UIT2201: Computer Science and Information Technology Revolution
Univ Scholars Programme, NUS

Course Announcements and Updates (Spring 2003)

This page contains important announcements about the course.
It be continuously updated. Make sure you check out this page OFTEN.

  • 27-Apr-2003 -- Good Luck and Keep Healthy
    Exam is tomorrow! Good luck to all --- keep healthy.

    Also reminder to all that if you do not feel well, do not come to take the exam.
    This is for the good of everyone -- yourself, your fellow students, your family, and the NUS family.

  • 27-Apr-2003 -- QA List
    A student emailed me a query and I wanted to share with all. See QA.html.

  • 21-Apr-2003 -- Get back your Quiz-2
    Please collect your Quiz 2 from outside my office -- in envelopes.

  • 11-Apr-2003
    FINAL EXAM: Monday, 28-Apr, 1:00PM, Level 7 (SR3 & Conf Rm). -- updated
    (Exam Page in USP Site)

    Please collect your graded Tut-10 from my office (SoC, S16-06-01).

    TERM PAPER: Deadline is to Wed 16-Apr 5pm!
    Remember: Submit hard and soft of your report.

  • 8-Apr-2003
    Quiz 2 confirmed on Monday 14-Apr, 12:30pm @USP-SR3 (Level 7).
    See Quiz page (below) for information and review help.

    Last tutorial sessions is this Thursday. (There is NO tutorial 11 --     ;-).)
    Please remember to collect all your tutorial from me.

  • 2-Apr-2003
    Tut 10 is out. See it in HW page.
    I have also created a discussion forum on the development of our Intelligent Door Emulation Application (idea). Check the link under Project....

  • 29-Mar-2003
    T9-Q2: 901.11 should be 802.11; Thanks to Hong Ee for alerting me of the typo.

  • 28-Mar-2003
    The Term Project (Software Project and Term Paper) pages have been updated quite a bit. Please look through them to get updated. I will be meeting with the teams working of the Intelligent Door Emulation Application (IDEA) soon to finalize things.

  • 27-Mar-2003
    Confirmed Term-Project assignment on web -- see HW-Page!

  • 21-Mar-2003
    Tentative Term-Project assignment on web -- see HW-Page!
    See all of you at extra Lecture...

    Q Problems for Tut 8 is READY!

  • 20-Mar-2003
    Make-up Lecture: Fri 21-Mar 6-8pm in SR2 -- [See you there!]
    (I have arranged for outside door will be locked after 8pm)

    Marks for graded tutorials (T4+T5)+Quiz1 posted on web.
    Solution sketch to these also posted on HW page.

  • 11-Mar-2003
    Tut 7 is online! Check HW page for details. Please prepare for Tut class on Thu.
    Answer Key to Quiz 1 is ready. Check HW page....

  • 09-Mar-2003 -- "
    Confirm that there is no tut problem due this Monday (10-Mar) :-)
    It will be moved to Tutorial 7.

  • 18-Feb-2003 -- "QUIZ 1 on 3-Mar 12-1pm @SR3"
    Confirm the following: QUIZ 1 will be held during class time -- but it will only be ONE hour. It will be held in SR3 (Level 7, USP) -- the big room. QUIZ 1 will cover the materials covered in lectures and tutorials that we have so far -- and Chapters 1-4 of [SG]. It is CLOSED BOOK, CLOSED NOTES.

    Look at the course homepage under "About Quiz"

  • 17-Feb-2003 -- "Make-up-Lecture 24/2 at 2-4 @SR2"
    I confirm the following arrangements (made during lecture today):

  • 17-Feb-2003
    HW5 is out -- Please check the HW page.

    We need a Cool, creative codename for our Intelligent Door!

  • 13-Feb-2003!
    Intelligent Door -- Wish List Compilation.
    The scribes are helping compile the wish-list in their respective discussion groups. If you have new ideas that were not given in the lectures, please email it to one of them.

  • 10-Feb-2003! IMPORTANT!
    NO Class today!!
    Prof Leong is on MC today -- down with serious flu and lecture for UIT2201 is cancelled -- postpone till a later date. Sorry about that.

    Please turn in your homework into the envelope outside my office. I will ask one of my grad students to collect them for me at the end of the day -- 5:00pm.

  • 05-Feb-2003
    Wish all of you had an Enjoyable and Fruitful Chinese New Year.
    HW4 is ready -- try it out now!

  • 24-Jan-2003
    HW3 is ready -- including the Q-problems to be handed in. Please check the HW page.

  • 13-Jan-2003
    HW2 is now ready. Please print it and prepare for this week's tutorial.

  • 9-Jan-2003
    The textbook [SG] has been decided. It is the (Java version) and it is in the bookstore (Coop-LT27) and should be available on the shelves by tomorrow.
    Please get it.

  • 5-Jan-2003
    This web-site is being expanded -- things will be progressively added as time goes...
    Do check back often.
    Latest updates are given in Announcements.

  • 25-Dec-2002

  • UIT2201 Announcement Page