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Tutorials Labs Assignments Term Tests Exams |
AY2024/25 Semester 2
[ Calendar |
Lesson Plan |
Tutorial and Lab Schedules |
Important Events ]
Week | Topics | Tutorial | Lab | Notes/Special Events |
1 (13/1 - 17/1) |
Lect#1: Introduction Lect#2: Overview of C Programming Lect#3: Data Representation and Number Systems |
2 (20/1 - 24/1) |
Lect#4: Pointers and Functions Lect#5: Arrays, Strings and Structures |
3 (27/1 - 31/1) |
Lect#7: MIPS I: Introduction Lect#8: MIPS II: More Instructions |
Tut#1 | Lab#0 | |
4 (3/2 - 7/2) |
Lect#9: MIPS III: Instruction Formats and Encoding Lect#10: Instruction Set Architecture |
Tut#2 | Lab#1 | |
5 (10/2 - 14/2) |
Lect#11: Processor: Datapath | Tut#3 | Lab#2 | |
6 (17/2 - 21/2) |
Lect#12: Processor: Control | Tut#4 | Lab#3 | Assignment #1 Due: 17 Feb 1pm |
22/2 - 2/3 |
Recess | |||
7 (3/3 - 7/3) |
Lect#13: Boolean Algebra Lect#14: Logic Circuits Lect#15: Simplification |
Tut#5 | Lab#4 | |
8 (10/3 - 14/3) |
Lect#15: Simplification (continue) Lect#17: Combinational Circuits |
Tut#6 | Lab#5 | Midterm test on 12 March. See Term Tests page. |
9 (17/3 - 21/3) |
Lect#18: MSI Components | Tut#7 | Lab#6 | Assignment #2 Due: 17 Mar, 1pm |
10 (24/3 - 28/3) |
Lect#19: Sequential Logic | Tut#8 | Lab#7 | |
11 (31/3 - 4/4) |
Lect#20: Pipelining I: Introduction Lect#21: Pipelining II: Hazards |
Tut#9 | Lab#8 | |
12 (7/4 - 11/4) |
Lect#22: Cache I: Direct Mapped Cache Lect#23: Cache II: Fully/Set Associative Cache |
Tut#10 | Lab#9 | Assignment #3 Due: 7 Apr, 1pm |
13 (14/4 - 18/4) |
Tut#11 | Lab#10 |
Tutorials and labs start in week 3. They will be conducted face-to-face. Online mode will be made available to students who are overseas. physically.
Tutorial schedule:
In the tables below, tutorial group numbers are preceded with 'T' to distinguish them from lab groups. Email addresses of the tutors are on the Staff page.
Venue Monday 10-11am 11-12nn 12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm 5-6pm ESLab2
(COM1-01-13)Recitation (LT8) T03
Song KaiT04
Song KaiT05
Yao DongT08
Yao Dong
Venue Tuesday 8-9am 9-10am 10-11am 11-12nn 12-1pm 1-2pm ESLab2
Nicholas NgeT10
Nicholas NgeT11
Song KaiT12
Song KaiT13
Nicholas NgeT14
Song Kai
Venue Wednesday 9-10am 10-11am 11-12nn 12-1pm 1-2pm ESLab2
Song KaiT16
Yao DongT17
Song Kai
Lab schedule:
In the tables below, lab group numbers are preceded with 'B' to distinguish them from tutorial groups. Email addresses of the labTAs are on the Staff page.
Venue Monday 10-11am 11-12nn 12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm 5-6pm ESLab1
(COM1-01-14)Recitation (LT8) B03
Jia XinB04
Tze ZhaoB05
Ma YuanB06
Venue Tuesday 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm 5-6pm ESLab1
Ma YuanB10
Nhat MinhB11
Venue Thursday 9-10am 10-11am 11-12nn 12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm ESLab1
York LimB15
Jia XinB16
Nhat MinhB17
York LimB18
Tze Zhao
Midterm test and exam are open-book in-person assessments on Examplify.
Date Time Venue Event 12 March, Wednesday 7 - 8:30pm TBA Midterm Test
(refer to Term Tests page for details)3 May, Saturday 9-11am TBA Exam
(See RO's Exam Directory)
(See also Exams page for more info.)