Name |
Last Known Coordinate |
Thesis Title |
24. Sriram Sami (2025) |
Lecturer, SoC, NUS | Security Impacts of Secondary Sensor Data in Ubiquitous LIDARs |
23. Soundarya Ramesh (2025) |
PostDoc, SoC, NUS | Investigating Microphone Privacy under Remote Eavesdropping Attacks |
22. Song Chahwan (2023) |
Samsung | Enhancing the Efficacy of Programmable Networks |
21. Ebram Kamal William Aziz (2022) |
Assiut University, Egypt | In-Network Data Processing in Wireless Sensor Network |
20. Nishant Shyamal Budhdev (2021) |
Software Architect Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium |
Scaling 5G Cellular Networks using Distributed Radio Access Networks |
19. Pravein G. Kannan (2020) |
Research Scientist IBM Research, India |
Improving Network Diagnostics using Programmable Networks |
18. Paramasiven Appavoo (2019) |
Senior Lecturer University of Mauritius |
Sensor Enhanced Localization for Internet of Things |
17. Hong Hande (2018) |
Huawei, China | Detecting and Understanding Human Movement With Mobile Devices Through WiFi-based Indoor Localization Technology |
16. Mohammad Mobashir (2017) |
Co-Founder & CTO Ackcio |
Dependable Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks |
15. Girisha Durrel De Silva (2017) |
Machine Learning Engineer Apple, Singapore |
Improving Performance of Wireless Mobile Devices |
14. Kartik Sankaran (2015) (co-supervise with A.L. Ananda) |
Software Engineer Facebook, Singapore |
Smartphone-based Decentralized Public-transport Applications |
13. Wang Hui (2015) (co-supervise with Ooi Wei Tsang) |
Senior Software Engineer Google (Mountain View, USA) |
Adaptive Wireless Network for Video Streaming |
12. Luo Chengwen (2015) |
Associate Professor Shenzhen University, China |
Self-Calibrating Participatory Wireless Indoor Localization |
11. Guo Xiangfa (2014) |
Senior Software Engineer Apple, Singapore |
Resource Efficient Urban Delay/disruptive Tolerant Networks |
10. Padmanabha Venkatagiri. S (2014) |
Researcher IBM Research, India |
Resource Aware Selection of User Generated Content in Constrained Mobile Networks |
9. Manjunath Doddavenkatappa (2013) (co-supervise with A.L. Ananda) |
Founder Cleverkare |
Efficient Data Dissemination and Collection Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks |
8. Choo Fai Cheong (2012) |
Head of Keppel Cyber Security Centre Keppel Enterprise Services |
Application Aware Delay Tolerant Network Protocol |
7. Tan Hwee Xian (2011) |
Data Science and Operations Research Advisor FedEx |
Communication Protocols for Energy Constrained Networks |
6. Shao Tao (2011) (co-supervise with A.L. Ananda) |
Lead Solution Architect GIC |
Geographic Routing for Point-to-Point Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks |
5. Lu Liming (2010) (co-supervise with Chang E.C.) |
Assistant Professor Singapore Institute of Technology |
Traffic Monitoring and Analysis for Source Identification |
4. Wu Xiuchao (2009) (co-supervise with A.L. Ananda) |
Software Development Engineer Amazon, Ireland |
Improving TCP Performance in the Mobile, High Speed, Heterogeneous and Evolving Internet |
3. Zhang Mingze (2009) (co-supervise with A.L. Ananda) |
Freelancer | Coverage and Connectivity Management in Wireless Sensor Network |
2. Chen Binbin (2009) |
Associate Professor SUTD |
Cooperative Internet Access using Heterogeneous Wireless Networks |
1. Sridhar K.N. Rao (2007) |
Architect (Networking and Edge) Linux Foundation, India |
Resource Management Schemes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
Name | Project | Last Known Coordinate |
Hao Shuai (Aug 2006-Jul 2008) | Management and Control of Sensor Networks | AT&T Labs - Research |
Eugene Chai (Jun 2006 - Jul 2007) | Management and Control of Sensor Networks | Bell Labs, Nokia, USA |