Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeAction
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.util.actions There are several types of standard actions that should be used for many user interactions with the IDE. 

Uses of NodeAction in org.openide.actions

Subclasses of NodeAction in org.openide.actions
 class AbstractCompileAction
          Compilation action--compiles all selected nodes.
 class BuildAction
          Forcibly compiles selected nodes.
 class BuildAllAction
          Forcibly compiles selected nodes, descending into directories recursively.
 class CleanAction
          Forcibly compiles selected nodes.
 class CleanAllAction
          Forcibly compiles selected nodes, descending into directories recursively.
 class CompileAction
          Compiles selected nodes.
 class CompileAllAction
          Compiles selected nodes, descending recursively into directories.
 class CustomizeAction
          Customize a node (rather than using its property sheet).
 class CustomizeBeanAction
          Customize a JavaBean.
 class EditAction
          Edit an object.
 class ExecuteAction
          Execute a class.
 class GoAction
          Continue debugging.
 class GoToCursorAction
          Go to the cursor.
 class InstantiateAction
          Instantiate a template.
 class MoveDownAction
          Move an item down in a list.
 class MoveUpAction
          Move an item up in a list.
 class NewAction
          Creates a new child of the activated node, if appropriate.
 class NewTemplateAction
          Creates a new object from template in the selected folder.
 class OpenAction
          Opens a node (e.g. in a web browser, or in the Editor).
 class OpenLocalExplorerAction
          Open an Explorer window with a particular root node.
 class PrintAction
          Print the selected object.
 class PropertiesAction
          Get properties of a node.
 class RenameAction
          Rename a node.
 class ReorderAction
          Reorder items in a list with a dialog.
 class SaveAction
          Save a single object.
 class SaveAsTemplateAction
          Saves a data object to a folder under in the system's templates area.
 class StartDebuggerAction
          Start the debugger.
 class TraceIntoAction
          Trace into a method in the debugger.
 class ViewAction
          View an object (but do not edit it).

Uses of NodeAction in org.openide.util.actions

Subclasses of NodeAction in org.openide.util.actions
 class CookieAction
          An action dependent on the cookies of the selected nodes.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.