Class XMLDataObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
Node.Cookie, Serializable

public class XMLDataObject
extends MultiDataObject

Object that provides main functionality for xml documents. These object are recognized by xml extension and by text/xml MIME type.

It is declaratively extensible by an Info Info. The Info is assigned to document instances using sibling xmlInfo file or it can be registered for whole class of XML documents by DOCTYPE's public ID.

See Also:
XMLUtil, EntityCatalog, Serialized Form

Inner Class Summary
static class XMLDataObject.Info
          Deprecated. use Lookup Representation of xmlinfo file holding container of Processors.
static interface XMLDataObject.Processor
          Deprecated. use lookup
Inner classes inherited from class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject
Inner classes inherited from class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
DataObject.Container, DataObject.Registry
Field Summary
static String MIME
          Mime type of XML documents.
static String PROP_DOCUMENT
          property name of DOM document property
static String PROP_INFO
          Deprecated. info is not supported anymore. Replaced with lookup.
static int STATUS_ERROR
          PROP_DOCUMENT parsed with errors.
static int STATUS_NOT
          PROP_DOCUMENT not parsed yet.
static int STATUS_OK
          PROP_DOCUMENT parsed ok.
          PROP_DOCUMENT parsed with warnings.
          Deprecated. replaced with Lookup
          Deprecated. replaced with Lookup
Fields inherited from class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Constructor Summary
XMLDataObject(FileObject fo, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Create new XMLDataObject.
Method Summary
static boolean addEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. EntityResolver is a parser user responsibility. Every time set a EntityResolver to an XML parser you use. A utility entity resolver chain is provided. The IDE also defines a default entity catalog reachable at EntityCatalog.
static Document createDocument()
          Deprecated. Replaced with XMLUtil It directly violates DOM's root element reference read-only status. If you can not move to XMLUtil for compatabilty reasons please replace with following workaround:
 String templ = "";
 InputSource in = new InputSource(new StringReader(templ));
 in.setSystemId("StringReader");  //workaround
 DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
 Document doc = builder.parse(in);
protected  EditorCookie createEditorCookie()
          Deprecated. CookieSet factory should be used by subclasses instead.
static InputSource createInputSource(URL url)
          Deprecated. Deprecated as it was a workaround method. Replace with new InputSource(url.toExternalForm()).
protected  Node createNodeDelegate()
          If the Info associated with this data object (if any) provides a subclass of Node, then this object is created to represent the XML data object, otherwise DataNode is created.
static Parser createParser()
          Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead. It will create a SAX XMLReader that is SAX Parser replacement. You will have to replace DocumentHandler by ContentHandler besause XMLReader accepts just ContentHandler.

Alternatively if not interested in new callbacks defined by SAX 2.0 you can wrap returned XMLReader into XMLReaderAdapter that implements Parser.

static Parser createParser(boolean validate)
          Deprecated. Use Util instead setting ns to false. For more details see createParser
 Node.Cookie getCookie(Class cls)
          Cookies from PROP_INFO are not placed into protected CookieSet and can be obtained only by invoking this method.
 Document getDocument()
          Creates w3c's document for the xml file.
 HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
          Get help context for this object.
 XMLDataObject.Info getInfo()
          Deprecated. not used anymore
static XMLDataObject.Info getRegisteredInfo(String publicId)
          Deprecated. Register via lookup
 int getStatus()
protected  void handleDelete()
          Delete this object (implemented by subclasses).
static Document parse(URL url)
          Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting null error handler and validation to false.
static Document parse(URL url, boolean validate)
          Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting null handler.
static Document parse(URL url, ErrorHandler eh)
          Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting validation to false.
static Document parse(URL url, ErrorHandler eh, boolean validate)
          Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead.
static void registerCatalogEntry(String publicId, String uri)
          Deprecated. use module's XMLlayer instead registering at "Services" folder an XML document with EntityCatalog.PUBLIC_ID
static void registerCatalogEntry(String publicId, String resourceName, ClassLoader loader)
          Deprecated. use module's XMLlayer instead registering at "Services" folder an XML document with EntityCatalog.PUBLIC_ID
static void registerInfo(String publicId, XMLDataObject.Info info)
          Deprecated. Register via lookup
static EntityResolver removeEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. EntityResolver is a parser user responsibility.
 void setInfo(XMLDataObject.Info ii)
          Deprecated. does not do anything useful
protected  void updateIconBase(String res)
          Deprecated. it is better to listen on properties
static void write(Document doc, OutputStream out, String enc)
          Deprecated. Moved to XMLUtil.
static void write(Document doc, Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Encoding used by Writer may be in direct conflict with encoding declared in document. Replaced with Util.
Methods inherited from class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject
addSecondaryEntry, files, findSecondaryEntry, getCookieSet, getMultiFileLoader, getPrimaryEntry, handleCopy, handleCreateFromTemplate, handleMove, handleRename, isCopyAllowed, isDeleteAllowed, isMoveAllowed, isRenameAllowed, registerEntry, removeSecondaryEntry, secondaryEntries, setCookieSet, takePrimaryFileLock
Methods inherited from class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, copy, createFromTemplate, createFromTemplate, createShadow, delete, dispose, find, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getCookie, getFolder, getLoader, getName, getNodeDelegate, getPrimaryFile, getRegistry, handleCreateShadow, isModified, isShadowAllowed, isTemplate, isValid, markFiles, move, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, rename, setModified, setTemplate, setValid, toString, writeReplace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String XMLINFO_DTD_PUBLIC_ID_FORTE
Deprecated. replaced with Lookup

Public ID of xmlinfo dtd.


public static final String XMLINFO_DTD_PUBLIC_ID
Deprecated. replaced with Lookup


public static final String MIME
Mime type of XML documents.


public static final int STATUS_NOT
PROP_DOCUMENT not parsed yet. Constant for getStatus method.


public static final int STATUS_OK
PROP_DOCUMENT parsed ok. Constant for getStatus method.


public static final int STATUS_WARNING
PROP_DOCUMENT parsed with warnings. Constant for getStatus method.


public static final int STATUS_ERROR
PROP_DOCUMENT parsed with errors. Constant for getStatus method.


public static final String PROP_DOCUMENT
property name of DOM document property


public static final String PROP_INFO
Deprecated. info is not supported anymore. Replaced with lookup.

property name of info property
Constructor Detail


public XMLDataObject(FileObject fo,
                     MultiFileLoader loader)
              throws DataObjectExistsException
Create new XMLDataObject. It is usually called by a loader. A user can get existing XMLDataObject by calling DataObject.find(FileObject f) instead.
fo - the primary file object, never null
loader - loader of this data object, never null
Method Detail


protected Node createNodeDelegate()
If the Info associated with this data object (if any) provides a subclass of Node, then this object is created to represent the XML data object, otherwise DataNode is created.
createNodeDelegate in class MultiDataObject
the node representation for this data object
See Also:


protected void updateIconBase(String res)
Deprecated. it is better to listen on properties

Called when the info file is parsed and the icon should change.
res - resource for the icon


protected void handleDelete()
                     throws IOException
Description copied from class: DataObject
Delete this object (implemented by subclasses).
handleDelete in class MultiDataObject
Following copied from class: org.openide.loaders.DataObject
IOException - if an error occures


public HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
Description copied from class: DataObject
Get help context for this object.
getHelpCtx in class MultiDataObject
Following copied from class: org.openide.loaders.DataObject
the help context


public Node.Cookie getCookie(Class cls)
Cookies from PROP_INFO are not placed into protected CookieSet and can be obtained only by invoking this method. Cookie order in info is handled consistently with CookieSet i.e. FIFO.
getCookie in class MultiDataObject
a cookie (instanceof cls) that has been found in info or super.getCookie(cls).


protected EditorCookie createEditorCookie()
Deprecated. CookieSet factory should be used by subclasses instead.

Allows subclasses to provide their own editor cookie.
an editor cookie to be used as a result of getCookie(EditorCookie.class)


public final Document getDocument()
                           throws IOException,
Creates w3c's document for the xml file. Either returns cached reference or parses the file and creates new document.
the parsed document
SAXException - if there is a parsing error
IOException - if there is an I/O error


public final int getStatus()
one of STATUS_XXX constants representing PROP_DOCUMENT state.


public final XMLDataObject.Info getInfo()
Deprecated. not used anymore



public final void setInfo(XMLDataObject.Info ii)
                   throws IOException
Deprecated. does not do anything useful


public static Document parse(URL url)
                      throws IOException,
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting null error handler and validation to false.

Provides access to internal XML parser. This method takes URL. After successful finish the document tree is returned. Used non validating parser.
url - the url to read the file from


public static Document parse(URL url,
                             boolean validate)
                      throws IOException,
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting null handler.

Provides access to internal XML parser. This method takes URL. After successful finish the document tree is returned. Used non validating parser.
url - the url to read the file from
validate - if true validating parser is used


public static Document parse(URL url,
                             ErrorHandler eh)
                      throws IOException,
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting validation to false.

Provides access to internal XML parser. This method takes URL. After successful finish the document tree is returned.
url - the url to read the file from
eh - error handler to notify about exception


public static Document parse(URL url,
                             ErrorHandler eh,
                             boolean validate)
                      throws IOException,
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead.

Factory a DocumentBuilder and let it create a org.w3c.dom.Document This method takes URL. After successful finish the document tree is returned. A parser producing the Document has set entity resolver to system entity resolver chain.
url - the url to read the file from
eh - error handler to notify about exception
validate - if true validating parser is used


public static Parser createParser()
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead. It will create a SAX XMLReader that is SAX Parser replacement. You will have to replace DocumentHandler by ContentHandler besause XMLReader accepts just ContentHandler.

Alternatively if not interested in new callbacks defined by SAX 2.0 you can wrap returned XMLReader into XMLReaderAdapter that implements Parser.

Creates SAX parse that can be used to parse XML files.
sax parser


public static Parser createParser(boolean validate)
Deprecated. Use Util instead setting ns to false. For more details see createParser

Factory SAX parser that can be used to parse XML files. The factory is created according to javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory property. The parser has set entity resolver to system entity resolver chain.
validate - if true validating parser is returned
sax parser or null if no parser can be created


public static Document createDocument()
Deprecated. Replaced with XMLUtil It directly violates DOM's root element reference read-only status. If you can not move to XMLUtil for compatabilty reasons please replace with following workaround:
 String templ = "";
 InputSource in = new InputSource(new StringReader(templ));
 in.setSystemId("StringReader");  //workaround
 DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
 Document doc = builder.parse(in);

Creates empty DOM Document using JAXP factoring.
Document or null on problems with JAXP factoring


public static void write(Document doc,
                         Writer writer)
                  throws IOException
Deprecated. Encoding used by Writer may be in direct conflict with encoding declared in document. Replaced with Util.

Writes DOM Document to writer.
doc - DOM Document to be written
writer - OutoutStreamWriter preffered otherwise encoding will be left for implementation specific autodection


public static void write(Document doc,
                         OutputStream out,
                         String enc)
                  throws IOException
Deprecated. Moved to XMLUtil.

Write Document into OutputStream using given encoding. It is a shortcut for writing configurations etc. It guarantee just that data will be written. Structure and indentation may change.
doc - DOM Document to be written
out - data sink
enc - - XML defined encoding name (i.e. IANA defined, one of UTF-8, UNICODE, ASCII).


public static InputSource createInputSource(URL url)
                                     throws IOException
Deprecated. Deprecated as it was a workaround method. Replace with new InputSource(url.toExternalForm()).

Creates SAX InputSource for specified URL


public static void registerCatalogEntry(String publicId,
                                        String uri)
Deprecated. use module's XMLlayer instead registering at "Services" folder an XML document with EntityCatalog.PUBLIC_ID

Registers the given public ID as corresponding to a particular URI, typically a local copy. This URI will be used in preference to ones provided as system IDs in XML entity declarations. This mechanism would most typically be used for Document Type Definitions (DTDs), where the public IDs are formally managed and versioned.

Any created parser use global entity resolver and you can register its catalog entry.

publicId - The managed public ID being mapped
uri - The URI of the preferred copy of that entity


public static void registerCatalogEntry(String publicId,
                                        String resourceName,
                                        ClassLoader loader)
Deprecated. use module's XMLlayer instead registering at "Services" folder an XML document with EntityCatalog.PUBLIC_ID

Registers a given public ID as corresponding to a particular Java resource in a given class loader, typically distributed with a software package. This resource will be preferred over system IDs included in XML documents. This mechanism should most typically be used for Document Type Definitions (DTDs), where the public IDs are formally managed and versioned.

If a mapping to a URI has been provided, that mapping takes precedence over this one.

Any created parser use global entity resolver and you can register its catalog entry.

publicId - The managed public ID being mapped
resourceName - The name of the Java resource
loader - The class loader holding the resource, or null if it is a system resource.


public static final boolean addEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
Deprecated. EntityResolver is a parser user responsibility. Every time set a EntityResolver to an XML parser you use. A utility entity resolver chain is provided. The IDE also defines a default entity catalog reachable at EntityCatalog.

Add a given entity resolver to IDE resolver chain. The resolver chain is searched by private chaining resolver until some registered resolver succed.

Every created parser use global entity resolver and then chain.

resolver - non null resolver to be added
true if successfully added


public static final EntityResolver removeEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
Deprecated. EntityResolver is a parser user responsibility.

Remove a given entity resolver from IDE resolver chain.

Every created parser use global entity resolver and then chain.

resolver - non null resolver to be removed
removed resolver instance or null if not present


public static void registerInfo(String publicId,
                                XMLDataObject.Info info)
Deprecated. Register via lookup

Registers new Info to particular XML document content type as recognized by DTD public id. The registration is valid until IDE JVM termination.
publicId - used as key
info - associated value or null to unregister


public static XMLDataObject.Info getRegisteredInfo(String publicId)
Deprecated. Register via lookup

Obtain registered Info for particular DTD public ID.
publicId - key which value is required
Info clone that is used for given publicId or null

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.