Interface Summary | |
DataFilter | Allows certain data objects to be excluded from being displayed. |
DataLoader.RecognizedFiles | Buffer holding a list of primary and secondary files marked as already recognized, to prevent further scanning. |
DataObject.Container | Interface for objects that can contain other data objects. |
Environment.Provider | Cookie for objects that plan to provide environment. |
OperationListener | Listener to operations on data objects. |
TemplateWizard.Iterator | The interface for custom iterator. |
XMLDataObject.Processor | Deprecated. use lookup |
Class Summary | |
CompilerSupport | Support for compilation of data objects. |
CompilerSupport.Build | Build cookie support. |
CompilerSupport.Clean | Clean cookie support. |
CompilerSupport.Compile | Compile cookie support. |
ConnectionSupport | Support implementing ConnectionCookie, that stores listeners in extended attributes of associated entry. |
DataFolder | A folder containing data objects. |
DataFolder.Index | Support for index cookie for folder nodes. |
DataFolder.SortMode | Type-safe enumeration of sort modes for data folders. |
DataLoader | A data loader recognizes FileObject s and creates appropriate
DataObject s to represent them. |
DataLoaderPool | Pool of data loaders. |
DataNode | Standard node representing a data object. |
DataObject | Object that represents one JavaBean in the tree of beans representing data systems. |
DataObject.Registry | Registry of modified data objects. |
DataObjectFilter | Supports working with a set of filters defined by data objects. |
DataShadow | Default implementation of a shortcut to another data object. |
DataShadow.ShadowNode | Node for a shadow object. |
Environment | Utilities that define the "settings hierarchy". |
ExecSupport | Support for execution of a class file. |
ExtensionList | Property class that collects a modifiable list of file extensions and permits checking of whether a name or a file object has a given extension. |
ExtensionListEditor | Deprecated. Should not be used directly (property editor search path will find it). |
FileEntry | Entry that works with plain files. |
FileEntry.Folder | Simple entry for handling folders, on copy, move and createFromTemplate it creates new empty folder and copies attributes of source folder. |
FileEntry.Format | Specialized entry that simplifies substitution when a file entry is created from template. |
FileEntry.Numb | Simple file entry variant. |
FolderInstance | Support class for creation of an object from the content of a DataObject.Container. |
FolderLookup | Implements a lookup, that scans a content of a folder for its data objects and asks them for instance cookie, the created objects are then used to for the content of the lookup. |
InstanceDataObject | A data object whose only purpose is to supply InstanceCookie . |
InstanceSupport | An instance cookie implementation that works with files or entries. |
InstanceSupport.Instance | Trivial supporting instance cookie for already-existing objects. |
InstanceSupport.Origin | Enhanced instance cookie support that also knows the file it has been created from and can be serialized back to. |
LoaderTransfer | Class that contains specific datatransfer flavors and methods to work with transfered DataObjects. |
MultiDataObject | Provides support for handling of data objects with multiple files. |
MultiFileLoader | Loader for any kind of MultiDataObject . |
OpenSupport | Simple support for an openable file. |
OpenSupport.Env | Environment that connects the support together with DataObject. |
OperationAdapter | Adapter for methods of OperationListener . |
OperationEvent | Event that describes operations taken on a data object. |
OperationEvent.Copy | Notification of a copy action of a data object, creation of a shadow, or creation from a template. |
OperationEvent.Move | Notification of a move of a data object. |
OperationEvent.Rename | Notification of a rename of a data object. |
TemplateWizard | Wizard for creation of new objects from a template. |
UniFileLoader | Support class for loader handling one file at a time. |
XMLDataObject | Object that provides main functionality for xml documents. |
XMLDataObject.Info | Deprecated. use Lookup Representation of xmlinfo file holding container of Processors. |
Exception Summary | |
DataObjectExistsException | Exception signalling that the data object for this file cannot be created because there already is an object for the primary file. |
DataObjectNotFoundException | Exception signalling that the data object for a given file object could not
be found in DataObject.find(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) . |
DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE.
The DataSystems API provides a higher-level view of files in terms of useful data - data which has specific types, actions that can be performed on these types, and relationships to other files. For example, the IDE might find these files in a newly-opened directory: