Uses of Interface

Packages that use Workspace
org.openide.awt A set of utility classes pertaining to the visual appearance of the IDE. 
org.openide.explorer Many different UI components of the IDE are actually Explorer views of nodes. 
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. Most parts of the IDE do not manipulate windows directly, but use special top components

Uses of Workspace in org.openide.awt

Methods in org.openide.awt with parameters of type Workspace
 void workspace)
          always open this top component in our special mode, if no mode for this component is specified yet

Uses of Workspace in org.openide.explorer

Methods in org.openide.explorer with parameters of type Workspace
 void workspace)
 boolean ExplorerPanel.canClose(Workspace workspace, boolean last)

Uses of Workspace in org.openide.text

Methods in org.openide.text with parameters of type Workspace
 boolean CloneableEditor.canClose(Workspace workspace, boolean last)
          Make sure the EditorKit knows it is going bye-bye.
 void workspace)
          Overrides superclass version.

Uses of Workspace in

Methods in that return Workspace
 Workspace Mode.getWorkspace()
          Getter for asociated workspace.
 Workspace WindowManager.createWorkspace(String name)
          Deprecated. please use method createWorkspace(String name, String displayName) instead
abstract  Workspace WindowManager.createWorkspace(String name, String displayName)
          Creates new workspace.
abstract  Workspace WindowManager.findWorkspace(String name)
          Finds workspace given its name.
abstract  Workspace[] WindowManager.getWorkspaces()
          List of all workspaces.
abstract  Workspace WindowManager.getCurrentWorkspace()
          Current workspace.

Methods in with parameters of type Workspace
 void workspace)
          Show the component on given workspace.
 boolean TopComponent.isOpened(Workspace workspace)
          Finds out whether this top component is opened or not on specified workspace.
 boolean TopComponent.close(Workspace workspace)
          Closes the top component on given workspace, if closeOperation is set to CLOSE_LAST.
 boolean TopComponent.canClose(Workspace workspace, boolean last)
          This method is called when top component is about to close.
 boolean CloneableTopComponent.canClose(Workspace workspace, boolean last)
          Called when this component is about to close.
abstract  void WindowManager.setWorkspaces(Workspace[] workspaces)
          Sets new array of workspaces.
 void workspace)
          Open the component on given workspace in the right mode.
 void WindowManager.Component.close(Workspace workspace)
          Close the component on given workspace.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.