Title / Description |
Project Team |
Documentation |
Videos |
Daddy, I Miss You! A girl throws a paper plane that transforms into a real plane and back to a paper plane. Effect: Paper plane transforms to real plane |
Chia Teck Seng Susan Ong Soo Yin Tay Kar Yam |
The Messenger Little man interacts with large man. Effect: Scale effect |
Praveen Kumar Gunasekaran Rajavelu Palanivelu Sriram Gopal Thanikachalam |
Land of the Wolves Human fighting wolf. Effect: Human fight with CG wolf |
Bai Qingfeng Chua Wah Soon Liu Peng |
2010 Water flows from tap turning into a great flood. Effect: Flood changed Road Hazard A person is knocked by car and disintegrates.. Effect: Human disintegration / integration |
Chan Kaho Ding Xian Cong Koh Yih Lun, Alan |
Good Night Liquid turning into jelly monster frightening a girl. Effect: Jelly monster changed The Poster Girl interacts with movie scene. Effect: Fire and smoke |
Huang Zhongming Liu Ling Wang Ziyuan |
Chrono's Grace Time freezes before a guy is burnt by fire and then time reverses. Effect: Time freeze and time reversal |
Chan Chong Sheng Thum Kar Mun |
Out of Control Missile explodes on the ground making a huge crater. Effect: Explosion and crater |
Chen Ling Wei Tan Rei Wen Alex Wang Kai |
Strange Dream A man dreams of a dream of a car accident. Effect: Car accident |
Kang Tiong Meng Loh Ching Siang Ng Hock Leong, Tommy |
Do Not Touch A man is suck into a painting that burns. Effect: Man suck into painting |
Chen Jianhan, Eugene Ee Wai Lay Ng Jia Xiang |
The Time Freezer A guy freezes time to avoid being hit by a car. Effect: Frozen time |
A. Satish Kumar Li Bowen Samarjit Samanta |
Rebirth Meteor strike devastate the environment. Later, plants begin to grow again. Effect: Meteor strike and plants regenerate. |
Koong Lin Sien Lim Yuen Hoe |
Cleaner Cleaned Rebulid bridge/building destroyed by agents in Hunter Hunted. Effect: Rebuild bridge/building |
Felicia Nguyen The Loan Nguyen Dinh Duy |
The Ink Man Ink morphs into man and changes ink-written text on white board. Effect: Animated ink interact with real ink |
Hu Zhijia Lim Shao Wei |
100Plus: Double Your Energy A person's clone appears to help him in a race. Effect: Clone Interacts with original |
Kazi Rubaiat Habib Phan Van Song Yann-Loup Qian Kun |
Withdrawing Your Drink A person withdraws a card from ATM that turns into a bottle of drink. Effect: Image morphing |
Chan Kum Teck |