MSc/PhD Research Projects
Leong Hon Wai
School of Computing, NUS
Listed below are some of my ideas for MSc/PhD Research Projects.
(Details here.)
See also related ongoing projects and
our RAS Research Group..
RAS in Logistics and Transporation
- Optimization Problems in a Container Port
- Intelligent Search Engines for Route ADvisory System (RADS)
- Supply-Chain Optimization in e-Logistics: Algorithms and Systems
- Rectangle Packing: Algorithms, Applications, and Systems
- Intelligent Algorithms for Resource Allocation and Scheduling
Algorithms for VLSI CAD
- Algorithms for Computer Aided Design of VLSI Circuits
- Algorithms for FPGA Layout
- Low Power VLSI CAD Tool Design
Your new and bright ideas !
- Other great ideas you have -- come in and talk
On Being a Good Graduate Student
How to be a Good Graduate Student -- something from the US.
Note: Although this article is based on a US PhD programme,
which is slightly different from that in NUS, most of the points
made in this article about motivation, attitude, research process
are very similar. This article can provide a good starting reference
point for beginning graduate students.
MSc/PhD Research Projects
RAS Projects Home Page.