In my view, teaching is the most important activity of a university. It has long-lasting and wide-ranging impact. It shapes the mind and character of potential leaders or captains of industry; it fosters a love for life-long learning, which is transmitted from one generation to another; it defines the university as a center of excellence for learning and intellectual stimulation; it builds loyalty and sense of affiliation to the university; and many more. With this perspective in mind, I practice principled teaching, encourage self-directed learning, and promote experiential learning (learning by doing). Through principled teaching, I seek to impart not only skills and knowledge, but also the right values and behaviors to the students. These appropriate values and behaviors (e.g., ethical behaviors – not plagiarizing; professionalism – being punctual for meetings with clients, delivering what is promised) were emphasized as part of the job roles of a consultant, analyst, or a researcher. In operationalizing self-directed and experiential learning, I entrust students to take responsibility for and pride in their own learning; get their hands dirty through doing real-life tasks; internalize the theoretical concepts through real-life practice (and join the dots from all the modules they have learnt through a Capstone Project); and learn from experience to sharpen their awareness of what works and what do not work.
IS5114 Global IT and Vendor Management
This module examines the high level CEO/CIO perspectives of global IT project and vendor management. It covers concepts, framework, and approaches to global project management. Global project management is used broadly to cover activities related to global product development, global project launch, global sourcing and outsourcing vendor management. Topics on global project organisation structure and governance, contract management, service level agreements, transition and transformation management, relationship management, dispute resolution, performance monitoring, risk management, and human resource implications will be covered.
TBA3204 Web Analytics
Web analytics is the practice of collecting website traffic data to understand visitor activity and interactions. The insights gained through web analytics allow website developers to make informed decisions about how to improve site efficacy (e.g., landing page optimization) and user experience (flow). To prepare you as a competent web analyst, this course will help you to understand and apply the important body of knowledge in web analytics. Google Analytics will be used for exercises.
BT3101 Business Analytics Capstone Project
In this module, students are required to complete a real-world business analytics project based on principles taught in previous modules. This project can be viewed as a large-scale practical module. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the objectives of the analytics exercise, applying appropriate analytic methods and techniques, evaluating database designs, modeling strategies and implementation, and monitoring analytics performances. Students will sharpen communication skills through close team interactions, consultations, and formal presentations. Students will also develop a comprehensive understanding of the issues of business analytics such as data privacy and security, legal issues and responsibilities, business/technical communication of the results of data analytics.
IS5114 Information Technology Outsourcing / Global IT Project and Vendor Management
This module examines the high level CEO/CIO perspectives of global IT project and vendor management. It covers concepts, framework, and approaches to global project management. Global project management is used broadly to cover activities related to global product development, global project launch, global sourcing and outsourcing vendor management. Topics on global project organisation structure and governance, contract management, service level agreements, transition and transformation management, relationship management, dispute resolution, performance monitoring, risk management, and human resource implications will be covered.
IS6002 Quantative Methods for IS Research
This module will cover the essential methods in quantitative IS research. It will start with a discussion of measures and data collection. It will then go more in-depth into the experimental methods, design, and analysis using ANOVA and variants. Subsequently, survey design and analysis including regression, moderation, mediation, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling will be covered. Secondary data analysis using discriminant analysis, logistic regression, Bayesian network, clustering, and basic text processing will also be discussed. The course will conclude with discussion on review and critiquing of quantitative research.
IS4243 Information Systems Consulting
The aims and objectives are: (1) to provide an overview of Information Systems (IS) consulting and to develop a more specific understanding of the practice; (2) to provide students with the knowledge of management and IS consulting practices; and (3) to give students the opportunity to be involved in a field consulting project.
CS6305 Information Systems Research Method
This course is designed as a seminar course on research methods as it is used in the field of information systems. It balances the acquisition of fundamental knowledge about the conduct of research (both qualitative and quantitative) with the application of that knowledge to research on information systems. The balance is reflected in the reading materials, which consist of basic text and advanced research articles in IS top-tier journals. Students participating in the course will acquire skills in developing research proposals, making and justifying methodological choices, writing quality research manuscripts, and understanding the rigor and standards required to publish information systems research in top-tier journals.
CS2250 Fundamental of Information Systems
This foundation course develops an understanding of the role of information technology (IT) in the value chain and the ever-changing competitive arena of information age. The focus is on the following topics: the nature and characteristics of IT, the strategic roles of IT for organizational improvements in operations, planning and decision making. The course is directed toward future IT specialists, consultants, and managers who must have a basic understanding of information technologies; including identifying strategic opportunities for Information Systems (IS) deployment, managing IS resources, and evaluating IS investments.