Logic Seminar in Semester I AY 2020/2021
Talks are Wednesday afternoon from 17:00 to 18:00 hrs via Zoom.
The Zoom Code is 968 6020 1432; the Zoom Password is a famous
question, still unresolved, originating from the work of
Levin and Cook. It has 8 characters.
- Wednesday 12/08/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 1,
Frank Stephan
Initial Segment Complexity for Measures - Results and Open Problems.
The initial segment complexity of a measure mu at n is given by the
sum over all mu(x)*C(x) with x of length n for the plain complexity C and
similarly for the prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity. This talk gives the
basic relations between initial segment complexity and randomness notions
and lists out various open questions which arise from this work. The same
work was presented at the American Institute of Mathematics in this week's
programme on Algorithmic Randomness.
This is joint work with Andre Nies.
The paper is availbale as a technical report on
The slides are available as a pdf-file and
as a ps-file.
- Wednesday, 19/08/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 2,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Cristian Calude.
A New Quantum Random Number Generator Certified by Value Indefiniteness.
We present a new ternary QRNG based on measuring located value indefinite
observables with probabilities 1/4,1/2,1/4 and prove that every
sequence generated is maximally unpredictable, 3-bi-immune (a stronger
form of bi-immunity), and its prefixes are Borel normal. The ternary
quantum random digits produced by the QRNG are algorithmically transformed
into quantum random bits using an alphabetic morphism which preserves all
the above properties.
- Wednesday 26/08/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 3,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Gordon Hoi. A faster exact algorithm to count X3SAT solutions.
The Exact Satisfiability problem, XSAT, is defined as the
problem of finding a satisfying assignment to a formula in CNF such
that there is exactly one literal in each clause assigned to be 1 and
the other literals in the same clause are set to 0. If we restrict
the length of each clause to be at most 3 literals,
then it is known as the X3SAT problem. In this paper, we consider
the problem of counting the number of satisfying assignments to
the X3SAT problem, which is also known as #X3SAT.
The current state of the art exact algorithm to solve #X3SAT
is given by Dahllöf, Jonsson and Beigel and runs in
O(1.1487^n), where n is the number of variables in
the formula. In this paper, we propose an exact algorithm
for the #X3SAT problem that runs in O(1.1120^n) with very few
branching cases to consider, by using a result from Monien
and Preis to give us a bisection width for graphs with at
most degree 3.
This is joint work with Sanjay Jain and Frank Stephan.
- Wednesday 02/09/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 4,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
No logic seminar.
- Wednesday 09/09/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 5,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Ming Xiao. A Borel Chain Condition of T(X).
In 1948, Horn and Tarski conjectured whether the σ-finite chain
condition and σ-bounded chain condition are equivalent. The first
counterexample was given by Thummel in 2012 and then a Borel
counterexample was given by Todorvevic in 2014. Both examples belong to a
class of poset called "Todorvevic ordering" T(X) over topological spaces
X. In this talk, I will illustrate a satisfactory condition for a
topological space X making the corresponding poset T(X) fail to have a
countable Borel partition witnessing the σ-finite chain condition,
although it may still be witnessed by non-Borel partitions.
The content of this talk is going to be the same as the one I gave in a
seminar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences last year and is also a part of
my Ph.D. dissertation.
- Wednesday 16/09/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 6,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Ye Jinhe. The étale open topology.
For any field K, we introduce natural topologies on
K-points of varieties over K, which is defined to be the
weakest topology such that étale morphisms are open. This topology
turns out to be natural in a lot of settings. For example, when K is
algebraically closed, it is easy to see that we have the Zariski
topology, and it picks up the valuation topology in many Henselian
valued fields. Moreover, many topological properties correspond to the
algebraic properties of the field. As an application, we will show
large stable fields are separably closed, a special case of the stable
fields conjecture.
This is joint work with Will Johnson, Chieu-Minh Tran and Erik Walsberg.
- Wednesday 30/09/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 7,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Vasco Brattka. The Discontinuity Problem.
We discuss the question whether there is a weakest unsolvable
mathematical problem. In recent years the Weihrauch lattice has
been established as a suitable computability theoretic framework
to analyze the uniform computational content of problems from many
different fields of mathematics. Here we answer a question by
Schröder, whether there is a weakest discontinuous problem with
respect to the continuous version of Weihrauch reducibility.
We introduce the discontinuity problem, and we show that it
is reducible exactly to the effectively discontinuous problems,
defined in a suitable way. However, in which sense this answers
Schröder's question sensitively depends on the axiomatic framework
that is chosen and it is a positive answer if we work in Zermelo-Fraenkel
set theory with dependent choice and the axiom of determinacy.
On the other hand, using the axiom of choice, one can construct
problems which are discontinuous, but not effectively so.
Hence, the exact structure of the ``bottom'' of the Weihrauch lattice
sensitively depends on the axiomatic setting that we choose.
We prove our result using Wadge games for mathematical problems and
while the existence of a winning strategy for player II characterizes
continuity of the problem (as already shown by Nobrega and Pauly),
the existence of a winning strategy for player I characterizes
effective discontinuity of the problem. We also provide further
insights into the algebraic nature of the discontinuity problem.
For one we show that the parallelization of the discontinuity
problem is exactly the non-computability problem that was studied
before. One the other hand, we introduce a new algebraic operation
in the Weihrauch lattice that we call summation and which is the
dual operation to parallelization. While parallelization can be
seen as an analogue of the bang operator in linear logic, summation
can be seen as an analogue of the question mark operator.
It turns out that the discontinuity problem can be obtained as
summation of a number of well-known problems in the Weihrauch
lattice, such as the (lesser) limited problem of omniscience
and variants thereof. More generally, we study the action of
the monoid formed by parallelization and summation on the
Weihrauch lattice, and we prove that this action can lead to
at most five different Weihrauch degrees, which (in the maximal case)
are always organized in a pentagon. We show that the discontinuity
problem appears as the bottom of several natural such pentagons.
This leads to further interesting characterizations of the
discontinuity problem.
The slides are
- Wednesday 07/10/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 8,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Wu Guohua. Splittings.
I will present a survey of splittings in sets and in
degrees. Downey-Stob's long paper in 1993 provides a comprehensive and
updated survey. In this talk, I first recall some classical theorems
on this topic, both ideas and techniques, and following this, I will
present some results along this line being done in the last few years.
- Wednesday 14/10/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 9,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Tran Chieu-Minh.
Incidence counting and trichotomy in o-minimal structures.
Zarankiewicz's problem in graph theory asks to determine
the largest possible number of edges |E| in a bipartite graph
G = (V1, V2; E) with the parts
V1 and V2 containing
n1 and n2
vertices, respectively, and such that G contains no complete
bipartite subgraphs on k vertices. Graphs definable in o-minimal
(or more generally distal structures) enjoy stronger bounds than general
graphs, providing an abstract setting for the Szemerédi-Trotter
theorem and related incidence bounds. We obtain almost optimal upper
and lower bounds for hypergraphs definable in locally modular
o-minimal structures, along with some applications to incidence
counting (e.g. the number of incidences between points and boxes with
axis parallel sides on the plane whose incidence graph is
is almost linear). We explain how the exponent appearing in these
bounds is tightly connected to the trichotomy principle in
o-minimal structures.
Joint work with Abdul Basit, Artem Chernikov, Sergei Starchenko and
Terence Tao.
- Wednesday 21/10/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 10,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Rupert Hölzl. Monte Carlo Computability.
We introduce Monte Carlo computability as a probabilistic concept of
computability on infinite objects and prove that Monte Carlo
computable functions are closed under composition. We then mutually
separate the following classes of functions from each other: the class
of multi-valued functions that are non-deterministically computable,
that of Las Vegas computable functions, and that of Monte Carlo
computable functions. We give natural examples of computational
problems witnessing these separations. As a specific problem
which is Monte Carlo computable but neither Las Vegas computable
nor non-deterministically computable, we study the problem of
sorting infinite sequences that was recently introduced by
Neumann and Pauly. Their results allow us to draw conclusions
about the relation between algebraic models and Monte Carlo computability.
- Wednesday 28/10/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 11,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Liao Yuke. Computability of the Julia set.
TTE-computable is one of the major definitions of computable real
functions. We focus on a generalisation of TTE and check the basic cases
of computability of Julia sets. We prove quadratic polynomials with Siegel
disc incomputable in TTE is still incomputable in generalisation.
- Wednesday 04/11/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 12,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Andre Nies.
Weak reducibilities on the K-trivial sets.
The K-trivial sets are antirandom in the sense that the
initial segment complexity in terms of prefix-free Kolmogorov
complexity K grows as slowly as possible. Chaitin introduced this
notion in about 1975, and showed that each K-trivial is Turing below
the halting set. Shortly after, Solovay proved that a K-trivial set
can be noncomputable.
In the past two decades, many alternative characterisations of this
class have been found: properties such as being low for K, low for
Martin-Löf (ML) randomness, and a basis for ML randomness, which
state in one way or the other that the set is close to computable.
Initially, the class of noncomputable K-trivials appeared to be
amorphous. More recently, evidence of an internal structure has been
found. Most of these results can be phrased in the language of a
mysterious reducibility on the K-trivials which is weaker than
Turing's: A is ML-below B if each ML-random computing B also computes A.
Bienvenu, Greenberg, Kucera, Nies and Turetsky (JEMS 2016) showed that
there an ML-complete K-trivial set. Greenberg, Miller and Nies (JML
2019) established a dense hierarchy of subclasses of the K-trivials
based on fragments of Omega computing the set, and each such subclass
is an initial segment for ML. More recent results generalise these
approaches using so-called cost functions. They also show that each
K-trivial set is ML-equivalent to a c.e. K-trivial.
Alternative reducibilities on the K-trivials will be considered near
the end of the talk. One of them is related to the extreme lowness
notion of strong jump traceability, and appears to be orthogonal to
ML-reducibility. Very recent work with Greenberg and Turetsky provides
manyfold characterisations in terms of cost functions, and random oracles.
The slides are available as a
- Wednesday 11/11/2020, 17:00 hrs, Week 13,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Philipp Schlicht.
Structural results about
and Σ12 sets.
Similarities between c.e.,
and Σ12 sets
can be explained by representing
and Σ12 sets
as c.e. with respect to
a transfinite enumeration procedure. This representation is important for
classical results about
and Σ12
sets, but also for recent
results, for instance about randomness at the level
of Π11 by Hjorth and
Nies and structural results about
Σ12 sets by Chong, Wu and Yu.
In the main result, we calculate the lengths of enumerations. More
precisely, we isolate a certain countable ordinal tau and show that the
length of an enumeration of a
or Σ12 set
either equals ω1
or is below τ, and τ is optimal.
This ordinal has many other
interesting characterisations. For example, we show that
τ is the optimal
bound for the countable ranks of wellfounded
Σ12 relations, in
analogy with the Kunen-Martin theorem. We will further touch on related
structural problems such as calculating Borel ranks of
and Σ12
Borel sets.
This is joint work with Philip Welch and Merlin Carl.
The slides are available on
Philipp Schlicht's homepage.
Talks from the
previous semesters.