About CS5229
- Who: Ooi Wei Tsang (ooiwt)
- Where: Building COM1, Room 204
- When: Fri 1830-2030
- Workload: Lecture (2hr) Preparation (6hr) Homework (2hr) per week
- CA: Open Book Exam (35%) Assignments (40%) Quizzes/Midterm (25%)
- Objective: This course covers advanced fundamental principles of computer networks and techniques for networking. The goal of this course is to teach these fundamentals/techniques that will remain important and relevant regardless of the hot topics in networks and networking. Briefly, the topics include advanced network architecture and design principles, protocol mechanisms, implementation principles and software engineering practices, network algorithmic, network simulation techniques and tools, performance analysis and measurement, and protocol specification/verification techniques.
Tentative syllabus
- Design principles (End-to-End Arguments, Layering)
- Network Measurements (Bandwidth Estimation, Network Coordinates)
- Transport Protocols (TCP variants, TFRC, DCCP)
- Beyond Unicast (Multicast, Anycast)
- Routing and Queue Management (BGP, AQM, RED)
- Simulation Tools (Tcl, OTcl, NS2)
- Network Algorithmics (Prefix Matching, Packet Classification)
- Advanced Applications (P2P systems, Video Streaming, Networked Games)
- Implement a bandwidth estimation tool (3 weeks)
- Simulation of TCP/AQM (3 weeks)
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