/ project / urop / training

Safe Control Strategies for Autonomous Robots in Complex Interactive Environments

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme [EG2605]

Author: Chen Guoyi
Supervisors: Prof. Prahlad Vadakkepat, Liang Yuanchang
DOI: Pending...


AI Training Game for Autonomous Robot in Complex Interactive Environment

Designed By: Chen Guoyi, license under Apache 2.0 & CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.


Welcome to play the AI Training Game for Autonomous Robots in Complex Interactive Environments. Before starting this online game, please read the instructions on this page carefully. The link to the game is located at the bottom of this page. In this game, we will use mouse to control a robot navigating through a simulated inertial system filled with randomly moving obstacles. Your goal is to safely guide the robot to its destination while avoiding getting too close to the moving obstacles.


Once you successfully control the robot to reach the destination, your browser will automatically download a CSV file containing the kinematic data of the robot. Please send this CSV file (or compress files in one .zip file) to my work email at the School of Computing @ National University of Singapore,, with the email subject: [UROP]+Your Name. Once your CSV file is used to train real robots, your name will appear in the acknowledgments section of our webpage or paper.


Minimum System Requirements

  • 您需要使用鼠标进行游戏,本游戏目前无法支持触控设备
  • You need to use a mouse to play the game; currently, touch devices are not supported.
  • 如果您觉得游戏卡顿,请在游玩时接入外接电源。
  • If you experience any lag during the game, please connect to an external power source while playing.
  • 建议使用最新版本的Chrome、Firefox等主流浏览器
  • It is recommended to use the latest versions of mainstream browsers such as Chrome or Firefox.


Operational Guide


You will control the robot's movement on a huge map using the mouse. The robot will move towards the direction of the mouse, and the farther the mouse is from the robot, the greater the acceleration. In the game page, you can only see a limited part of the map as shown in the figure below:


The robot in the above picture runs within its field of view, so it is always in the center of the map. For your convenience, we have used lines with different colors to inform you of your robot's information on the global map, including:

  • 红色线段:机器人指向鼠标的距离,线段越长,机器人在所指方向上的加速度越大。
  • Red line: The distance from the robot to the mouse. The longer the line, the greater the acceleration of the robot in the direction pointed.
  • 蓝色线段:机器人指向目的地(绿色方块)的距离,上标有距离数值。
  • Blue line: The distance from the robot to the destination (green square), with the distance value marked above.
  • 黄色线段:进入机器人危险区域的障碍物(黑色圆圈)与机器人的连线,您应该避免过多的连线。
  • Yellow line: The line connecting obstacles (Black Circles) entering the robot's danger zone to the robot. You should avoid too many connections.


Start Game


Before starting the game, please read and consent our terms and conditions:

  • 适度游戏有益健康,请不要在上课时玩游戏。
  • Moderate gaming is beneficial to health, please refrain from playing games during class.
  • 您必须在带有触控板或鼠标的设备上游玩这个游戏,移动设备(例如手机与平板)的游玩体验是灾难的。
  • You must play this game on a device with a touchpad or mouse; the gaming experience on mobile devices (such as phones and tablets) is disastrous.
  • 控制带有惯性的机器人具有一定难度,切记戒骄戒躁。
  • Controlling robots with inertia is challenging; remember to avoid being arrogant and impatient.
  • 有一定的概率您在一开局就碰到障碍物,若要开始下一局,您可直接刷新页面。
  • There is a certain probability that you will encounter obstacles right at the beginning of the game. To start the next round, you can simply refresh the page.
  • 您提交给我们的csv文件将在验证哈希值后作为我们机器人的训练数据,根据新加坡国立大学个人数据保护条例,您的数据与您的关联性将被移除。
  • The CSV file you submit to us will be used as training data for our robot after validating the hash value. According to the Personal Data Protection Act of the National University of Singapore, any association between your data and you will be removed.
  • 本页面的开发者保留所有权利。
  • The developers of this page reserve all rights.