Titlepage | Introduction
| Overview | ROM
| Layout | Testing | Conclusion | References.
Design and Implementation of Datapath
This section describes the design and implementation of most of the
components of the BMS. There are actually 2 datapaths in the design:
the stack pointer is implemented as a small, 4-bit wide datapath while
the stack memory, program counter, program count incrementor and
multiplexor are implemented as a larger 12-bit wide datapath.
There are two main advantages of designing these subsystems as
datapaths: firstly, datapaths exploit regularity and allow for
replication - this cuts down on the number of cells that have to be
desgined since bitslices can be replicated and stacked up. Secondly,
this technique makes the design easily extensible. For example, to
increase the depth of the stack involves only adding more bit slices
to both datapaths and possibly increasing the driving strength of the
control signals.
Comments to benleong@mit.edu
or mike_sy@mit.edu or sclee@mit.edu
Last updated 11/21/96.
Titlepage | Introduction
| Overview | ROM
| Layout | Testing | Conclusion | References.