We are looking for talented individuals who are excited and motivated to be involved in novel research on data-centric AI, collaborative AI, automated AI, and AI for science problems, and their applications to LLMs & MLLMs.

For Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Research Assistants

If you are interested in a postdoc or RA position at GLOW.AI, you should send Bryan an email along with your CV and some description of your research interests.

For Ph.D. Applicants

Students who would like to join NUS as a Ph.D. student should apply for the Ph.D. programme directly via the NUS School of Computing. More details about the Ph.D. in Computer Science at NUS can be found at this link.

If you are interested in joining GLOW.AI, feel free to send Bryan an email with your CV and research interests. Note that Bryan cannot guarantee your admission to NUS since the admission process is decided by a committee and not by an individual professor.

For Undergraduate Students

Bryan would be glad to advise talented undergraduate students who are doing their UROP, FYP, exchange programs, or internships on research topics related to AI. We encourage you to first read the research topics that we work on at GLOW.AI. If any of those topics sound interesting to you, feel free to contact Bryan directly.