Publications By Year


  1. XZ Khooi, A Kalia, MC Chan, How to Update Your vRAN, ACM Mobicom, Nov 2025.


  1. SK Permal, Y Chen, XZ Khooi, B Qiu, MC Chan, Towards Continuous Latency Monitoring through Open RAN Interfaces, Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on 5G and Beyond Network Measurements, 2024
  2. GS Hadi, S Ramesh, CM Choon PADrone: Pre-flight Abnormalities Detection on Drone via Deep RF Sensing, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2024.
  3. XZ Khooi, CH Song, SK Permal, N Budhdev, L Csikor, R Joshi, MC Chan, JUNCTION: A Scalable Multi-access Solution using Programmable Switches, IEEE SECON 2024.
  4. M Taj, K Sabharwal, MC Chan, EGAL: Enhancing LoRa Network Lifetime with Load Balancing, IEEE SECON 2024.
  5. K Sabharwal, S Ramesh, J Wang, DM Divakaran, MC Chan, Enhancing LoRa Reception with Generative Models: Channel-Aware Denoising of LoRaPHY Signals, ACM Sensys 2024.
  6. Csikor, HW Lim, JW Wong, S Ramesh, RP Parameswarath, MC Chan Rollback: A new time-agnostic replay attack against the automotive remote keyless entry systems ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 8 (1), 1-25, 2024.


  1. A Bhatnagar, XZ Khooi, CH Song, MC Chan, P4EAD: Securing the In-band Control Channels on Commodity Programmable Switches, EuroP4 Workshop, 2023.
  2. B. Sun, K. Sabharwal, G. Kim, M. Chan, J. Han, Testing Masks and Air Filters With Your Smartphones, ACM Sensys, Nov 2023.
  3. R Joshi, CH Song, XZ Khooi, N Budhdev, A Mishra, MC Chan, B Leong, Masking Corruption Packet Losses in Datacenter Networks with Link-local Retransmission, ACM SIGOCMM, Sep 2023.
  4. CH Song, XZ Khooi, R Joshi, I Choi, J. Li, MC Chan, Network Load Balancing with In-network Reordering Support for RDMA, ACM SIGOCMM, Sep 2023.
  5. Cha Hwan Song, Xin Zhe Khooi, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Mun Choon Chan, DySO: Enhancing application offload efficiency on programmable switches. Comput. Networks


  1. E William and MC Chan, SpeedCollect: Data Collection Using Synchronous Transmission for Low-Power Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network, EWSN, Dec 22. pdf
  2. Soundarya Ramesh, Ghozali Hadi, Sihun Yang, Mun Choon Chan, and Jun Han. TickTock: Detecting Microphone Status in Laptops Leveraging Electromagnetic Leakage of Clock Signals, ACM CCS, Nov 2022. pdf
  3. R Joshi, Q Guo, N Budhdev, A Mishra, MC Chan, B Leong, LinkGuardian: Mitigating the impact of packet corruption loss with link-local retransmission, APNet, July 2022.
  4. B Sun, RX Tan, Z Ren, MC Chan, J Han, Detecting Counterfeit Liquid Food Products in a Sealed Bottle Using a Smartphone Camera, ACM MobiSys, June 2022. pdf
  5. CH Song, XZ Khooi, DM Divakaran, MC Chan, Revisiting Application Offloads on Programmable Switches, IFIP Networking, June 2022 pdf
  6. E William and MC Chan, Low-Power Distinct Sum for Wireless Sensor Networks, DCOSS, May 2022. pdf
  7. QP Nguyen, R Oikawa, DM Divakaran, MC Chan,c KH Low, Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Based Machine Unlearning: Unlearning What Needs to be Forgotten, ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS), May 2022. pdf


  1. N Budhdev, R Joshi, PG Kannan, MC Chan, T Mitra, FSA: fronthaul slicing architecture for 5G using dataplane programmable switches, ACM MOBICOM 2021. pdf
  2. XZ Khooi, CH Song, MC Chan, Towards a Framework for One-sided RDMA Multicast, Proceedings of the Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems, Dec 2021. pdf
  3. N Lakshmanan, N Budhdev, MS Kang, MC Chan, J Han, A Stealthy Location Identification Attack Exploiting Carrier Aggregation in Cellular Networks, USENIX Security Symposium, August 2021. pdf
  4. PG Kannan, N Budhdev, R Joshi, MC Chan, Debugging Transient Faults in Data Center Networks using Synchronized Network-wide Packet Histories, USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), April 2021. pdf
  5. C Shekhar, S Saha, MC Chan, Mitigating Adversities in Urban IoT-setup: A Sensor Assisted Approach, COMSNET, Jan 2021.


  1. CH Song, PG Kannan, BKH Low, MC Chan, FCM-sketch: generic network measurements with data plane support, CoNEXT, Dec 2020. pdf
  2. J Debadarshini, S Saha, O Landsiedel, MC Chan, Start of Frame Delimiters (SFDs) for Simultaneous Intra-Group One-To-All Dissemination, LCN, Nov 2020.
  3. P Appavoo, MC Chan, and B Anand, MagB: Repurposing the Magnetometer for Fine-Grained Localization of IoT Devices, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), July 2020. pdf
  4. R. Sim, Y Zhang, MC Chan and B. Low, Collaborative Machine Learning with Incentive-Aware Model Rewards, ICML July 2020.
  5. PG Kannan and MC Chan, On programmable networking evolution, CSI Transactions, March 2020. pdf


  1. T. Qu, R. Joshi, MC. Chan, B. Leong, D. Guo, Z. Liu, SQR: In-network Packet Loss Recovery from Link Failures for Highly Reliable Datacenter Networks, International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) Oct 2019 (Best Paper). pdf
  2. Ebram Kamal William, Mun Choon Chan, InDP: In-Network Data Processing for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON) Jun 2019. pdf
  3. Q. Nguyen, K. Lim, D. Divakaran, K. Low, MC. Chan, GEE: A Gradient-based Explainable Variational Autoencoder for Network Anomaly Detection, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Jun 2019. pdf
  4. PG Kannan, R Joshi, MC Chan, Precise Time-synchronization in the Data-Plane using Programmable Switching ASICs, Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on SDN Research. (Best Paper), April 2019. pdf
  5. V Venkataramani, MC Chan, T Mitra, Scratchpad-Memory Management for Multi-Threaded Applications on Many-Core Architectures, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 18 (1), 10 , Feb 2019.


  1. P Appavoo, EK William, MC Chan, M Mohammad, "Indriya2: A Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Testbed," International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures, Nov 2018. pdf
  2. P Appavoo, H Hong, MC Chan, A Bhojan, BFound: Sensor Enhanced Localization for Internet of Things," EAI Mobiquituous, Nov 2018. pdf
  3. H Hong, C Luo, P Appavoo, MC Chan, "EvaLoc: Evaluating Performance Degradation in Wireless Fingerprint-based Indoor Localization," EAI Mobiquituous, Nov 2018. pdf
  4. Hande Hong and Mun Choon Chan, "CrowdProbe: Non-invasive Crowd Monitoring with WiFi Probe," Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Sep 2018. pdf
  5. Pravein Govindan Kannan, Ahmad Soltani, Mun Choon Chan, and Ee-Chien Chang, "BNV: Enabling Scalable Network Experimentation through Bare-metal Network Virtualization," 11th USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), Aug 2018.
  6. R Joshi, T Qu, MC Chan, B Leong, BT Loo, "BurstRadar: Practical real-time microburst monitoring for datacenter networks," "Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, Aug 2018. pdf
  7. M. Mohammad, XiangFa Guo, and Mun Choon Chan, "Codecast: supporting data driven in-network processing for low-power wireless sensor networks," 17th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) Apr 2018. pdf
  8. Nishant Budhdev, Mun Choon Chan, Tulika Mitra, “PR3: Power Efficient and Low Latency Baseband Processing for LTE Femtocells,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2018. pdf
  9. Mohammad, Mobashir, Raj Joshi, and Mun Choon Chan. "EleTrack: Ultra-Low-Power Retrofitted Monitoring for Elevators." International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2018), Feb 2018. pdf
  10. Chengwen Luo, Hande Hong, Mun Choon Chan, Jianqiang Li, Xinglin Zhang and Zhong Ming, "MPiLoc: Self-calibrating Multi-floor Indoor Localization Exploiting Participatory Sensing,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Jan 2018.


  1. Xiangfa Guo, Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, "Analysis and Design of Low-Duty Protocol for Smartphone Neighbor Discovery," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Dec 2017.
  2. Pravein Govindan Kannan, Mun Choon Chan, Richard T.B. Ma and Ee-Chien Chang, "Raptor: Scalable Rule Placement over Multiple Path in Software Defined Networks," IFIP Networking, June 2017. pdf>
  3. Sudipta Saha, Olaf Landsiedel and Mun Choon Chan, "Efficient many-to-many data sharing using synchronous transmission and TDMA," DCOSS, June 2017.
  4. Sudipta Saha and Mun Choon Chan, "Design and application of a many-­to-­one communication protocol," IEEE INFOCOM, May 2017. pdf
  5. Mobashir Mohammad National, Manjunath Doddavenkatappa and Mun Choon Chan, "Improving Performance of Synchronous Transmission-Based Protocols Using Capture Effect over Multichannels," ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), Volume 13 Issue 2, April 2017.
  6. Girisha De Silva, Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, "Collaborative Cellular Tail Energy Reduction: Feasibility and Fairness," Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), April 2017 (fast track article from ICDCN'16).
  7. Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Pravein Govindan Kannan, Mun Choon Chan, Jelena Mirkovic and Keith Sklower, "Enabling SDN Experimentation in Network Testbeds," SDN-NFV Security, March 2017.
  8. Chengwen Luo, Long Cheng, Mun Choon Chan, Yu Gu, Jianqiang Li and Ming Zhong, "Pallas: Self-bootstrapping Fine-grained Passive Indoor Localization Using WiFi Monitor," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 16, Issue 2, Feb. 2017.


  1. Girisha Durrel De Silva, Mun Choon Chan and Wei Tsang Ooi, "Throughput Estimation for Short Lived TCP Cubic Flows," 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous), Nov 2016. pdf
  2. Hande Hong, Chengwen Luo, and Mun Choon Chan, "SocialProbe: Understanding Social Interaction through Passive WiFi Monitoring," 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous), Nov 2016. pdf
  3. Mobashir Mohammad, XiangFa Guo, and Mun Choon Chan, "Enabling Robust Data Collection in Unplanned Cross-Technology Interference of Urban Environments," 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '16), Demonstration (Best Demo Award).
  4. Mobashir Mohammad, XiangFa Guo, and Mun Choon Chan, "Oppcast: Exploiting Spatial and Channel Diversity for Robust Data Collection in Dynamic Urban Environments," 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '16).pdf
  5. Chengwen Luo, Hande Hong, Long Cheng, Mun Choon Chan, Jianqiang Li and Ming Zhong, "Accuracy-aware Wireless Indoor Localization: Feasibility and Applications," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 62, Feb 2016, pp 128-136.
  6. Xiangfa Guo, Mobashir Mohammad, Sudipta Saha, Mun Choon Chan, Seth Gilbert and Derek Leong, "PSync: Visible Light-Based Time Synchronization for Internet of Things (IoT)," IEEE INFOCOM 2016. pdf
  7. Hui Wang, Wei Tsang Ooi and Mun Choon Chan, "JurCast: Joint User and Rate Allocation for Video Multicast over Multiple APs," IEEE INFOCOM 2016. pdf
  8. Girisha De Silva, Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, "Collaborative Cellular Tail Energy Reduction: Feasibility and Fairness," ICDCN, Jan 2016 (Best Paper in Networking Track). pdf
  9. Paramasiven Appavoo, Mun Choon Chan, Bhojan Anand and Ee-Chien Chang, "Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Access to Sensor Data for Internet of Things (IoT) based Services," COMSNET, Jan 2016. pdf


  1. SP Venkatagiri, MC Chan and WT Ooi, “Automated link generation for sensor-enriched smartphone images,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Volume 12, October 2015
  2. Kartik Sankaran, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan and Li-Shiuan Peh, "Dynamic framework for building highly-localized mobile web DTN applications," Computer Communications, available online Sep 2015 link
  3. H Wang, MC Chan and WT Ooi, “Wireless Multicast for Zoomable Video Streaming,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Volume 12 Issue 1, August 2015
  4. Chengwen Luo, Hande Hong, Long Cheng, Kartik Sankaran and Mun Choon Chan, “iMap: Automatic Inference of Indoor Semantics Exploiting Opportunistic Smartphone Sensing,” IEEE SECON, June 2015
  5. SP Venkatagiri, MC Chan, WT Ooi and JH Chiam, “On Demand Retrieval of Crowdsourced Mobile Video,” IEEE Sensor Journal, 2015
  6. SV Muravyov, S Tao, MC Chan and EV Tarakanov, “Consensus rankings in prioritized converge-cast scheme for wireless sensor network,” Ad Hoc Networks, 2015


  1. Kartik Sankaran, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan and Li-Shiuan Peh, “Using Mobile Phone Barometer for Low-Power Transportation Context Detection,” ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (Sensys), Nov 2014. pdf
  2. Kartik Sankaran, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan and Li-Shiuan Peh, “Dynamic framework for building highly-localized Mobile Web DTN applications,” Ninth ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), Sept 2014. pdf
  3. Chengwen Luo, Hande Hong and Mun Choon Chan, “PiLoc: A Self-Calibrating Participatory Indoor Localization System,” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2014. pdf
  4. Manjunath Doddavenkatappa and Mun Choon Chan, “P3: A Practical Packet Pipeline Using Constructive Interference for Wireless Sensor Networks,” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2014. pdf
  5. Xiangfa Guo and Mun Choon Chan “On the Utility of Overhearing in DTN,” ISSNIP, April 2014.
  6. Hui Wang,Vu-Thanh Nguyen, Wei Tsang Ooi and Mun Choon Chan “Mixing Tile Resolutions in Tiled Video: A Perceptual Quality Assessment,” NOSSDAV, March 2014.


  1. Chengwen Luo and Mun Choon Chan, “Collaborative Inference of Human Conversation Networks Using Smartphones,” ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (Sensys), 2013. pdf
  2. Hui Wang, Wei Tsang Ooi and Mun Choon Chan, “ Modeling CSMA/CA Network under Asymmetric Conditions,” ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks.
  3. Xiangfa Guo and Mun Choon Chan, “Change Awareness in Opportunistic Networks,” International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS) 2013. pdf
  4. Xiangfa Guo and Mun Choon Chan, “Plankton: An Efficient DTN Routing Algorith,” IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking (SECON), 2013. pdf
  5. Manjunath Doddavenkatappa, Mun Choon Chan and Ben Leong, “Splash: fast data dissemination with constructive interference in wireless sensor networks,” USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), 2013. pdf
  6. M Saini, SP Venkatagiri, WT Ooi, MC Chan, “The Jiku mobile video dataset,” ACM Multimedia System Conference, 2013.


  1. FC Choo, MC Chan, AL Ananda, LS Peh, “A distributed taxi advisory system,” ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 2012.
  2. Padmanabha Venkatagiri Seshadri, Mun Choon Chan, Wei Tsang Ooi, “ Mobile-to-Mobile Video Recommendation," ACM Mobiquitous, 2012. pdf
  3. PG Kannan, SP Venkatagiri, MC Chan, AL Ananda, LS Peh, " Low Cost Crowd Counting using Audio Tones," ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (Sensys), 2012. pdf
  4. A Bhojan, LK Chong, EC Chang, MC Chan, AL Akkihebbal, WT Ooi “ El-pincel: a painter cloud service for greener web pages," ACM Multimedia, 2012.
  5. H Wang, L-S Peh, E Koukoumidis, S Tao and MC Chan, “Meteor Shower: A Reliable Stream Processing System for Commodity Data Centers,” IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2012.
  6. K Thirugnanam, B Anand,, J Sebastian, PG Kannan, AL Ananda, RK Balan, and MC Chan, “Dynamic Lookahead Mechanism for Conserving Power in Multi-Player Mobile Games,” IEEE INFOCOM 2012 Mini-Conference.
  7. B Anand, AL Ananda, MC Chan, RK Balan, “ARIVU: Making Networked Mobile Games Green – A scalable Power Aware Middleware,” Mobile Networks and Applications 6 (4), 21-28.
  8. US Patent 8,230,106 Methods and apparatus for improved transmission control protocol transmission over a wireless channel exhibiting rate and delay variations, July 2012.


  1. Manujnath Doddavenkatappa, Mun Choon Chan, AL Ananda, “Indriya: A low-cost, 3D wireless sensor network testbed,” Testbeds and Research Infrastructure. Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM 2011).
  2. Manjunath Doddavenkatappa, Mun Choon Chan and Ben Leong, “Improving Link Quality by Exploiting Channel Diversity in Wireless Sensor Networks,” RTSS 2011. pdf
  3. FC Choo, PV Seshadri, MC Chan, “Application-Aware Disruption Tolerant Network,” IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2011 (short paper).
  4. B Anand, K Thirugnanam, J Sebastian, PG Kannan, AL Ananda, MC Chan, RK Balan, “Adaptive display power management for mobile games,” ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (Mobisys) 2011.
  5. M Doddavenkatappa, MC Chan, AL Ananda, “A Dual-Radio Framework for MAC Protocol Implementation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2011.
  6. Hwee Xian Tan, Mun Choon Chan, Peng-Yong Kong and Cheng Khong Tham and Jicong Tan, “SAUCeR: A QoS-aware Slotted-Aloha based UWB MAC with Cooperative Retransmissions,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 11(3), pp. 410-425, March 2011.
  7. US Patent 7,944,820 Methods and devices for maximizing the throughput of TCP/IP data along wireless links, May 2011.


  1. Liming Lu, Ee-Chien Chang and Mun Choon Chan, “Website Fingerprinting And Identication Using Ordered Feature Sequences,” European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2010. (Acceptance Rate: 42/201, 20.8%).
  2. Shao Tao, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, “Greedy Face Routing with Face Identification Support in Wireless Networks,”Computer Networks. (A much extended version of the ICCCN'07 paper)
  3. Hwee Xian Tan and Mun Choon Chan, “A2-MAC: An Adaptive, Anycast MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Apr 18-21, 2010, Sydney Australia. pdf (Acceptance Rate: ~38%)
  4. Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, “MobiCent: a Credit-Based Incentive System for Disruption Tolerant Network,” INFOCOM 2010. (Acceptance Rate: 276/1575, 17.5%) pdf
  5. Hwee Xian Tan, Mun Choon Chan, Wendong Xiao, Cheng Khong Tham and Peng Yong Kong, “Information-Quality Aware Routing in Event-Driven Sensor Networks,” INFOCOM 2010. (Acceptance Rate: 276/1575, 17.5%) pdf
  6. Shao Tao, Mun Choon Chan, Sergey Muravyov and Evgeny Tarakanov, “Pritrans: A Prioritized Data Transmission Scheme for Converge-cast in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Limerick, Ireland, Feb 23-25, 2010.
  7. Mingze Zhang, Mun Choon Chan and A.L. Ananda, “Connectivity Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Feb 2010, pp. 112-127. (extended version of MASS'08 paper)
  8. Fai Cheong Choo, Mun Choon Chan and Ee-Chien Chang “Robustness of DTN against Routing Attacks,” COMSNET, Bangalore, Jan 4-9, 2010. (Acceptance Rate: 31/153, 20%) pdf


  1. Sridhar K.N. and Mun Choon Chan, “Modeling link lifetime data with parametric regression models in MANETs,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 983-985. (a much shorten version of this technical report)
  2. Xiuchao Wu, Mun Choon Chan, A.L. Ananda and Chetan Ganjohal, “SyncTCP: A New Approach to High Speed Congestion Control,” IEEE ICNP, Princeton, NJ, Oct. 13-16, 2009. (Acceptance Rate: 36/197, 18%) pdf
  3. B. Anand, A.L. Ananda, M.C. Chan, R.K. Balan and L.T.Long, " Game Action Based Power Management for Multiplayer Online Game," ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking, Systems, Applications on Mobile Handhelds (MobiHand 2009), Barcelona, Spain, August 17, 2009. pdf
  4. Shao Tao, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "Practical Connectivity-based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks with Dimension Reduction," IEEE SECON 2009, Rome, Italy, June 22-26, 2009. (Acceptance Rate: 81/431, 18.8%) pdf
  5. Binbin Chen, Shuai Hao, Mingze Zhang, Mun Choon Chan and A.L. Ananda, "DEAL: Discover and Exploit Asymmetric Links in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE SECON 2009, Rome, Italy, June 22-26, 2009. (Acceptance Rate: 81/431, 18.8%) pdf
  6. Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, "MobTorrent: A Framework for Mobile Internet Access from Vehicles," IEEE Infocom 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009. (Acceptance Rate: 19.65%) pdf
  7. H. Yu, E. C. Chang, W. T. Ooi, M.C. Chan and W. Cheng, "Integrated Optimization of Video Server Resource and Streaming Quality over Best-Effort Network," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), March 2009, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 374-360.
  8. Xiuchao Wu, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "Improving TCP Performance in Heterogeneous Mobile Environments by Exploiting the Explicit Cooperation between Server and Mobile Host," Computer Networks, Vol. 52, Issue 16, Nov 2008, pp. 3062-3074.
  9. Shao Tao, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "Spherical Coordinate Routing for 3D Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks," The 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 13-17, 2008, Montreal, Canada. (Acceptance Rate: ~64/164, 39%)
  10. Jicong Tan, Mun Choon Chan, Hwee Xian Tan, Peng-Yong Kong and Cheng Khong Tham, "A Medium Access Control protocol for UWB sensor network with QoS support," The 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 13-17, 2008, Montreal, Canada. (Acceptance Rate: ~64/164, 39%)
  11. Mingze Zhang, Mun Choon Chan and A. L. Ananda, "Connectivity Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks," Fifth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), September 29 - October 2, 2008 Atlanta, Georgia. (Acceptance Rate: ~ 30/250, 12% for regular papers) pdf
  12. Ghasem N. Shirazi, Peng-Yong Kong, Hwee-Xian Tan, Ranjeet Patro, Mun Choon Chan, and Cheng Khong Tham, "A Resource Allocation Scheme to Achieve Fairness in TH-UWB Sensor Networks with Near-Far Effect," PIMRC'08, MAC Track, Cannes, France, 15-18 September, 2008. pdf
  13. Sergey Muravyov, Mun Choon Chan and Maria Khomyakova, "Prioritizing Sensed Data Transmission by Consensus Relation in Wireless Sensor Networks," 12th IMEKO TC1 & TC7 Joint Symposium on Man Science & Measurement, September 3-5, 2008, Annecy, France.
  14. Sridhar K.N. and Mun Choon Chan, "Channel-aware Packet Scheduling for MANETs," 9th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, New Port Beach, California, June 23-27, 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 45/181, 25%). pdf
  15. Mingze Zhang, Mun Choon Chan and A.L. Ananda, "Location-Aided Topology Discovery for Wireless Sensor Networks," ICC'08, Beijing, 19-23 May, 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 36% of 3100+). pdf
  16. Shao Tao, A. L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "Greedy Hop Distance Routing using Tree Recovery on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks," ICC'08, 19-23 May, 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 36% of 3100+).
  17. Wu Xiuchao, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "Effects of Applying High-Speed Congestion Control Algorithms in Satellite Networks," ICC'08, Beijing, 19-23 May, 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 36% of 3100+).
  18. Liming Lu, Mun Choon Chan and Ee-Chien Chang, "A General Model of Probabilistic Packet Marking Model for IP Traceback," ASIACCS '08, Tokyo, 18-20 March 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 32/182, 18%).pdf
  19. US Patent 7,352,700 Methods and devices for maximizing the throughput of TCP/IP data along wireless links, April 2008.
  20. Hwee-Xian Tan, Ranjeet Patro, Mun Choon Chan, Peng-Yong Kong and Cheng Khong Tham, “A Resource Allocation Scheme for TH-UWB Networks with Multiple Sinks,” IEEE WCNC 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 585/1250, 47%).
  21. Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, "Improving TCP/IP Performance over Third Generation Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2008 Page(s):430 - 443. pdf
  22. Hwee-Xian Tan, Ranjeet Patro, Mun Choon Chan, Peng-Yong Kong and Cheng Khong Tham, "Performance of Slotted-Aloha over TH-UWB," International Conference on Ultra-Wideband 2007, Poster Presentation, Singapore.
  23. Shao Tao, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "Greedy Face Routing with Face ID Support," IEEE ICCCN, August 13 - 16 2007, Turtle Bay Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (Acceptance rate: ~29%).
  24. Mingze Zhang, Mun Choon Chan and A.L. Ananda, "Coverage Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Distance Estimates," IEEE SECON, June 18-21, 2007, San Diego, California, USA. (Acceptance rate: ~60/300, ~20%). pdf
  25. US Patent 7,257,409 Centralized cell homing and load balancing in a base station controller, August 2007.
  26. Xiuchao Wu, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "TCP HandOff: A Practical TCP Enhancement for Heterogeneous Mobile Environments," ICC, Glasgow, Soctland, June 2007.
  27. Paul Tan and Mun Choon Chan, "AMCM: A Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks," Broadnets 2006, San Jose, CA, Oct 1-5. (Acceptance Rate: 23/59, 39%). pdf
  28. Sridhar K N, Hao Shuai, Mun Choon Chan, A L Ananda, "EGRESS: Environment for Generating REalistic Scenarios for Simulations," The 10-th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Oct 2-6, Malaga, Spain. pdf
  29. Eugene Chai, Mun Choon Chan and A.L. Ananda, "Coverage Aware Buffer Management and Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Network," IEEE SECON 2006, Reston, VA, Sep 25-28, 2006. (Acceptance Rate: 63/250, 25%) pdf
  30. Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, "Proportional Fairness for Overlapping Cells in Wireless Networks," VTC Fall, Montreal, Sep. 25-28, 2006. (Acceptance Rate: 648/1126, 58%) pdf
  31. Tian Bu, Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, "Connectivity, Performance, and Resiliency of IP-Based CDMA Radio Access Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, August 2006 (Vol. 5, No. 8), pp. 1103-1118. pdf
  32. Sridhar K.N. Rao and Mun Choon Chan, "Interference based Call Admission Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," MOBIQUITOUS 2006, San Jose, July 17-21. (Acceptance Rate: 18/107, 17%) pdf
  33. Xiuchao Wu, A.L. Ananda and Mun Choon Chan, "PMC: An Energy Efficient Event Transport Service For Wireless Sensor Network," ICC, Istanbul, June 2006. (Acceptance Rate: 982 /2517, 39%)
  34. Mun Choon Chan and Ee-Chien Chang and Liming Lu and Sam Ng, "Effect of Malicious Synchronization," ACNS, Singapore, Jun 6-9, 2006. (Acceptance Rate: 33/218, 15%) pdf
  35. Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, "Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Overlapping Coverage," COMSWARE, New Delhi, Jan 2006. (invited paper) pdf
  36. Sridhar K.N. Rao and Mun Choon Chan, "Stability and Hop-Count based Approach for Route Computation in MANET," ICCCN, San Diego, Oct 2005. (Acceptance Rate: 87/260, 33%) pdf
  37. Hui Huang Lee, Ee-Chien Chang, Mun Choon Chan, "Pervasive Random Beacon in the Internet for Covert Coordination," 7th Information Hiding Workshop, Barcelona, May 2005. (Acceptance Rate: 28/90, 31%) pdf
  38. Mun Choon Chan and Yow-Jian Lin, "Behaviors and Effectiveness of Rerouting: a Study," ICC, Seoul, May 2005 (Acceptance Rate: 692/2000+, ~35%) pdf
  39. Indradeep Biswas, Wu. Xiuchao, Chan Mun Choon and A.L. Ananda, "Utilizing Characteristics of Last Link to Improve TCP Performance," IPCCC, Phoneix, AZ, Apr 2005. (Acceptance Rate: 37/115, 32%)
  40. Tian Bu, Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, "Designing Wireless Radio Access Networks for Third Generation Cellular Networks,” INFOCOM, Miami, March 2005. (Acceptance Rate: 244/1419, 17%) pdf
  41. Qiming Li, Ee Chien Chang and Mun Choon Chan, "On the Effectiveness of DDOS Attacks on Statistical Filtering," INFOCOM, Miami, March 2005. (Acceptance Rate: 244/1419, 17%) pdf
  42. Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, “TCP/IP Performance over 3G Wireless Links with Rate and Delay Variation,” Wireless Network, Special Issue in Mobile Computing and Network, Issue 1-2, 2005, pp. 81-97.
  43. US Patent 6,697,844 Internet browsing using cache-based compaction, Feb 2004.
  44. Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, “Improving TCP/IP Performance over Third Generation Wireless Networks,” INFOCOM’04, Hong Kong, March 2004. (Acceptance Rate: 261/1420, 18%) pdf
  45. Tian Bu, Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, “Connectivity, Performance, and Resiliency of IP-Based CDMA Radio Access Networks,” INFOCOM’04, Hong Kong, March 2004. (Acceptance Rate: 261/1420, 18%) pdf


  1. Coskun Cetinkaya, Mun Choon Chan and Yow-Jian Lin, “Aggregate based resource allocation with rerouting,” International Symposium on Computers and Communication, 2003. (ISCC 2003).
  2. Mun Choon Chan and Thomas Woo, “Cache-Based Compaction,” Mobile and Wireless Internet: Protocols, Algorithms and Systems, edited by Kia Makki et. al. Kluwer Academic Publishers, July 2003.
  3. Mun Choon Chan and Ram Ramjee, “TCP/IP Performance over 3G Wireless Links with Rate and Delay Variation,” ACM Mobicom’02, Atlanta, GA, Sep. 2002. (Acceptance Rate: 26/364, 7%) pdf
  4. Yow-Jian Lin and Mun Choon Chan, “A Scalable Monitoring Approach based on Aggregation and Refinement'', Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Recent advances on fundamentals of network management, Vol. 20, No. 4, May 2002. pdf
  5. US Patent 6,178,461 Cache-based compaction technique for internet browsing using similar objects in client cache as reference objects, Jan 2001.
  6. Mun Choon Chan, Yow-Jian Lin and Xin Wang, "A Scalable Monitoring Approach for Service Level Agreement Validation", 8th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Osaka, Japan, November 14 - 17, 2000. (Acceptance Rate: 30/109, 28%) pdf
  7. US Patent 5,953,316 Reservation method and system for asynchronous transfer mode communications, Sept 1999.
  8. Mun Choon Chan and Aurel A. Lazar, “Designing a CORBA-Based High Performance Programmable Signaling System for ATM Switching System,” Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Service Enabling Platforms for Networked Multimedia Systems. Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1537-1548, Sep. 1999. pdf
  9. Mun Choon Chan and Thomas Woo, “Next Generation Wireless Data Services: Architecture and Experience,” IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 20-33, Feb, 1999. (now IEEE Wireless Communications)
  10. Mun Choon Chan and Thomas Woo, “Application of compaction technique to optimizing wireless email transfer,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, Sep. 1999. (Acceptance Rate: 340/475, 72%)
  11. Mun Choon Chan and Thomas Woo, “Cached-Based Compaction: A New Technique for Optimizing Web Transfer,” INFOCOM’99, New York, NY, March, 1999. (Acceptance Rate: 184/600, 31%) pdf


  1. Mun Choon Chan, Architecting the Control Infrastructure of Multimedia Networks, PhD Thesis, 1997. pdf
  2. Mun Choon Chan, Giovanni Pacifici and Rolf Stadler, “Managing multimedia network services,” Journal of Network and Systems Management, special issue on Multimedia Network/Service Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, Sep. 1997.
  3. Mun Choon Chan, Aurel. A. Lazar and Rolf Stadler, “Customer management and control of broadband VPN services,” Fifth IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, San Diego, CA, May 1997. (Acceptance Rate: 56/138, 41%)
  4. Mun Choon Chan, Jean-Franois Huard, Aurel A. Lazar and Koon-Seng Lim, “On realizing a broadband kernel for multimedia networks,” Third COST 237 International Workshop on Multimedia Telecommunications and Applications, Barcelona, 25-27 November, 1996.
  5. Mun Choon Chan, Giovanni. Pacifici and Rolf Stadler, “Realizing global control in multimedia networks,” 7th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations & Management (DSOM’96), L’Aquila, Italy, October 1996.
  6. Mun Choon Chan, Giovanni Pacifici and Rolf Stadler, “Prototyping network architectures on a supercomputer,” Fifth International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-5), Syracuse, NY, August 1996.
  7. Mun Choon Chan, Hisaya Hadama, Rolf Stadler, “An architecture for broadband virtual networks under customer control,” IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS’96), Kyoto, Japan, April 1996. (pdf)
  8. Mun Choon Chan, Giovanni Pacifici and Rolf Stadler, “A platform for real-time visualization and interactive simulation of large multimedia networks,” 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 15-16, 1996.
  9. Mun Choon Chan, Giovanni Pacifici and Rolf Stadler, “Managing real-time services in multimedia networks using dynamic visualization and high-level controls,” ACM Multimedia, San Francisco, CA, November 1995.
  10. Mun Choon Chan, Giovanni Pacifici and Rolf Stadler, “Real-time emulation and visualization of large multimedia networks,” ACM Multimedia, San Francisco, CA, November 1995.