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Articles by Friends of Swing

In this section, The Swing Connection publishes outstanding articles that are written by third-party developers. These articles may contain code, statements, inferences, and programming techniques that are not necessarily endorsed by Sun Microsystems, Inc., or by The Swing Connection. But they´re well worth reading all the same.

Creating a Custom Look and Feel: How SAP AG, the world's largest manufacturer of enterprise software, is using Swing components to design a new L&F for a new product line.
An Experimental GUI: If you like to experiment with GUIs, Swing's lightweight classes are are just the ticket. This article tells how one JFCTM enthusiast has designed some wild and crazy components using Swing.
Introducing a Custom Layout Manager: It's easy to use, and it can simplify the creation and management forms.
Mailpuccino: A Recipe for Brewing Cool Apps: How an 18-year-old developer designed an award-winning program with Swing.

Create MDI Programs with Swing:  Using AWT components to build MDI applications.
Tracking Progress with Swing: How to create and implement progress dialogs using the Swing component set.
Banking on Swing: How a German manufacturer of financial software migrated from AWT to Swing -- and why.
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