Uses of Class

Packages that use Element
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.src The parsing results of Java sources and the result of Java Reflection may be uniformly accessed as source elements
org.openide.src.nodes Source elements can be represented by default element nodes

Uses of Element in org.openide.cookies

Methods in org.openide.cookies that return Element
 Element SourceCookie.Editor.textToSource(Element element)
          Translate a text element to a source element, if it is possible to do so.
 Element SourceCookie.Editor.findElement(int offset)
          Find the element at the specified offset in the document.

Methods in org.openide.cookies with parameters of type Element
 Element SourceCookie.Editor.sourceToText(Element element)
          Translate a source element to text.

Uses of Element in org.openide.src

Subclasses of Element in org.openide.src
 class ClassElement
          Element that describes one class.
 class ConstructorElement
          Describes the constructor of a class.
 class FieldElement
          Describes a field (variable) in a class.
 class InitializerElement
          Element which represents an initializer block.
 class MemberElement
          Superclass for containable Java source members (fields, methods and classes).
 class MethodElement
          Representation of a method.
 class SourceElement
          Describes an entire Java source file.

Methods in org.openide.src that return Element
 Element SourceException.Protection.getTarget()

Methods in org.openide.src with parameters of type Element
 String ElementFormat.format(Element element)
          Formats an element.
 void Element.Impl.attachedToElement(Element el)
          Called to attach the implementation to a specific element.

Constructors in org.openide.src with parameters of type Element
SourceException.Protection(Element prot)

Uses of Element in org.openide.src.nodes

Fields in org.openide.src.nodes declared as Element
protected  Element ElementNode.element
          Associated element.

Constructors in org.openide.src.nodes with parameters of type Element
ElementNode(Element element, Children children, boolean writeable)
          Create a new element node.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.