Introducing a Custom Layout
By Byron Hawkins
this article, software entrepreneur Byron
Hawkins presents a custom-designed form layout manager --
one that's easy to use, and can simplify the creation and modification
of forms. You can learn more about layout managers by reading
the chapter
on that topic in the Java Tutorial.
It's easy to download the source code for the custom form
layout manager described in this article. Just visit the author's
Web site.
At the same site, you can also browse through the form layout
manager's API.
A layout manager arranges its children based on its size and the
sizes -- actually the preferred, minimum, and maximum sizes -- of
its children. There are two basic approaches to organizing a container
with layout managers: the composite approach, and the GridBag approach.
This article discusses both these approaches, then demonstrates
a custom layout manager -- called FormLayout -- which is a combination
of the two (see Figure 1).
With the help of screen shots linked to actual code examples,
the article shows how the FormLayout manager can simplify the creation
and modification of forms. At the end of the article, there's also
a link to the FormLayout API.
In Swing, the JTree, JTable, JList, and JComboBox components use
a single delegate object called a cell renderer to draw their
contents. A cell renderer is a component whose paint()
method is used to draw each item in a list, each node in a tree,
or each cell in a table. A cell renderer component can be
viewed as a "rubber stamp": it's moved into each cell
location using setBounds(), and is then drawn with the
component's paint() method.
By using a component to render cells, you can achieve the effect
of displaying a large number of components for the cost of creating
just one. By default, the Swing components that employ cell
renderers simply use a JLabel, which supports the drawing of simple
combinations of text and an icon. To use any Swing component as
a cell renderer, all you have to do is create a subclass that implements
the appropriate cell renderer interface: TableCellRenderer for JTable,
ListCellRenderer for JList, and so on.
Figure 1
A Simple Form. |
The Composite Approach
First we'll talk about the composite approach to layout management.
This strategy groups components into panels, and then groups those
panels into larger and larger section panels, until the whole layout
has been accounted for.
In Figure 1, notice that the block of entry
fields at the top of the illustration and the row of buttons at
the bottom are placed in separate panels. The frame contains these
two panels. It uses a Y_AXIS BoxLayout for its LayoutManager.
This arrangement is convenient for forms like the one shown in
Figure 1, because no matter what is in the block of entry fields
and the row of buttons, you're guaranteed that the entry block will
be at the top, the button row will be at the bottom, and both blocks
will be centered inside the width of the frame. You can see why
composite layouts are used primarily for organizing large sections
Unfortunately, if you try to use the composite approach to lay
out the entry block itself, you discover its evil twin, the composite
nuisance. To see why that's true, suppose that you put the two (general)
columns of label/field pairs shown in Figure 1 into separate panels,
and that you then lay the panels out using an X_AXIS BoxLayout.
That works just fine: the panels will always reside next to each
other, and will fill whatever space they are given.
But now suppose that you want to add another label and field to
the end of the first column, and that you want it to stretch into
the second column. The BoxLayout can't help you there, because it
can't lay out a component across a column (or row) boundary.
Well, let's see . . . You could add another layer, making the two
original columns show up together in the top of a new Y_AXIS BoxLayout,
and putting the new label and field in the bottom of the new BoxLayout.
But then things start to get very complicated. In fact, if you rely
only on this approach, you usually have to redesign your whole layout
every time you make a minor change.
The GridBag Strategy
The GridBag handles the layout of the entry block much more comfortably.
Each time you add a component to a GridBag, you also add a constraints
object, which has fields specifying the number of rows and columns
the component spans, and also specifying various placement, stretching,
and filling properties.
This approach makes a lot of sense: You could probably look at
any GridBag constraints code, look at the form it produces, and
see what's going on. But the GridBag strategy really isn't much
more efficient for code modification than the composite approach.
Why not? Well, suppose you have just designed a Simple Form like
the shown in Figure 1 using a pure GridBag
layout, and now want to add one more label and field at the end
of the first column. To do that, you must to change the row number
of each of the buttons.
That doesn't sound like such a big deal -- but then, where in your
code can you find the row numbers of the buttons? Answer: In the
constraints object for each button. Happy trails.
What's worse, suppose you have now decided to add another label
and field to the right of the Quantity field. Happily, you find
that it fits in the space that exists there, without impeding on
the second (general) column of labels and fields. Remember, though,
that GridBag will put your new components in an additional pair
of columns, regardless of what your eye sees, so any components
in nearby columns will probably have to be adjusted accordingly.
Hope you made a map.
Just to keep perspective, the GridBag is the most flexible layout
manager available: It will do nearly anything you can think of,
as long as it does not compromise cross-platform (cross-monitor)
integrity. But you pay for it in code complexity, and it's no bargain.
There are a variety of layout managers available at
that attempt to simplify the situation. They fall into three categories:
WYSIWYG tools, relative layout managers, and composite approach
WYSIWYG Layout Managers
Gamelan's WYSIWYG entries allow components to be placed at exact
pixel locations and sizes. This can be dangerous, because you may
not know how many pixels are on your user's screen, much less how
big those pixels are. Even if you are certain that the WYSIWYG forms
will look OK for on all your company's current hardware, you never
know what might happen in six months when new hardware is purchased,
or your company merges with an organization whose users have only
poor resolutions available. If an application really does require
WYSIWYG specificity (which is unlikely), then it probably shouldn't
be written in the JavaTM programming
Relative Layout Managers and Composite Supplements
The relative layout managers you find on the Gamelan
site let you give each component a relative location and (usually
a pixel-specific) distance from another component in the layout.
These are simpler to use than the GridBag, and they will handle
many complex layout cases. But, like GridBag, they suffer the ripple
effect of new component additions, and are quite limited if you're
particular about how your layout looks. Besides, you have to pay
for the good ones.
The "supplements" to the composite repertoire all duplicate functionality
provided in the JDK.
The common cry I've heard from developers is that both the composite
approach and the GridBag strategy are just too cumbersome. "We're
just making record maintenance forms," they explain. "There
isn't time for all this!" Consequently, developers typically resort
to the WYSIWYG method, and given these options, I would too.
So, in the interest of a reasonably convenient alternative that
doesn't compromise cross-platform integrity, here is FormLayout.
The FormLayout Technique
The FormLayout technique, a combination of the composite approach
and the GridBag strategy, is what I used to create all the forms
shown in Figure 2.
Click any of the thumbnails to see a full-size screen shot, along
with source code.
For more detailed information on how the layouts were created, visit
the FormLayout API.
Form |
and FormLayout.LABEL_ON_TOP
row and column numbering
Form 1040
FormLayout examples.
Click each thumbnail to see a full-size view, with code.
To create a form using FormLayout, you add components and label-field
pairs by making a single FormLayout.add()
call. In making the call, you specify row and column numbers, along
with optional stretch/fill and mode properties. All fields in a
column are automatically aligned, allowing room for the longest
label. If you want a field or label to be aligned in a special way,
you can specify a mode by calling the add()
method. Row and column numbers need not be sequential, only ordered,
so if you use big numbers, you can easily add components in the
middle of the form without affecting the other components. This
scheme is especially useful if your are adjusting layout contents
at runtime, or generating UI code from a database schema.
The stretch-fill property, called fillRightPct, specifies
how far a component will stretch to right-justify, relative to the
component's size and willingness to stretch (preferredSize - minimumSize,
so that components don't stretch out of proportion). If you have
a fillRightPct you like, you can set it as the default for
the whole layout, and use the parameter only for special cases.
You can stuff components into a row without creating extra columns:
Just add the component to the existing row and column, and it will
find room for itself. In the Simple Form, "State" and "Zip" are
stuffed into Row 4, Column 2.
Now suppose that you want to add three more label/field pairs at
the bottom of the entry block, and that they need to span the full
width of the panel. Simply add them in column 0; FormLayout will
organize them separately from the components in column 1, and it
is not concerned if a component in column 0 reaches farther to the
right than a component in column 1.
The FormLayout is a work in progress, and still has some limitations
in the areas of flexibility and performance -- as you can see for
yourself by experimenting with the IRS
Form 1040 example. I'd welcome any suggested
improvements. Meanwhile, if you're designing a container in
which components need to be aligned toward different corners or
edges of the regions they occupy, or if you need to specify different
cell-padding and filling values for individual components, your
best option (in the JDK) may still be the GridBag strategy.