Titlepage | Introduction | Overview | ROM | Datapath | Layout | Testing | Conclusion | References.
The stack memory is connected to the datapath, getting some of its inputs from the PC register and providing inputs to the output mux. It also takes in inputs from the ROM to indicate a write operation and a 3-bit address input from the stack pointer.
It was implemented using an 8x12-bit SRAM memory module, a clock coupled decoder, a write signal generator and a 12 bit negative edge register. A diagram showing the interconnections are shown Figure 1.
The 8x12-bit SRAM module was designed using the 6-T RAM cell design and a differential sense amplifier shown in Figures 2 and 3. The 8 word deep stack was achieved by stacking up the 6-T RAM cell and attaching the sense amplifier, write transistors, write data drivers and the pull up transistors as shown in Figure 4. The 12 bit wide word, on the other hand, was achieved by taking 12 one bit slices of the 8 deep RAM cell and placing them side by side.
The clock coupled decoder shown in Figure 5 assures that the word line is only valid to the low edge of the clock cycle when the read and write opreation occurs. This is done to let the bit and bitinv line precharge to vdd on the high part of the clock, thus aiding the read operation.
The write signal generator was implemented by NOR'ing S1inv and S0, and then AND'ing it to a buffered and inverted clock. The clock needed to be buffered so as to assure that the word line signal from the clock coupled decoder will turn off first before the write signal turns off. This is to assure that the data gets written to the 6-T RAM cell properly.
The 12 bit register at the end is to assure that the write data will be valid until the write is done. This is because of the buffering and inverting of the clock which results in the word lines and the write signal being valid a little after the positive clock edge.
Comments to benleong@mit.edu
or mike_sy@mit.edu or sclee@mit.edu
Last updated 11/21/96.
Titlepage | Introduction | Overview | ROM | Datapath | Layout | Testing | Conclusion | References.