1. Research Fellow/Senior Research fellow for National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems at National University of Singapore (NUS)
Job Description:
This research center aims to enhance national capabilities in trustworthy smart system infrastructures and build on our strengths in software security, and software systems to build an array of point technologies, leading to certification capabilities for software systems.The center works on combining the strengths of various research groups across Singapore, to provide a plethora of capabilities for software certification and validation, with a focus on software for embedded systems, IoT and CPS. The person will be based at NUS in the lab of Prof. Abhik Roychoudhury, Director of National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems.
Please see these links to get an initial idea about the research background. Detailed research plan can be enquired by interested applicants by emailing
Automated Program Repair
Fuzz Testing and Symbolic Execution
Job Requirement:
Applicant should have a demonstrated successful track-record of prior research work in related areas. Research Fellow must hold a PhD in a relevant area. Publications in top conferences and journals in security, software engineering, programming languages are necessary. The term of appointment will be 2 years. The selected candidate will be offered strongly competitive salaries and benefits, and substantial freedom to build up a strong research profile of their own.
Interested candidates can send their CV to Abhik Roychoudhury at
2. Research Fellow/Research Engineer for National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU)
Job Description:
Our project focuses on static and dynamic analysis of binary executables on the Linux and Windows platform. Analysis we perform include Control-Flow analysis, function signature analysis, compiler optimization impacts, etc. The project also has a component of binary rewriting to produce enhanced binary executables based on results of the analysis.
Job Requirement:
Research Fellow should hold a PhD degree in a relevant area with prior experience and publications. Research Engineer should hold a Bachelor degree in a relevant area with prior experience in coding and system development. The term of appointment will be 1 year, renewable.
Interested candidates can send their CV to Gao Debin at
3. Research Fellow/Research Engineer for National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU)
Job Description:
This project is to innovate cutting-edge techniques to automatically and systematically generate code paths for maliciously-influenced kernel behaviours. The outcome includes a system infrastructure for an analysis tool to transparently and securely control the target in either user or kernel mode; and hybrid symbolic execution algorithms based on that infrastructure to explore kernel execution paths. It not only enhances kernel-oriented security analysis, testing, and certification with a widened code coverage, but also strengthens malware analysis with a deepened understanding of underlying kernel activities.
Job Requirement:
Applicants for Research Fellow should hold a Ph.D. degree in relevant areas including but not limited to software engineering, compiler and software security, with prior experience and publications. Applicants for Research Engineer should hold a Bachelor degree in Computer Science or related disciplines, with extensive experience in C and C++ programming.
Interested applicants can send their CVs to A/P. Ding Xuhua at
4. Research Fellow/Research Engineer at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Job Description:
In this project, we seek to work on IoT wireless security. We have recently discovered SweynTooth: -- a family of over dozen security vulnerabilities in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol implementations. In general, this project will focus on systematic security testing of wireless protocol implementations in the wild. Currently, we aim to expand our work for testing the security of complex wireless protocols e.g., 5G and beyond and the testing of a variety of IoT protocols. The goal of this research is not only publishing high quality papers, but also to deploy our technologies in a concrete real-world testbed. Prospective candidates are encouraged to look at the publications describing our Greyhound framework (see our TDSC 2020 and USENIX ATC 2020 papers).
Job Requirement:
For postdoc positions, applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or equivalent. For research engineer positions, a Bachelor/Master in Engineering in Computer Science or equivalent is required. A successful candidate should have a strong research experience/interest one or more of the fields: 1) Computer Networks, 2) Software Security, 3) Embedded Systems and IoT.
Interested candidates can send their CV to Sudipta Chattopadhyay at