre-requisites can be made on a case-by-case basis only.
See instructor for details.
- Instructor: Min-Yen Kan, <>.
Office: AS6 05-12 (x1885). Office hours (after class) on Mondays,
16:00-17:00, or by appointment. Emails to me as a default are assumed
to be public, and my replies and your anonymized email will likely be
posted to IVLE. Please let me know if you do not want the
contents of your email posted; I will be happy to honor your requests.
TA: TAN Yee Fan <>.
Office: Computational Linguistics Lab AS6 04-14 (x1371). Office
hours by appointment only.
- Workload: (2-1-0-3-3) 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 3
hours for assignments, and 3 hours preparation per week.
- Textbooks: Our textbook will be the same textbook as last
semester. You can buy it from your seniors for it or from the NUS
Co-op. Make sure you get the second edition textbook (it varies
greatly in material from the first edition). Copies are also on
reserve (RBR) at both the Science Library and the Central Library:
- Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (2003) Artificial
Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 2nd
[ Check LINC for book ]
- Tutorial Sessions: Venues and times still not yet fixed,
but currently:
- Tutorial 1: Fridays, 1-2pm, COM1 02-39
- Tutorial 2: Wednesdays, 10-11am, COM1 02-39
- Tutorial 3: Wednesdays, 11am-12n, COM1 02-39
- Tutorial 4: Fridays, 2-3pm, COM1 02-40
- Final Exam: Tuesday, 27 November 2007 (afternoon). The exam
is closed book with one allowed A4 sheet (double sided) with notes.
Note to NUS-external visitors: Welcome! If you're a fellow
A.I. course instructor looking for lecture material,
you can see the syllabus menu item on the left for a preview. Please
contact me if you'd like to use any of my material. Thanks!
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Min-Yen Kan <>
Mon Dec 6 10:01:55 GMT-8 2004
| Version: 1.0
| Last modified:
Wed Sep 26 09:46:12 2007