Package org.openide.compiler

Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source.


Interface Summary
Compilable Basic interface that defines the object that can be compiled.
CompilerListener Listener for notification of the progress of compilation, and of compilation errors.

Class Summary
CompilationEngine Provides support for compilation of CompilerJobs; not needed directly by modules.
Compiler Implementable object representing one task of compilation.
Compiler.Depth Depth of compilation.
CompilerEvent Event about a file being compiled.
CompilerGroup Cluster of compiler objects that actually runs the compilation.
CompilerJob A compiler job consists of more Compilers with dependencies between each other.
CompilerTask Represents an asynchronously running compilation task.
CompilerType Base class defining method for compilation service.
ErrorEvent Used to report errors and warnings.
ExternalCompiler Compiles (probably Java) sources via an external compiler process.
ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression Encapsulates several properties needed for processing the error output of an external compiler.
ExternalCompilerGroup A group holding several ExternalCompilers.
ExternalCompilerGroup.Format Default format that can format tags related to compilation.
ExternalCompilerType Compiler type that compiles using ExternalCompiler.
ProgressEvent Event describing progress made compiling a file.

Exception Summary
CompilerGroupException Exception thrown from CompilationEngine.createCompilerGroups(java.util.Collection).
DependencyException Exception created when a set of compilers should be compiled and there is a cyclic dependency between them.

Package org.openide.compiler Description

Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source.

The Compiler API permits module authors to invoke the system Java compiler (internal or external) on source files. It also provides a way to create custom compilers that may be used to compile source files (not necessarily Java) in the Repository.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.