Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodElement
org.openide.src The parsing results of Java sources and the result of Java Reflection may be uniformly accessed as source elements
org.openide.src.nodes Source elements can be represented by default element nodes

Uses of MethodElement in org.openide.src

Methods in org.openide.src that return MethodElement
 MethodElement[] ClassElement.getMethods()
          Get all methods in this class.
 MethodElement ClassElement.getMethod(Identifier name, Type[] arguments)
          Find a method by signature.
 MethodElement[] ClassElement.Impl.getMethods()
          Get all methods.
 MethodElement ClassElement.Impl.getMethod(Identifier name, Type[] arguments)
          Finds a method by signature.

Methods in org.openide.src with parameters of type MethodElement
 void ElementPrinter.markMethod(MethodElement element, int what)
          Mark a notable point in a method element.
 void DefaultElementPrinter.markMethod(MethodElement element, int what)
 void ClassElement.addMethod(MethodElement el)
          Add a method to this class.
 void ClassElement.addMethods(MethodElement[] els)
          Add some methods to this class.
 void ClassElement.removeMethod(MethodElement el)
          Remove a method from this class.
 void ClassElement.removeMethods(MethodElement[] els)
          Remove some methods from this class.
 void ClassElement.setMethods(MethodElement[] els)
          Set the methods for this class.
 void ClassElement.Impl.changeMethods(MethodElement[] elems, int action)
          Change the set of methods.

Constructors in org.openide.src with parameters of type MethodElement
MethodElement.Key(MethodElement me)
          Constructs a key for a method.
MethodElement.Key(MethodElement me, boolean checkReturn)
          Constructs a key that checks for method's name, its argument types and optionally for a return type, if checkReturn is true.

Uses of MethodElement in org.openide.src.nodes

Methods in org.openide.src.nodes with parameters of type MethodElement
 Node FilterFactory.createMethodNode(MethodElement element)
          Make a node representing a method.
 Node DefaultFactory.createMethodNode(MethodElement element)
 Node ElementNodeFactory.createMethodNode(MethodElement element)
          Make a node representing a method.

Constructors in org.openide.src.nodes with parameters of type MethodElement
MethodElementNode(MethodElement element, boolean writeable)
          Create a new method node.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.