Prashant Nalini Vasudevan

My research is centered around the theoretical foundations of cryptography and its connections to other areas of theoretical computer science. I am particularly interested in the nature of hardness that is useful for cryptography, and in identifying useful hard problems. I spend a lot of time trying to come up with new constructions of fundamental cryptographic primitives and studying the connections between them. A concise account of my motivations, past work and approach to research may be found in my (outdated) research statement.

Rohit Chatterjee (2023-present)
PhD Students
Lin Haoxing (2023-present)
Li Yunqi (2023-present)
Research Assistants
Changrui Mu (2024-present)

As of June 2024, I am looking for postdoctoral researchers to come work with me; see below for details. I am not looking for PhD students at the moment, but if you are already a student at NUS and would like to work with me, feel free to send me an email.

Postdoctoral researchers who work on the foundations of cryptography, information-theoretic cryptography, and related areas of complexity theory and theoretical computer science. See here for more details and application instructions.
PhD Students
Motivated students interested in the theory of cryptography. You will need some background in theoretical computer science – ideally some advanced courses and research experience. You will also need to be admitted to the PhD program in Computer Science at NUS.
I am not planning to take on any undergraduate interns in the near future. Please do not email me asking about this.
Source Title Start End
NUS Presidential Young Professorship Computational Hardness Assumptions and the Foundations of Cryptography Aug 2021 July 2026
NRF Fellowship Fine-Grained Cryptography Aug 2022 July 2027