Logic Seminar in Semester II AY 2019/2020
Talks are Wednesday afternoon in Seminar Room S17#04-06
and start at 17:00 hrs. Here an overview over the topics.
- Wednesday 15/01/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 1,
Frank Stephan
Measure and Conquer for Max Hamming Distance XSAT.
This talk gives an overview of the joint work of the speaker's
recent work on the Hamming XSAT problem. This problem asks for an
algorithm to determine which, given an XSAT instance, determines
the maximum Hamming distance between two solutions of this instance.
The problem has been studied by Dahlöf in 2005 in an ISAAC paper
who provided an O(1.83848n) algorithm for this problem.
Later Fu, Zhu and Yin presented at JFCST 2012 an O(1.6760n)
algorithm for the related Max Hamming X3SAT problem where all clauses
have at most three literals. The current paper provides for the
general Max Hamming XSAT problem an O(1.4983n) algorithm
which applies also the technique "Measure and Conquer"
in order to prove a better bound than the algorithm would give
otherwise. Furthermore, the algorithm does not only provide the
maximum Hamming distance of two solutions of the instance, but
instead for each k between 0 and n the number
of pairs of solutions which have Hamming distance k.
The paper is available at the webpage of the conference through the
link https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2019/11511/pdf/LIPIcs-ISAAC-2019-15.pdf
and also from the second author's personal webpage as
a ps-file (long version).
This is joint work with Gordon Hoi.
- Wednesday, 22/01/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 2,
Asger Dag Törnquist.
Mad, med, mcg and other maximal combinatorial objects.
This talk is about the descriptive set theory and infinitary
In the past 6 years, a number of long-standing problems related to the
definability (in the sense of effective descriptive set theory) of
so-called maximal almost disjoint (mad) families, maximal eventually
different (med) families, and maximal cofinitary groups (mcg) have
been solved by an array of authors. I will give an overview of these
Almost disjoint families are families of infinite subsets of ω
where any two distinct elements of the family intersect finitely;
eventually different families are families of functions from ω to
ω such that any two distinct functions in the family are
eventually different; and cofinitary groups are subgroups of the group
of all permutations of ω with the property that all non-identity
elements of the group have at most finitely many fixed points.
Maximality of such objects in all cases means maximal under inclusion
(among such families).
A classical result due to Adrian Mathias states that no analytic
infinite mad families. A slew of recent results shed light on this
classical result by showing that under suitable descriptive
set-theoretic regularity assumptions, there are no mad families at all
(and this localizes to suitable pointclasses, especially to analytic
sets). In a totally unexpected twist, Horowitz and Shelah showed in
2016 that there are Borel med families and mcg, solving a
long-standing problem. I will finish the talk by discussing some
related, still unsolved problems, especially the following: Is there a
maximal (infinite) analytic set of pairwise Turing-incomparable reals?
- Wednesday 29/01/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 3,
Wang Wei. Non-standard models of arithmetic and their
standard systems.
PA is the first order fragment of Peano's axiomatization of
the natural numbers. The natural numbers, N,
is called the standard model of PA.
But by compactness theorem in first order logic, there
are also models of PA different from N, which are called
non-standard models of arithmetic. Like in N, every element
of a non-standard model M has a binary expansion, which
can be regarded as the characteristic function of a subset of N.
The standard system of M is the collection of all such subsets
of N. It is known that standard systems of non-standard models
are always Scott sets and every Scott set of cardinality less than
or equal to the first uncountable cardinal is the standard system
of some non-standard model.
However, the general Scott set problem, whether every Scott set is the
standard system of some non-standard model, remains one of the major open
problems in the model theory of arithmetic. This talk will present some
history of Scott set problem, as well as two constructions of non-standard
models with uncountable standard systems.
- Wednesday 05/02/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 4,
Péter Komjáth.
Applications of coloring number of infinite graphs.
After stating some of the basic results of the coloring
number of infinite graphs, we show some surprising (to me, at least)
- Wednesday 12/02/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 5,
Ashutosh Kumar.
On some problems in set-theoretic Eucildean Ramsey theory.
We shall discuss some questions in Euclidean Ramsey theory where
techniques from set theory have played a role.
- Wednesday 19/02/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 6,
Thilo Weinert.
Polarised partition relation for order types.
This logic seminar is cancelled and moved to 11/03/2020 in Week 8.
- Wednesday 04/03/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 7,
Andre Nies. Analogs of combinatorial cardinal
characteristics in computability theory.
Our basic objects are infinite sets of natural numbers.
In set theory, the MAD number is the least cardinality of
a maximal almost disjoint class of sets of natural numbers.
The ultrafilter number is the least size of an ultrafilter base.
We study computability theoretic analogs of these cardinals.
In our approach, all the basic objects will be infinite
computable sets. A class of such basic objects is encoded
as the set of columns of a set R,
which allows us to study the Turing complexity of the class.
We show that each non-low oracle computes a MAD class R,
give a finitary construction of a c.e. MAD set (compatible
with permitting), and on the other hand show that a 1-generic
below the halting problem does not compute a MAD class.
We show that the Turing degrees of ultrafilter bases
are precisely the high degrees.
This is mostly joint work with Steffen Lempp, Joseph S. Miller and
Mariya Soskova. For more details, see Section 8 in Part 3 of the
Logic Blog 2019.
The slides are available here.
- Wednesday 11/03/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 8,
Thilo Weinert.
Polarised partition relation for order types.
We analyse partitions of products with two ordered factors in two
classes where both factors are countable or well-ordered and at least
one of them is countable. This relates the partition properties of
these products to cardinal characteristics of the continuum. We build
on work by Erdös, Garti, Jones, Orr, Rado, Shelah and
Szemerédi. In particular, we show that a theorem of Jones
extends from the natural numbers to the rational ones but consistently
extends only to three further equimorphism classes of countable
orderings. This is made possible by applying a thirteen-year old
theorem of Orr about embedding a given order into a sum of finite
orders indexed over the given order.
This is joint work with Lukas Klausner; a technical report is
available on the internet at
- Wednesday 18/03/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 9,
Borisa Kuzeljevic.
Cofinal types on the the second uncountable cardinal.
Unfortunately this seminar needed to be cancelled.
In the talk we will present some basic results about the Tukey ordering
of the class of all directed sets whose cofinality is the second
uncountable cardinal. We will isolate some basic directed sets in this
class, and then show which of them have immediate successors in this
This is a joint work with Stevo Todorcevic.
- Wednesday 25/03/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 10,
No Logic Seminar.
- Wednesday 01/04/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 11
Zoom: https://nus-sg.zoom.us/j/138746532 and Meeting id: 138746532.
Frank Stephan.
Lower bounds for the strong n-conjecture.
In 2009, Coen Ramaekers published at the end of his bachelor thesis
the strong n-conjecture which is a generalisation of the abc-conjecture
and states, for n=3,4,..., that if one takes the limit superior of
the quality of n-tuples (a1,a2,...,an)
of integers
which are relatively coprime, have the sum zero but do not have
nontrivial subsums which give 0, then this limit superior is,
for each n, exactly 1. Here the quality of an n-tuple is the
logarithm of the largest member (by absolute value) divided by
the logarithm of the largest square-free factor of the product
of all members of the tuple. This conjecture found its way onto
the Wikipedia page of the related
and is there misattributed to Vojta (at least so far as we can judge).
Literature search showed that Browkin discussed in the year 2000
a similarly formulated conjecture where he did not postulate the
avoidance of nontrivial subsums and Konyagin (as reported there)
proved that the limit superior of the qualities in the
case of an odd n greater equal 5
for that version is at least 3/2. The proof for n=5 can be
transferred with some adjustments to Ramaeker's strong n-conjecture.
The work presented here (ps-file
and pdf-file) improves this
bound to 5/3 for odd n ≥ 5 and to 5/4 for even n ≥ 6.
For n=3 and n=4, Raemakers strong n-conjecture
remains unresolved, note that n=3 is the famous case of the
abc-conjecture. Furthermore, it is shown that for all n ≥ 6,
one can obtain the limit superior of 5/4 and in addition
obtain that the tuples witnessing this limit superior satisfy
that no member is divisible by any number
in a given finite subset of {3,4,5,6,...}.
A similar result is shown for the Gaussian integers (= complex
integers), here the limit superior 5/3 is obtained and the
result holds for all n greater equal 4.
The slides are available as
ps-file and
This is joint work of Aquinas Hobor, Rupert Hölzl, Elaine Li
and Frank Stephan.
- Wednesday 08/04/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 12.
Zoom: Meeting URL is https://nus-sg.zoom.us/j/786053022 and
Meeting ID is 786 053 022.
Wu Guohua.
Members of thin Π01
classes and their Turing degrees.
Martin and Pour-El constructed in 1970 a consistent r.e.
theory with few r.e. extensions. Motivated by this work, Cenzer,
Downey, Jockusch and Shore raised the notion of thin
Π01 classes in
their paper in 1993, where a
Π01 class P
is thin if every Π01
subclass of P is the intersection of P and some
clopen set. While they put focus on various Turing degrees of
members in these classes, they also constructed degrees below
0', one r.e., and one minimal, containing no members
of any thin Π01 classes.
In this talk, I will present basic ideas of the constructions
and provide some recent progress along this topic.
The slides are available as
- Wednesday 15/04/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 13,
Dilip Raghavan.
Talk Postponed.
Talks from the
previous semesters.