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Cluster Setting

Distributed Architecture


Distributed Operation

COOL can also be deployed as a scalable, distributed cluster.


zookeeper, hdfs


Deploy HDFS

Follow the Pseudo-distributed Operation instruction

Deploy zookeeper

Follow zookeeper started guide

Update Cfg

Update configuration at conf/

Update,, and server host

RUN broker and worker in COOL

  1. Run many workers, each worker has a unique port

    java -jar cool-queryserver/target/cool-queryserver-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar datasetSource/ 9011 WORKER
    java -jar cool-queryserver/target/cool-queryserver-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar datasetSource/ 9012 WORKER
  2. Run broker

    java -jar cool-queryserver/target/cool-queryserver-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar datasetSource/ 9013 BROKER


Manually upload used Cublet, query.json file to HDFS, or use the following APIs to upload data, table.yaml, and query to HDFS.

  • Upload all partitioned .dz files to HDFS path: /cube/ eg. "/cube/health/v1/", "/cube/health/v1/"
  • Upload query.json file to /tmp/queryID folder, eg. "/tmp/1/query.json"
  • Upload table.yaml file to same folder of cube, eg, "/cube/health/v1/table.yaml"


In distributed mode, the client can only talk to the broker.

  • [server:port]: broker/load-data-to-hdfs

    Upload data and table into HDFS for future usage.

    This API requires the CSV and table.YAML files are already on the server-side.

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"dataFileType": "CSV", "cubeName": "health", "schemaPath": "health/table.yaml", "dimPath": "health/dim.csv", "dataPath": "health/raw2.csv", "outputPath": "datasetSource"}'
  • [server:port]: broker/load-query-to-hdfs

    Upload the query file into HDFS for the future query.

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
    --form 'queryFile=@"FULL_PATH_PREFIX/COOL/health/query.json"'
  • [server:port]: info

    • List all workable urls
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9013/info'
  • [server:port]: /cohort/cohort-analysis

    • Perform distributed cohort analysis
    curl --location --request GET ''
    • Result is stored at HDFS.