Uses of Interface

Packages that use InstanceCookie
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.loaders DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 

Uses of InstanceCookie in org.openide.actions

Methods in org.openide.actions with parameters of type InstanceCookie
static void CustomizeBeanAction.customize(InstanceCookie cookie)
          Customize a Bean.

Uses of InstanceCookie in org.openide.cookies

Subinterfaces of InstanceCookie in org.openide.cookies
static interface InstanceCookie.Of
          Enhanced cookie that can answer queries about the type of the instance it creates.
static interface InstanceCookie.Origin
          Enhanced instance cookie that also knows the file it was created from and can be serialized back to.

Uses of InstanceCookie in org.openide.loaders

Classes in org.openide.loaders that implement InstanceCookie
 class FolderInstance
          Support class for creation of an object from the content of a DataObject.Container.
 class FolderLookup
          Implements a lookup, that scans a content of a folder for its data objects and asks them for instance cookie, the created objects are then used to for the content of the lookup.
 class InstanceDataObject
          A data object whose only purpose is to supply InstanceCookie.
 class InstanceSupport
          An instance cookie implementation that works with files or entries.
static class InstanceSupport.Instance
          Trivial supporting instance cookie for already-existing objects.
static class InstanceSupport.Origin
          Enhanced instance cookie support that also knows the file it has been created from and can be serialized back to.

Methods in org.openide.loaders that return InstanceCookie
protected  InstanceCookie FolderInstance.acceptDataObject(DataObject dob)
          Allows subclasses to decide whether they want to work with the specified DataObject or not.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderInstance.acceptCookie(InstanceCookie cookie)
          Allows subclasses to decide whether they want to work with the specified InstanceCookie or not.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderInstance.acceptFolder(DataFolder df)
          Allows subclasses to decide how they want to work with a provided folder.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderInstance.acceptContainer(DataObject.Container container)
          Allows subclasses to decide how they want to work with an object that implements a DataObject.Container.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderLookup.acceptFolder(DataFolder df)
          Folder is recognized as underlying FolderLookup which passes its items to parent FolderLookup.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderLookup.acceptContainer(DataObject.Container df)
          Container is recognized as underlying FolderLookup which passes its items to parent FolderLookup.

Methods in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type InstanceCookie
static HelpCtx InstanceSupport.findHelp(InstanceCookie instance)
          Find context help for some instance.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderInstance.acceptCookie(InstanceCookie cookie)
          Allows subclasses to decide whether they want to work with the specified InstanceCookie or not.
protected abstract  Object FolderInstance.createInstance(InstanceCookie[] cookies)
          Notifies subclasses that the set of cookies for this folder has changed.
protected  Object FolderInstance.instanceForCookie(DataObject obj, InstanceCookie cookie)
          Method that is called when a the folder instance really wants to create an object from provided cookie.
protected  Object FolderLookup.createInstance(InstanceCookie[] cookies)
          Updates the content of the lookup.
protected  Object FolderLookup.instanceForCookie(DataObject dobj, InstanceCookie cookie)
          Overrides superclass method.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.