About CS5229
- Who: Ooi Wei Tsang (ooiwt)
- Where: Building COM1, Room 204
- When: Fri 1830-2030
- Workload: Lecture (2hr) Preparation (6hr) Homework (2hr) per week
- CA: Open Book Exam (35%) Assignments (40%) Quizzes/Midterm (25%)
- Objective: This course covers advanced fundamental principles of computer networks and techniques for networking. The goal of this course is to teach these fundamentals/techniques that will remain important and relevant regardless of the hot topics in networks and networking. Briefly, the topics include advanced network architecture and design principles, protocol mechanisms, implementation principles and software engineering practices, network algorithmic, network simulation techniques and tools, performance analysis and measurement, and protocol specification/verification techniques.
Tentative Schedule
- Week 1: Design principles of Internet
- Week 2: Measuring the Internet
- Week 3: TCP
- Week 4: Modeling TCP Throughput
- Week 5: TFRC and DCCP
- Week 6: Midterm
- Week 7: Semester Break
- Week 8: End-to-end Congestion Control and RED
- Week 9: Introduction to Tcl/OTcl/ns-2
- Week 10: Simulation and Modeling of the Internet
- Week 11: Routing
- Week 12: Self Similarity in Ethernet
- Week 13: Reviews
Sample Readings
In this class, we will examine some classic papers in the networking literatures. Here are some sample papers. If you enjoy reading the papers, then likely you will enjoy this class.
- D. D. Clark. "The design philosophy of the DARPA Internet protocols," in the Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM '88, August, 1988. CiteSeerX | ACM DL
- J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, D. Towesley, and J. Kurose "Modeling TCP Throughput: A Simple Model and its Empirical Validation," SIGCOMM 1998. CiteSeerX
- M. Faloutsos, P. Faloutsos, C. Faloutsos, "On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet Topology", SIGCOMM 1999, CiteSeerX
- Measurement and Analysis of Network Traffic (3 weeks)
- Simulation of TCP/AQM (3 weeks)
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