Uses of Class

Packages that use NbProcessDescriptor
org.openide.compiler Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source. 
org.openide.execution The IDE uses a small interface to describe the execution of Java-based classes together with arguments. 

Uses of NbProcessDescriptor in org.openide.compiler

Methods in org.openide.compiler that return NbProcessDescriptor
 NbProcessDescriptor ExternalCompilerType.getExternalCompiler()
          Getter for process descriptor describing the compiler.
 NbProcessDescriptor ExternalCompiler.getCompilerDescriptor()
          Get the description of the compiler executable.

Methods in org.openide.compiler with parameters of type NbProcessDescriptor
 void ExternalCompilerType.setExternalCompiler(NbProcessDescriptor nb)
          Setter for process descriptor describing the compiler.
protected  Process ExternalCompilerGroup.createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor desc, String[] files, Object compilerType)
          Deprecated. Please instead directly override ExternalCompilerGroup.createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor,String[]) as this version does not use the now-deprecated "compiler type" object.
protected  Process ExternalCompilerGroup.createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor desc, String[] files)
          Allows subclasses to provide their own format for parsing the arguments of NbProcessDescriptor contained in the ExternalCompiler.
protected  Process ExternalCompilerGroup.createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor desc, String[] files, File cwd)
          Allows subclasses to provide their own format for parsing the arguments of NbProcessDescriptor contained in the ExternalCompiler.

Constructors in org.openide.compiler with parameters of type NbProcessDescriptor
ExternalCompiler(FileObject fo, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler.
ExternalCompiler(CompilerJob job, FileObject fo, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler.
ExternalCompiler(Compiler[] dependencies, FileObject fo, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler with dependencies.
ExternalCompiler(File file, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler for a given
ExternalCompiler(FileSystem fs, String resourceName, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler for an object in repository that still does not exists.
ExternalCompiler(String resourceName, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler for an object in repository need not exist in present.

Uses of NbProcessDescriptor in org.openide.execution

Fields in org.openide.execution declared as NbProcessDescriptor
protected  NbProcessDescriptor ProcessExecutor.externalExecutor
          external process - like java.exe - property

Methods in org.openide.execution that return NbProcessDescriptor
 NbProcessDescriptor ProcessExecutor.getExternalExecutor()
          Get the current external execution command.

Methods in org.openide.execution with parameters of type NbProcessDescriptor
 void ProcessExecutor.setExternalExecutor(NbProcessDescriptor desc)
          Set a new external execution command.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.