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Lab Rules & Regulations

Lab Bookings

Courses Conducted

Lab Time-Table

Hardware Configuration

Software Installed

Other Equipments

Equipments for Loan



Rules & Regulations : Equipment, Rooms & Labs



Abusive behaviour towards equipment and/or accessories is considered delinquent. Users are accountable for the equipment and/or accessories they utilize. Removal of any equipment and/or accessories without permission from relevant authorities is considered as theft. Immediate disciplinary action will be taken against offenders.

Users are reminded that any computer resources reserved exclusively for tutorial, lab or similar sessions are out of bounds to non-participants. Any interference in such sessions is PROHIBITED.

Users must not disturb others (like watching movies or listening to music without headset) or behave rowdily in all terminal rooms and labs. Offenders will be subjected to warning for the first time and suspension of accounts for 1 week the second time.

No Tampering Of Security Door

Anyone tampering with the security door will face the suspension of his unix account and NUSNET account and the denial of his access to the lab for two weeks. The respective lab coordinators will be informed and they might want to take whatever action deem appropriate. Repeated offences will be meted with doubling the previous punishment.

No Eating Or Drinking In The Labs

Other than plain water, users who consume food or drink into any lab will have their accounts suspended for 1 week.

No Hogging Of Terminals

  • Users who do not attend to their terminals for more than 15 minutes have to logout from the system and remove their belongings. Those who want to leave for less than 15 minutes should display clearly a note stating the name, userid, the time he/she left, and sign it.
  • Any user who wants to use a terminal which is not occupied can use it immediately if
    • there is no notice on the terminal;
    • there is no time stated;
    • the time stated is more than 15 minutes earlier;
    • the time stated is later than the current time.

He/She should keep the note and write down the time of taking over. Show it to the lab technologist if there is any argument.

How The Punishments Are Meted Out

  • The period of suspension is usually 1 week for the first offence. The suspension period will be doubled over the previous one for each subsequent similar offence.
  • Offenders will be asked to write a letter to the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee to apologize for their own behaviour by stating the details of the incident and promise not to do it again.
  • The account will be suspended until the period is over or the letter is received, whichever is later.
  • If the suspension period is more than 4 weeks, the account will be suspended for 4 weeks. Meanwhile, the case will be handed over to the Disciplinary Committee.


  • The accounts suspended include the NUSNET account and any other accounts.
  • In the lab, we will put down the names or room numbers of the labtech in-charge. The guidelines and rules will be posted in the labs.


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Last Modified on: 30 November 2006



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