Uses of Class

Packages that use Mutex
org.openide.compiler Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source. 
org.openide.nodes The IDE uses nodes to represent JavaBeans or other property containers, formed into a hierarchical tree. 
org.openide.util A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs. 

Uses of Mutex in org.openide.compiler

Fields in org.openide.compiler declared as Mutex
static Mutex Compilable.MUTEX
          Mutex to synchronize in adding/changing and reading dependencies between compilable objects.

Uses of Mutex in org.openide.nodes

Fields in org.openide.nodes declared as Mutex
static Mutex Children.MUTEX
          Lock for access to hierarchy of all node lists.

Uses of Mutex in org.openide.util

Fields in org.openide.util declared as Mutex
static Mutex Mutex.EVENT
          Mutex that allows code to be synchronized with the AWT event dispatch thread.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.