Uses of Interface

Packages that use EditorCookie
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.loaders DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. 

Uses of EditorCookie in org.openide.cookies

Subinterfaces of EditorCookie in org.openide.cookies
static interface SourceCookie.Editor
          Extended source cookie permitting for bidirectional translation with Swing text elements.

Uses of EditorCookie in org.openide.loaders

Methods in org.openide.loaders that return EditorCookie
protected  EditorCookie XMLDataObject.createEditorCookie()
          Deprecated. CookieSet factory should be used by subclasses instead.

Uses of EditorCookie in org.openide.text

Classes in org.openide.text that implement EditorCookie
 class EditorSupport
          Deprecated. Use DataEditorSupport instead

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.