Class DataObjectFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataObjectFilter
extends Children.Keys

Supports working with a set of filters defined by data objects. Provides a keyed list of children taken from a DataFolder.

An instance of this filter in its default settings accepts all DataObjects.

Additional specific filters can be added to this filter with putFilter(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) to filter particular kinds of data objects.

Also it is possible to registering filter editor classes and to obtain them, so as to allow modifications to the filter by the user.

The effect of this filter is that:

Inner classes inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children
Children.Array, Children.Keys, Children.Map, Children.SortedArray, Children.SortedMap
Fields inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Fields inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children
Constructor Summary
          Create a new filter which will accept all data objects.
DataObjectFilter(Class[] representationClasses)
          Create a new filter which will accept given set of data objects.
DataObjectFilter(DataFolder dataFolder)
          Create a new filter which will accept all data objects in a given folder.
Method Summary
 void addLoader(Class representationClass)
          Permit a representation class of data object to be shown (after appropriate filtering).
protected  void addNotify()
          Called when children are first asked for nodes.
protected  Node[] createNodes(Object key)
          Create children for a data-object key.
 DataFolder getDataFolder()
          Get the folder this support is attached to.
static Class getFilterClass(Class representationClass)
          Get the filter class currently registered for a data object representation class.
 void putFilter(Class filterClass, Object filter)
          Add a filter for a certain type of data object.
static void registerFilterClass(Class representationClass, Class filterClass)
          Register a new filter type for a given type of data object.
 void removeLoader(Class representationClass)
          Prevent a representation class of data object from being show at all.
protected  void removeNotify()
          Called when the list of nodes for this children object is no longer needed by the IDE.
 void setDataFolder(DataFolder f)
          Attach the support to a different folder.
Methods inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
add, clone, destroyNodes, refreshKey, remove, setBefore, setKeys, setKeys
Methods inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
initCollection, refresh
Methods inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children
findChild, getNode, getNodes, getNodesCount, isInitialized, nodes
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataObjectFilter(Class[] representationClasses)
Create a new filter which will accept given set of data objects. Initially unattached to any data folder.
representationClasses - representation classes of data objects to be shown


public DataObjectFilter()
Create a new filter which will accept all data objects. Initially unattached to any data folder.


public DataObjectFilter(DataFolder dataFolder)
Create a new filter which will accept all data objects in a given folder.
dataFolder - the folder to filter
Method Detail


public static void registerFilterClass(Class representationClass,
                                       Class filterClass)
Register a new filter type for a given type of data object.
representationClass - the designated super class of all data objects that can use this filter
filterClass - the class of a filter to use for such data objects
See Also:


public static Class getFilterClass(Class representationClass)
Get the filter class currently registered for a data object representation class.
the proper filter class, or null


public void putFilter(Class filterClass,
                      Object filter)
Add a filter for a certain type of data object. The previous filter, if any, will be removed.
filterClass - the representation class this filter belongs to
filter - the filter to use for all data objects requesting this type of filter, via FilterCookie.getFilterClass(). May be null to remove.


public void addLoader(Class representationClass)
Permit a representation class of data object to be shown (after appropriate filtering). By default all are shown, so this need be used only to counteract removeLoader(java.lang.Class).
representationClass - the data object representation class


public void removeLoader(Class representationClass)
Prevent a representation class of data object from being show at all.
representationClass - the data object representation class
See Also:


public void setDataFolder(DataFolder f)
Attach the support to a different folder.
f - the new folder


public DataFolder getDataFolder()
Get the folder this support is attached to.
the folder


protected void addNotify()
Description copied from class: Children
Called when children are first asked for nodes. Typical implementations at this time calculate their node list (or keys for Children.Keys etc.).
addNotify in class Children
Following copied from class: org.openide.nodes.Children
See Also:


protected void removeNotify()
Description copied from class: Children
Called when the list of nodes for this children object is no longer needed by the IDE. Typical implementations at this time remove all children to save memory (or clear the keys for Children.Keys etc.).
removeNotify in class Children


protected Node[] createNodes(Object key)
Create children for a data-object key. If ElementCookie is provided, then the proxy node's children are used for this node's children (for this key), after possible filtering based on the current filters. If ElementCookie is not provided, then (a copy of) this data's object's delegate node is used as the sole child for this key.
createNodes in class Children.Keys
key - a DataObject to create representative children for
a list of child nodes for this key

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.