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Course Info...


 Term Tests

AY2024/25 Semester 2
Course Information - Description

[ Course Description | Weekly Contact Hours | Assessments ]

CS2100 Computer Organisation

Units: 4
Prerequisite(s): CS1010 or its equivalent.
Preclusion(s): CS1104 and students from the Department of ECE.
Cross-listing(s): Nil

The objective of this course is to familiarise students with the fundamentals of computing devices. Through this course students will understand the basics of data representation, and how the various parts of a computer work, separately and with each other. This allows students to understand the issues in computing devices, and how these issues affect the implementation of solutions.

Topics covered include C programming language, data representation systems, combinational circuits, sequential circuits, assembly language, processor datapath and control, pipelining and cache.

Weekly Contact Hours

Two-hour recitations, 1-hour tutorial (from week 3) and 1-hour lab (from week 3).


Continual Assessment (CA) constitutes 50% of the final grade, comprising a midterm test, three assignments, online quizzes and weekly tutorials and labs. The final examination paper makes up the other 50%.

The weightages are as follows:
CA Component Weightage
Tutorial 5%
Quizzes 3%
Assignments 12%
Labs 10%
Mid-Term test 20%
Final exam 50%

The midterm test and final examination are open-book assessments on Examplify. More information will be given later.
Dates of midterm test and examination are on the Schedules page.

Last updated: 26 December 2024