CS3283 - GUI Programming
Course Information
Course Description

Course Schedule
Course Material
Assessment Scheme

Ass. 1
Ass. 2

Laboratory Exercises
Lab. 1
Lab. 2
Lab. 3

Let's dive into the current state of art for GUI Programming !!

Assessment Scheme

40% C.A.   and   60% Exam. (Open-book)

Basic Assessment Plan

2 Lab. exercises - 1 for JFC Swing (4%), 1 for Tcl/Tk (5%).

Tutorial exercises (5%)

1 Ass. on JFC Swing (10%)

1 mid-term on JFC Swing and Tcl/Tk (warm-up quiz 6% + mid-term 10%= 16%)

Help Plan

1 casual seminar on JScript or Perl Prog. in combination with cs2104 stud.

provide help-session on the Sat. before mid-term