PACKAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.src.Import
A package import.
PACKAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceElementFilter
Specifies package-private member access.
packages(DataFilter) - Method in interface org.openide.Places.Nodes
Get a root of packages with a given data filter.
PageSetupAction - class org.openide.actions.PageSetupAction.
Sets up page for printing.
PageSetupAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.PageSetupAction
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
paintBackground(Graphics) - Method in class org.openide.awt.ListPane
If the list is opaque, paint its background.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.openide.awt.ListPane
Paint the rows that intersect the Graphics objects clipRect.
PAINTING_PREFERRED - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Constant for preferably painting property values.
pane - Variable in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
editor pane
parameterComment() - Method in interface org.openide.src.JavaDocTag.Param
Return the parameter comment.
parameterName() - Method in interface org.openide.src.JavaDocTag.Param
Return the parameter name.
parse(InputSource, boolean, boolean, ErrorHandler, EntityResolver) - Static method in class org.openide.xml.XMLUtil
Factory a DocumentBuilder and let it create a org.w3c.dom.Document.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Type
Create a type from its string representation.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.MethodParameter
Create a method parameter by parsing its textual representation.
parse(String) - Method in class org.openide.util.MapFormat
Parses the string.
parse(URL) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting null error handler and validation to false.
parse(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting null handler.
parse(URL, ErrorHandler) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead setting validation to false.
parse(URL, ErrorHandler, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead.
parseErrors(ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression, Reader) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerGroup
Parses a compiler errors described by err from parsedReader
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class org.openide.src.ElementFormat
Don't parse objects.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class org.openide.util.MapFormat
Parses the string.
parseParameters(String) - Static method in class org.openide.util.Utilities
Parses parameters from a given string in shell-like manner.
partialSort(List, Comparator, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.util.Utilities
Sort a list according to a specified partial order.
paste() - Method in class org.openide.util.datatransfer.PasteType
Perform the paste action.
PasteAction - class org.openide.actions.PasteAction.
Paste from clipboard.
PasteAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.PasteAction
PasteType - class org.openide.util.datatransfer.PasteType.
Clipboard operation providing one kind of paste action.
PasteType() - Constructor for class org.openide.util.datatransfer.PasteType
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.WorkspaceSwitchAction
Not implemented.
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.PasteAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.RedoAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.PageSetupAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.GarbageCollectAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.OpenProjectAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.UndoAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.actions.SaveAllAction
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.CallableSystemAction
Actually perform the action.
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.NodeAction
Performs the action.
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.CallbackSystemAction
Perform the action.
performAction() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.ProjectSensitiveAction
Performs the action.
performAction(Node) - Method in class org.openide.actions.DebugProjectAction
performAction(Node) - Method in class org.openide.actions.BuildProjectAction
performAction(Node) - Method in class org.openide.actions.ExecuteProjectAction
performAction(Node) - Method in class org.openide.actions.CompileProjectAction
performAction(Node) - Method in class org.openide.actions.SaveProjectAction
Performs the action
performAction(Node) - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.ProjectSensitiveAction
Performs the action on the current project desktop node.
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.StartDebuggerAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.GoAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.TraceIntoAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.PrintAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.AbstractCompileAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.SaveAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.RenameAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.NewAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.InstantiateAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.ReorderAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.MoveDownAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.OpenAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.ViewAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.CustomizeAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.EditAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.MoveUpAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.CustomizeBeanAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.SaveAsTemplateAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.NewTemplateAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.GoToCursorAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.OpenLocalExplorerAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.PropertiesAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.actions.ExecuteAction
performAction(Node[]) - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.NodeAction
Perform the action based on the currently activated nodes.
performAction(SystemAction) - Method in interface org.openide.util.actions.ActionPerformer
Called when the action is to be performed.
performActionAt(int) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.Actions.SubMenuModel
Perform the action on the specific index
Places - interface org.openide.Places.
Provides access to all basic components ("places") in the IDE.
Places.Folders - interface org.openide.Places.Folders.
Deprecated. Most users of these folders will be using their paths directly in XML layers; since these paths are necessarily defined in the APIs anyway, using a method call for each location is not necessary.
Places.Nodes - interface org.openide.Places.Nodes.
Provides access to important node places.
PLAIN_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Plain message type using no icon.
PopupAction - class org.openide.actions.PopupAction.
Open a popup menu.
PopupAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.PopupAction
pos - Variable in class org.openide.text.DocumentLine
reference to one position on the line
PositionBounds - class org.openide.text.PositionBounds.
A range bounded by two PositionRefs.
PositionBounds(PositionRef, PositionRef) - Constructor for class org.openide.text.PositionBounds
Creates new PositionBounds.
PositionRef - class org.openide.text.PositionRef.
Reference to one position in a document.
post(Runnable) - Method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable immediately.
post(Runnable, int) - Method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
post(Runnable, int, int) - Method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
postCreationTask(Runnable) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FolderInstance
Invokes the creation of objects in a "safe" thread.
postCreationTask(Runnable) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FolderLookup
Starts the creation of the object in the Folder recognizer thread.
postReadRequest(Runnable) - Method in class org.openide.util.Mutex
Posts a read request.
postRequest(Runnable) - Static method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
postRequest(Runnable, int) - Static method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
postRequest(Runnable, int, int) - Static method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
postWriteRequest(Runnable) - Method in class org.openide.util.Mutex
Posts a write request.
PREF_CUSTOM_EDITOR - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Constant defining preferences in displaying of value.
PREF_INPUT_STATE - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Constant defining preferences in displaying of value.
PREF_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Constant defining preferences in displaying of value.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.openide.awt.EqualFlowLayout
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
prepare() - Method in class org.openide.src.SourceElement
Begin parsing this source element.
prepare() - Method in interface org.openide.src.SourceElement.Impl
Begin parsing this source element.
prepareDocument() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie
Should load the document into memory.
prepareDocument() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Load the document into memory.
prepareDocument() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Load the document into memory.
prepareEnvironment(FileSystem.Environment) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Allows filesystems to set up the environment for external execution and compilation.
prepareEnvironment(FileSystem.Environment) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.MultiFileSystem
Lets any sub file systems prepare the environment.
prepareEnvironment(FileSystem.Environment) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem
Prepare environment for external compilation or execution.
prepareEnvironment(FileSystem.Environment) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem
Prepare environment by adding the root directory of the file system to the class path.
prepareJob(CompilerJob, Class, DataObject) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.CompilerType
Prepare a data object for compilation.
prepareJob(CompilerJob, Class, DataObject) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerType
Starts the compilation.
prepareJob(CompilerJob, Enumeration, Class, Compiler.Depth) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport
Utility method to handle compilation on given set of DataObject.
Presenter - interface org.openide.util.actions.Presenter.
Provides a presentation feature for an action.
Presenter.Menu - interface org.openide.util.actions.Presenter.Menu.
The presenter interface for presenting an action in a menu.
Presenter.Popup - interface org.openide.util.actions.Presenter.Popup.
The presenter interface for presenting an action in a popup menu.
Presenter.Toolbar - interface org.openide.util.actions.Presenter.Toolbar.
The presenter interface for presenting an action in a toolbar.
PREVIOUS_OPTION - Static variable in class org.openide.WizardDescriptor
"Previous" button option.
previous() - Method in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters.AttributedCharacterIteratorImpl
previousPanel() - Method in interface org.openide.WizardDescriptor.Iterator
Move to the previous panel.
previousPanel() - Method in class org.openide.WizardDescriptor.ArrayIterator
PreviousTabAction - class org.openide.actions.PreviousTabAction.
Go to the previous tab (e.g. in a window).
PreviousTabAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.PreviousTabAction
print() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.PrintCookie
Print the content of the object.
print() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
The implementation of @see org.openide.cookies.PrintCookie#print() method.
print() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. The implementation of @see org.openide.cookies.PrintCookie#print() method.
print(ElementPrinter) - Method in class org.openide.src.Element
Print this element (and all its subelements) into an element printer.
print(ElementPrinter) - Method in class org.openide.src.SourceElement
print(ElementPrinter) - Method in class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement
print(ElementPrinter) - Method in class org.openide.src.FieldElement
print(ElementPrinter) - Method in class org.openide.src.InitializerElement
print(ElementPrinter) - Method in class org.openide.src.ClassElement
print(String) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ElementPrinter
Print some text.
print(String) - Method in class org.openide.src.DefaultElementPrinter
PrintAction - class org.openide.actions.PrintAction.
Print the selected object.
PrintAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.PrintAction
PrintCookie - interface org.openide.cookies.PrintCookie.
Cookie permitting an object to be printed.
println(String) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ElementPrinter
Print a line of text with a newline.
println(String) - Method in class org.openide.src.DefaultElementPrinter
println(String, OutputListener) - Method in class org.openide.windows.OutputWriter
Print a line.
println(String, OutputListener) - Method in class org.openide.windows.InputOutput.NullOutputWriter
PrintSettings - class org.openide.text.PrintSettings.
Settings for output window.
PrintSettings.AlignmentEditor - class org.openide.text.PrintSettings.AlignmentEditor.
Property editor for alignment properties
PrintSettings.AlignmentEditor() - Constructor for class org.openide.text.PrintSettings.AlignmentEditor
PrintSettings.PageFormatEditor - class org.openide.text.PrintSettings.PageFormatEditor.
Property editor for PageFormat instances
PrintSettings.PageFormatEditor() - Constructor for class org.openide.text.PrintSettings.PageFormatEditor
PrintSettings() - Constructor for class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
PrintSettingsBeanInfo - class org.openide.text.PrintSettingsBeanInfo.
BeanInfo for PrintSettings.
PrintSettingsBeanInfo() - Constructor for class org.openide.text.PrintSettingsBeanInfo
printStackTrace() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.DependencyException
printStackTrace() - Method in class org.openide.util.io.FoldingIOException
Deprecated. Prints stack trace of the foreign exception
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.DependencyException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class org.openide.util.io.FoldingIOException
Deprecated. Prints stack trace of the foreign exception
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.DependencyException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.openide.util.io.FoldingIOException
Deprecated. Prints stack trace of the foreign exception
PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceElementFilter
Specifies private member access.
process(Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.enum.QueueEnumeration
Processes object before it is returned from nextElement method.
processAction(ManifestSection.ActionSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process action section.
processClipboardConvertor(ManifestSection.ClipboardConvertorSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process clipboard convertor section.
processDebugger(ManifestSection.DebuggerSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process debugger section.
ProcessExecutor - class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor.
Executes a class externally (in a separate process).
ProcessExecutor.Format - class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor.Format.
Default format that can format tags related to execution.
ProcessExecutor.Format(ExecInfo) - Constructor for class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor.Format
All values for the paths takes from NbClassPath.createXXX methods.
ProcessExecutor.Format(ExecInfo, NbClassPath, NbClassPath, NbClassPath, NbClassPath) - Constructor for class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor.Format
ProcessExecutor() - Constructor for class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor
Create a new executor.
processFileSystem(ManifestSection.FileSystemSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process file system section.
processKey(String) - Method in class org.openide.util.MapFormat
Returns the value for given key.
processLoader(ManifestSection.LoaderSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process loader section.
processMouseEvent(MouseEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.MenuView.Menu
Checks for right click to ask the acceptor whether to accept the selection.
processNode(ManifestSection.NodeSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process node section.
processOption(ManifestSection.OptionSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process option section.
processorClasses() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject.Info
processPattern(String) - Method in class org.openide.util.MapFormat
Scans the pattern and prepares internal variables.
processService(ManifestSection.ServiceSection) - Method in interface org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.Iterator
Deprecated. Process service section.
producersOf(Class) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataLoaderPool
Get an enumeration of all producers of a representation class.
ProgressEvent - class org.openide.compiler.ProgressEvent.
Event describing progress made compiling a file.
ProgressEvent(CompilerGroup, FileObject) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.ProgressEvent
Create a progress event of unspecified type.
ProgressEvent(CompilerGroup, FileObject, int) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.ProgressEvent
Create a progress event.
project() - Method in interface org.openide.Places.Nodes
Deprecated. Typically no longer meaningful.
projectClose() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.ProjectCookie
Close the project.
ProjectCookie - interface org.openide.cookies.ProjectCookie.
A cookie that provides project manipulation functionality.
projectDesktop() - Method in interface org.openide.Places.Nodes
Get the Desktop node for the current project.
projectDesktop() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.ProjectCookie
Get the "Project Desktop" node.
projectOpen() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.ProjectCookie
Open the project by loading its settings into the IDE.
projects() - Method in interface org.openide.Places.Folders
Deprecated. Get the folder for projects.
projectSave() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.ProjectCookie
Save the project.
ProjectSensitiveAction - class org.openide.util.actions.ProjectSensitiveAction.
Base class for all project sensitive actions.
ProjectSensitiveAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.util.actions.ProjectSensitiveAction
PROP_ACTIONS - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataLoader
property name of list of actions
PROP_ACTIVATED - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.TopComponent.Registry
Name of property for the selected top component.
PROP_ACTIVATED_NODES - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.TopComponent.Registry
Name of property for lastly activated nodes nodes.
PROP_ALL_CLASSES - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of all classes property for source elements.
PROP_ANNOTATION_COUNT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Annotatable
Property name of the count of annotations
PROP_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Annotation
Property name of the annotation type
PROP_AS_TEXT - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Watch
Name of the property for the value of the watched expression as a string.
PROP_BACKWARD - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
backward property name
PROP_BODY - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of body property for initializers, constructors and methods.
PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE - Static variable in class org.openide.util.actions.BooleanStateAction
Name of property hold the state of the action.
PROP_BOUNDS - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.Mode
Name of property for bounds of the mode
PROP_BREAKPOINT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.NbDocument.Colors
PROP_BREAKPOINTS - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Name of property for the set of breakpoints in the system.
PROP_BUTTON_LISTENER - Static variable in class org.openide.DialogDescriptor
Name of property for the button listener.
PROP_CATEGORIES_USAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the 'categories usage' property.
PROP_CHILDREN - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Name of property that holds children of this node.
PROP_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface org.openide.loaders.DataObject.Container
Name of property that holds children of this container.
PROP_CLASS_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the class display format.
PROP_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of is class or interface property for classes.
PROP_CLASSES - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of classes property for source elements and classes.
PROP_CLOSING_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.openide.DialogDescriptor
Name of property for list of closing options.
PROP_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Line.Part
Property name for the column attribute
PROP_COMPILER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport
Name of property providing a custom CompilerType for a file.
PROP_CONSTRUCTOR_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the constructor display format.
PROP_CONSTRUCTORS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of constructors property for classes.
PROP_CONTEXT_ACTIONS - Static variable in class org.openide.actions.ActionManager
name of property that is fired when set of context actions changes.
PROP_COOKIE - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of the property used during notification of changes in the set of cookies attached to this object.
PROP_COOKIE - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for a node's cookie set.
PROP_CURRENT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.NbDocument.Colors
PROP_CURRENT_LINE - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Name of property for the debugger's current line.
PROP_CURRENT_NODES - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.TopComponent.Registry
Name of property for currently selected nodes.
PROP_CURRENT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
property change of current workspace
PROP_DEBUGGER - Static variable in class org.openide.TopManager
Name of property for the debugger.
PROP_DEBUGGER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.ExecSupport
Name of property providing a custom DebuggerType for a file.
PROP_DELETED - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Annotatable
Property name for the deleted attribute
PROP_DETAIL - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the detail message reported.
PROP_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataLoader
property name of display name
PROP_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for node display name.
PROP_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.Mode
Name of property for the display name of this mode.
PROP_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.Workspace
Name of property for the display name of this workspace.
PROP_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
property name of DOM document property
PROP_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Breakpoint
Property name for enabled status of the breakpoint.
PROP_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo
Property name fired when enabled or disabled.
PROP_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction
Name of property indicating whether or not the action is enabled.
PROP_ERROR - Static variable in class org.openide.text.NbDocument.Colors
PROP_ERROR_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerType
property identifying external compiler output format
PROP_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of exceptions property for constructors and methods.
PROP_EXECUTION - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.ExecSupport
Name of property providing a custom Executor for a file.
PROP_EXPLORED_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Name of property for the explored context.
PROP_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader
name of property with extensions
PROP_EXTERNAL_COMPILER - Static variable in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerType
property identifying the external compiler
PROP_FIELD_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the field display format.
PROP_FIELDS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of fields property for classes.
PROP_FILE_PARAMS - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.ExecSupport
Name of property providing argument parameter list.
PROP_FILES - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of files property.
PROP_FOOTER_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the footer alignment property
PROP_FOOTER_FONT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the footer font property
PROP_FOOTER_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the footer format property
PROP_FORWARD - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
forward property
PROP_GLOBAL_KEYMAP - Static variable in class org.openide.TopManager
Name of property for the global keymap.
PROP_HEADER_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the header alignment property
PROP_HEADER_FONT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the header font property
PROP_HEADER_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the header format property
PROP_HELP - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of the help context property.
PROP_HELP_CTX - Static variable in class org.openide.DialogDescriptor
Name of property for the help context.
PROP_HIDDEN - Static variable in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Property name indicating whether file system is hidden.
PROP_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
history property name
PROP_ICON - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for the normal (closed) icon of a node.
PROP_ICON - Static variable in class org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction
Name of property for the action's display icon.
PROP_IMPORTS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of imports property for source elements.
PROP_INFO - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. info is not supported anymore. Replaced with lookup.
PROP_INIT_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of initial value property for field elements.
PROP_INITIALIZER_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the initializer display format.
PROP_INITIALIZERS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of initializers property for classes.
PROP_INTERFACE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the interface display format.
PROP_INTERFACES - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of interfaces property for classes.
PROP_JAVADOC - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of Javadoc property for all member elements.
PROP_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Line.Part
Property name for the length attribute
PROP_LINE - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Line.Part
Property name for the line attribute
PROP_LINE_ASCENT_CORRECTION - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the line ascent correction property
PROP_LINE_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Line
Property name of the line number
PROP_MEMBERS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of special members property for class elements.
PROP_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the message to be displayed.
PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the type of message to use.
PROP_METHOD_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceOptions
Property name of the method display format.
PROP_METHODS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of methods property for classes.
PROP_MODAL - Static variable in class org.openide.DialogDescriptor
Name of property for modality of dialog.
PROP_MODEL - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Name of the 'model' property.
PROP_MODES - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.Workspace
Name of property for modes in the workspace
PROP_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of the modified property.
PROP_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport.Env
that is fired when the objects wants to mark itself modified or not modified.
PROP_MODIFIERS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of modifiers property for classes, constructors, methods, and fields.
PROP_MOVE_TO_FRONT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Annotation
Virtual property which does not have getter/setter.
PROP_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.ServiceType
Name of property for the name of the service type.
PROP_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of the name property.
PROP_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for internal (not displayable) name of a node.
PROP_NAME - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of name property for classes, constructors, methods, and fields.
PROP_NAME - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.Mode
Name of property for the unique programmatic name of this mode.
PROP_NAME - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.Workspace
Name of property for the programmatic name of this workspace.
PROP_NODE_CHANGE - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Name of property for change in a node.
PROP_OPENED - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.TopComponent.Registry
Name of property for the set of opened components.
PROP_OPENED_ICON - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for the opened icon of a node.
PROP_OPTION_TYPE - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the style of options available.
PROP_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the exact list of options.
PROP_OPTIONS_ALIGN - Static variable in class org.openide.DialogDescriptor
Name of property for alignment of options.
PROP_ORDER - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Name of property for order of children.
PROP_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of package property for source elements.
PROP_PAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the wrap property
PROP_PARAMETERS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of parameters property for methods and constructors.
PROP_PARENT_NODE - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for a node's parent.
PROP_PLACES - Static variable in class org.openide.TopManager
Name of property for the Places object.
PROP_PREFERENCES - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Name of the 'preferences' property.
PROP_PRIMARY_FILE - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of primary file property.
PROP_PROPERTY_EDITOR - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Name of the read-only property 'propertyEditor'.
PROP_PROPERTY_SETS - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for a node's list of property sets.
PROP_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Property name giving read-only state.
PROP_RETURN - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of return value type property for methods.
PROP_ROOT - Static variable in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Property name giving root folder of file system.
PROP_ROOT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Name of property for the root context.
PROP_SELECTED_NODES - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Name of property for the node selection.
PROP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Property for short description of a node.
PROP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Annotation
Property name of the tip text
PROP_SORT_MODE - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Name of property which decides sorting mode.
PROP_STATE - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Name of property for the debugger's state.
PROP_STATE - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyEnv
Name of the state property.
PROP_STATIC - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of static property for initializers.
PROP_STATUS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of status property for source elements.
PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
The name of property representing status of html browser.
PROP_SUPERCLASS - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of super class property for classes.
PROP_SYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Property name giving internal system name of file system.
PROP_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of the template property.
PROP_TEXT - Static variable in class org.openide.text.Annotatable
Property name for the content of the annotatable
PROP_TIME - Static variable in interface org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport.Env
property that is fired when time of the data is changed
PROP_TITLE - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the dialog title.
PROP_TITLE - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
Title property
PROP_TYPE - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Watch
Name of the property for the type of the watch value.
PROP_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of type property for field elements.
PROP_URL - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
The name of property representing current URL.
PROP_VALID - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the OK button validation.
PROP_VALID - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Breakpoint
Property name for validity of the breakpoint.
PROP_VALID - Static variable in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Property name indicating validity of file system.
PROP_VALID - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Name of valid property.
PROP_VALID - Static variable in interface org.openide.src.ElementProperties
Name of validity property for Element.Impl2.
PROP_VALID - Static variable in interface org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport.Env
that is fired when the objects wants to mark itself as invalid, so all components should be closed.
PROP_VALUE - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Name of property for the value the user selected.
PROP_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyModel
Name of the 'value' property.
PROP_VALUE_VALID - Static variable in interface org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.ExPropertyEditor
If you want to enable/disable the OK button on the custom property editor panel you can fire a property change event with boolean value.
PROP_VARIABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Watch
Name of the property for the watched variable name.
PROP_WATCHES - Static variable in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Name of property for the set of watches in the system.
PROP_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
property change of workspaces
PROP_WRAP - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Property name of the wrap property
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Name for regular Bean property set.
PropertiesAction - class org.openide.actions.PropertiesAction.
Get properties of a node.
PropertiesAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.PropertiesAction
property - Variable in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode.Descriptor
Regular properties.
PROPERTY_CURRENT_PAGE - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property with the current page index.
PROPERTY_DISABLED_PROPERTY_COLOR - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property giving current disabled property color.
PROPERTY_DISPLAY_WRITABLE_ONLY - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property for whether only writable properties should be displayed.
PROPERTY_PLASTIC - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property for "plastic" mode.
PROPERTY_PROPERTY_PAINTING_STYLE - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property for the painting style.
PROPERTY_SORTING_MODE - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property giving current sorting mode.
PROPERTY_VALUE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
Property giving current value color.
propertyChange(FilterNode, PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.PropertyChangeAdapter
Actually propagate the event.
propertyChange(FilterNode, PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Actually refire the change event in a subclass.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.DefaultPropertyModel
Implementation of PropertyChangeListener method
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.OpenSupport.Env
Accepts property changes from DataObject and fires them to own listeners.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.PropertyChangeAdapter
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener.PropertyChange
Deprecated. Tests if the object we reference to still exists and if so, delegate to it.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent.NodeName
Listens to Node.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeListener, Object) - Static method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener
PropertyEnv - class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyEnv.
Instance of this class contains information that is being passed to the property editor (instance of ExtendedPropertyEditor) from the IDE.
PropertyModel - interface org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyModel.
Model defining the right behaviour of property.
PropertyPanel - class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel.
Visual Java Bean for editing of properties.
PropertyPanel() - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Creates new PropertyPanel with the empty DefaultPropertyModel
PropertyPanel(Object, String, int) - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Creates new PropertyPanel with DefaultPropertyModel
PropertyPanel(PropertyModel, int) - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertyPanel
Creates new PropertyPanel
PropertySheet - class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet.
Implements a "property sheet" for a set of selected beans.
PropertySheet() - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet
PropertySheetSettings - class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheetSettings.
Settings for the property sheet.
PropertySheetSettings() - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheetSettings
PropertySheetView - class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheetView.
An Explorer view displaying a property sheet.
PropertySheetView() - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheetView
PropertySupport - class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.
Support class for Node.Property.
PropertySupport.Name - class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Name.
Support for the name property of a node.
PropertySupport.Name(Node) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Name
Create the name property for a node with the standard name and hint.
PropertySupport.Name(Node, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Name
Create the name property for a node.
PropertySupport.ReadOnly - class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.ReadOnly.
A simple read-only property.
PropertySupport.ReadOnly(String, Class, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.ReadOnly
Construct a new support.
PropertySupport.ReadWrite - class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.ReadWrite.
A simple read/write property.
PropertySupport.ReadWrite(String, Class, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.ReadWrite
Construct a new support.
PropertySupport.Reflection - class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection.
Support for properties from Java Reflection.
PropertySupport.Reflection(Object, Class, Method, Method) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
Create a support with method objects specified.
PropertySupport.Reflection(Object, Class, String) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
Create a support based on the property name.
PropertySupport.Reflection(Object, Class, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
Create a support with methods specified by name.
PropertySupport.WriteOnly - class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.WriteOnly.
A simple write-only property.
PropertySupport.WriteOnly(String, Class, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.WriteOnly
Construct a new support.
PropertySupport(String, Class, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport
Constructs a new support.
propToFilter - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassChildren
Converts property names to filter.
PROTECTED - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceElementFilter
Specifies protected member access.
PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.openide.execution.NbfsURLConnection
Protocol name for this type of URL.
ProxyLookup - class org.openide.util.lookup.ProxyLookup.
Implementation of lookup that can delegate to others.
ProxyLookup(Lookup[]) - Constructor for class org.openide.util.lookup.ProxyLookup
Create a proxy to some other lookups.
PUBLIC - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceElementFilter
Specifies public member access.
PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in class org.openide.xml.EntityCatalog
DOCTYPE public ID defining grammar used for entity registrations.
pureClassName(String) - Static method in class org.openide.util.Utilities
Turn full name of an inner class into its pure form.
put(ExTransferable.Single) - Method in class org.openide.util.datatransfer.ExTransferable
Add a new flavor with its data.
put(Node.Property) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet.Set
Add a property to this set, replacing any old one with the same name.
put(Node.Property[]) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet.Set
Add several properties to this set, replacing old ones with the same names.
put(Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.Queue
Adds new item.
put(Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.enum.QueueEnumeration
Put adds new object to the end of queue.
put(Object[]) - Method in class org.openide.util.enum.QueueEnumeration
Adds array of objects into the queue.
put(Object, Node) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map
Add one key and one node to the list.
put(Sheet.Set) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Add a property set.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map
Add a collection of new key/value pairs into the map.
putFilter(Class, Object) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObjectFilter
Add a filter for a certain type of data object.
putProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class org.openide.text.FilterDocument
putProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.SharedClassObject
Set a shared variable.
putProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.openide.WizardDescriptor
Allows Panels that use WizardDescriptor as settings object to store additional settings into it.
putProperty(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.util.SharedClassObject
Set a shared variable available only for string names.
putValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction
Set a property in the singleton.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.