Course Announcements and Updates (Spring 2003)
Also reminder to all that if you do not feel well, do not come to take the exam. This is for the good of everyone -- yourself, your fellow students, your family, and the NUS family.
Please collect your graded Tut-10 from my office (SoC, S16-06-01).
TERM PAPER: Deadline is to Wed 16-Apr 5pm! Remember: Submit hard and soft of your report.
Last tutorial sessions is this Thursday. (There is NO tutorial 11 -- ;-).) Please remember to collect all your tutorial from me.
Q Problems for Tut 8 is READY!
Marks for graded tutorials (T4+T5)+Quiz1 posted on web. Solution sketch to these also posted on HW page.
Look at the course homepage under "About Quiz"
We need a Cool, creative codename for our Intelligent Door!
Please turn in your homework into the envelope outside my office. I will ask one of my grad students to collect them for me at the end of the day -- 5:00pm.