CS3283 - GUI Programming
Course Information
Course Description

Course Schedule
Course Material
Course Assessment

Ass. 1
Ass. 2

Laboratory Exercises
Lab. 1
Lab. 2
Lab. 3

Let's dive into the current state of art for GUI Programming !!

Course Description 

This module aims to teach the nuts and bolts of GUI programming. 

At the end of the course, students will acquire practical knowledge in Windows programming and techniques of programming interactive systems.
Topics include Windows programming, Motif, Tcl/Tk programming.

- (from SoC Webpage)

Pre-requisite : cs2104/cs3212  (Programming Language course - since we have to assume both basic knowledge and practical experience in some programming languages such as C and Java)

Restriction on student enrolment : Nil

Lecture : Friday 1600-1700 (LT33);     Tutorial : 1 hour/week

Consultation : Friday 1500-1600 (1 hr) and Saturaday 800-900 (1 hr)

Examination : Apr. 21 AM

Lecturer : Dr. Vincent TAM (email : vtam@comp, office : SOC1 [S17 Build.] Rm 4-20)