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Lab Rules & Regulations

Lab Bookings

Courses Conducted

Lab Time-Table

Hardware Configuration

Software Installed

Other Equipments

Equipments for Loan



Lab Bookings

You may view/book on-line for Media Lab 2 (also other Teaching Facilities) from the Web Room Booking for Teaching Facilities system (WRBTF).

Please login to the below URL using your NUSNET ID and passwd.

Quick Guide:-

(A) To view availability:-

  1. Select view room timetable
  2. Select SoC Faculty
  3. Select room
  4. Select week
  5. Click view timetable

(B) To book venue:-

  1. At "Faculty Location", select "SoC Faculty",
  2. At "Date", choose a date,
  3. At "Time", choose your "Preferred start time" and "duration" of your booking.
  4. Click "Enter" and it will give a list of the rooms available.
  5. Click "Select" for the room which you wish to book.
  6. You will receive an booking email with the following msg:

"Important: As a rule if you are booking a room which does not belong to your faculty, please check with the faculty Coordinator first before submitting your request on-line.

This is because the faculty Coordinator will cancel your booking within 3 working days if prior approval has not been obtained.

If this room belongs to your Faculty, Please treat this as a Confirmation of your Booking."

You may refer to the for the detailed USER GUIDE.

The Lab Co-ordinator for Media Lab 2 is Prof. Tan Tiow Seng.

The Lab Officer for Media Lab 2 is Mdm Faridah Bte Mahmud.

Rental Charges may apply. Please see below URL for more details:-


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Last Modified on: 30 November 2006



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