CallableSystemAction - class org.openide.util.actions.CallableSystemAction.
An action which may be called programmatically.
CallableSystemAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.util.actions.CallableSystemAction
CallbackSystemAction - class org.openide.util.actions.CallbackSystemAction.
Action that can have a performer of the action attached to it at any time, or changed.
CallbackSystemAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.util.actions.CallbackSystemAction
canBeMarkedCurrent(int, Line) - Method in class org.openide.text.Line
Deprecated. since 1.20.
CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Return value if CANCEL is chosen.
cancel() - Method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.Task
Removes the task from the queue.
canClose() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Should test whether all data is saved, and if not, prompt the user to save.
canClose() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Should test whether all data is saved, and if not, prompt the user to save.
canClose() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport
Should test whether all data is saved, and if not, prompt the user to save.
canClose(Workspace, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerPanel
canClose(Workspace, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
Make sure the EditorKit knows it is going bye-bye.
canClose(Workspace, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
This method is called when top component is about to close.
canClose(Workspace, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Called when this component is about to close.
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node permits copying.
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be copied?
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be copied?
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNode
Test whether this node can be copied.
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node permits cutting.
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be cut?
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be cut?
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNode
Test whether this node can be cut.
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
Indicate whether the node may be destroyed.
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node can be deleted.
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be destroyed?
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be removed?
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNode
Test whether this node can be deleted.
canDock(TopComponent) - Method in interface org.openide.windows.Mode
canIndexedRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.IndexedProperty
Test whether the property is readable by index.
canIndexedRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canIndexedWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.IndexedProperty
Test whether the property is writable by index.
canIndexedWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.Property
Test whether the property is readable.
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
canRedo() - Method in interface org.openide.awt.UndoRedo
Test whether the component currently has undone edits which may be redone.
canRedo() - Method in class org.openide.awt.UndoRedo.Empty
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
Indicate whether the node may be renamed.
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node can be renamed.
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be renamed?
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be renamed?
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNode
Test whether this node can be renamed.
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.InitializerElementNode
Indicate that this node cannot be renamed.
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ConstructorElementNode
Indicate that this node cannot be renamed.
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.MethodElementNode
Indicate that this node cannot be renamed.
canUndo() - Method in interface org.openide.awt.UndoRedo
Test whether the component currently has edits which may be undone.
canUndo() - Method in class org.openide.awt.UndoRedo.Manager
canUndo() - Method in class org.openide.awt.UndoRedo.Empty
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.Property
Test whether the property is writable.
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
capableOf(FileSystemCapability) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystemCapability
Basic operation that tests whether this object is capable to do different capability.
capableOf(FileSystemCapability) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystemCapability.Bean
Checks for well known capabilities and if they are allowed.
CENTER - Static variable in class org.openide.text.PrintSettings
Constant for center position of page header.
change - Variable in class org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem
Methods for modification of files.
change(ChangeListener, Object) - Static method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener
changeClasses(ClassElement[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.SourceElement.Impl
Change the set of top-level classes.
changeClasses(ClassElement[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl
Change the set of inner classes.
changeConstructors(ConstructorElement[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl
Change the set of constructors.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener.Document
Deprecated. Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
changeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.actions.StartDebuggerAction
Set whether the debugger action is enabled in general.
changeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.actions.GoAction
Set whether the debugger action is enabled in general.
changeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.actions.TraceIntoAction
Set whether the debugger action is enabled in general.
changeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.actions.GoToCursorAction
Set whether the debugger action is enabled in general.
changeFields(FieldElement[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl
Change the set of fields.
changeFile() - Method in class org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport.Env
Method that allows subclasses to notify this environment that the file associated with this support has changed and that the environment should listen on modifications of different file object.
changeImports(Import[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.SourceElement.Impl
Change the set of imports.
changeInitializers(InitializerElement[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl
Change the set of initializers.
changeInterfaces(Identifier[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl
Change the set of implemented/extended interfaces.
changeMethods(MethodElement[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl
Change the set of methods.
changeOriginal(Node) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
Sets the original children for this children
changeOriginal(Node, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Changes the original node for this node.
changeTags(JavaDocTag[], int) - Method in interface org.openide.src.JavaDoc
Adds removes or sets tags used in this comment
changeValue() - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButtonAdapter
Is invoked when button up is clicked.
changeValue() - Method in interface org.openide.awt.SpinButtonListener
Is invoked when button up is clicked.
CHAR - Static variable in class org.openide.src.Type
char primitive type.
chars - Variable in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters
Characters to iterate.
chars - Variable in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters.AttributedCharacterIteratorImpl
Characters to iterate.
checkClass(Class) - Method in class org.openide.execution.ThreadExecutor
Subclasses of the executor can override this method to check loaded class before its main method is invoked.
checkCompiled() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.ExecSupport
Deprecated. The check should be done in an action - ExecAction, ...
checkForMiss(ModuleDescription[]) - Method in class org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription.Dependency
Deprecated. Check whether this dependency is currently satisfied by the supplied parameters.
checkUninitialized() - Method in class org.openide.src.MultiPropertyChangeEvent
checkVirtual(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem
This method is called from AbstractFileObject.isVirtual.
Children - class org.openide.nodes.Children.
Container for array of nodes.
Children.Array - class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array.
Implements the storage of node children by an array.
Children.Array() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Constructs a new array children without any assigned collection.
Children.Array(Collection) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Constructs a new list and allows a subclass to provide its own implementation of Collection to store data in.
Children.Keys - class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys.
Implements an array of child nodes associated nonuniquely with keys and sorted by these keys.
Children.Keys() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
Children.Map - class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map.
Implements the storage of node children by a map.
Children.Map() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map
Constructs a new list using HashMap.
Children.Map(Map) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map
Constructs a new list with a supplied map object.
Children.SortedArray - class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedArray.
Maintains a list of children sorted by the provided comparator in an array.
Children.SortedArray() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedArray
Create an empty list of children.
Children.SortedArray(Collection) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedArray
Create an empty list with a specified storage method.
Children.SortedMap - class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedMap.
Maintains a list of children sorted by the provided comparator in a map.
Children.SortedMap() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedMap
Create an empty list.
Children.SortedMap(Map) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedMap
Create an empty list with a specific storage method.
children() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Get enumeration of children of this folder.
Children() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children
children(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Enumerate all children of this folder.
children(String) - Method in interface org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem.List
Get a list of children files for a given folder.
children(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.XMLFileSystem.Impl
Scans children for given name
children(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem
children(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem.Impl
children(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.DefaultAttributes
Get the children list, filtering out the special attributes file.
children(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem
children(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem.Impl
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.NodeListener
Fired when a set of new children is added.
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Does nothing.
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener.Node
Deprecated. Delegates to the original listener.
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.NodeListener
Fired when a set of children is removed.
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Does nothing.
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener.Node
Deprecated. Delegates to the original listener.
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.NodeListener
Fired when the order of children is changed.
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Does nothing.
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener.Node
Deprecated. Delegates to the original listener.
ChoiceView - class org.openide.explorer.view.ChoiceView.
Explorer view based on a combo box.
ChoiceView() - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.view.ChoiceView
Default constructor.
CLASS - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder.SortMode
Objects are sorted by their types and then by names.
CLASS - Static variable in class org.openide.src.Import
A class import.
CLASS - Static variable in class org.openide.src.ClassElement
Constant indicating that the class is a real class.
CLASS - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceElementFilter
Specifies a child representing a (top-level) class.
CLASS_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler
File extension for class files.
ClassChildren - class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassChildren.
Normal implementation of children list for a class element node.
ClassChildren(ClassElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassChildren
Create class children with the default factory.
ClassChildren(ElementNodeFactory, ClassElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassChildren
Create class children.
ClassCustomizer - class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassCustomizer.
Customizer for ClassElement
ClassCustomizer(ClassElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassCustomizer
Create new ClassCustomizer component
ClassElement - class org.openide.src.ClassElement.
Element that describes one class.
ClassElement.Finder - interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Finder.
Provides a "finder" for class elements.
ClassElement.Impl - interface org.openide.src.ClassElement.Impl.
Pluggable behavior for class elements.
ClassElement() - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ClassElement
Create a new class element in memory.
ClassElement(ClassElement.Impl, ClassElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ClassElement
Factory constructor for defining embedded classes.
ClassElement(ClassElement.Impl, SourceElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ClassElement
Factory constructor for defining top level classes.
ClassElementFilter - class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementFilter.
Orders and filters members in a class element node.
ClassElementFilter() - Constructor for class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementFilter
ClassElementNode - class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode.
Node representing a Java class.
ClassElementNode(ClassElement, Children, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
Create a new class node.
CLEAN - Static variable in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler
Constant for cleaning.
CleanAction - class org.openide.actions.CleanAction.
Forcibly compiles selected nodes.
CleanAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CleanAction
CleanAllAction - class org.openide.actions.CleanAllAction.
Forcibly compiles selected nodes, descending into directories recursively.
CleanAllAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CleanAllAction
clear() - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clearJavaDoc() - Method in interface org.openide.src.JavaDoc
Clears the javadoc from the source.
clearSharedData() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataLoader
clearSharedData() - Method in class org.openide.modules.ModuleInstall
clearSharedData() - Method in class org.openide.options.SystemOption
clearSharedData() - Method in class org.openide.util.SharedClassObject
Indicate whether the shared data of the last existing instance of this class should be cleared when that instance is finalized.
clearSharedData() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction
Indicate whether action state should be cleared after the last action of this class is deleted.
CLIPBOARD_COPY - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.LoaderTransfer
Constant indicating copying to the clipboard.
CLIPBOARD_COPY - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Constant indicating copying to the clipboard.
CLIPBOARD_CUT - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.LoaderTransfer
Constant indicating cutting to the clipboard.
CLIPBOARD_CUT - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Constant indicating cutting to the clipboard.
clipboardChanged(ClipboardEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.util.datatransfer.ClipboardListener
Called when the content of the clipboard is changed.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
Copy this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
Copy this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Called when a node is to be copied to the clipboard.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Copy this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNode
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
Cut this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
Cut this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Called when a node is to be cut to the clipboard.
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Cut this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNode
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
ClipboardEvent - class org.openide.util.datatransfer.ClipboardEvent.
Event describing change of clipboard content.
ClipboardListener - interface org.openide.util.datatransfer.ClipboardListener.
Listener to changes in the clipboard.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.ServiceType
Correctly implements the clone operation on this object.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression
clone() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Clones the manager.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject.Info
clone() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.ExtensionList
Clone new object.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Implements Object.clone() to behave correctly if cloning is desired.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children
Handles cloning in the right way, that can be later extended by subclasses.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Clones all nodes that are contained in the children list.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
Special handling for clonning.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
clone() - Method in class org.openide.src.MemberElement
clone() - Method in class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement
Clone the constructor.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.src.FieldElement
Clone the field element.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.src.InitializerElement
Clone this initializer.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.src.ClassElement
Clone this element.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.src.MethodElement
Clone the method.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters.AttributedCharacterIteratorImpl
clone() - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakSet
Returns a shallow copy of this WeakSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Clone the top component and register the clone.
CloneableEditor - class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor.
Cloneable top component to hold the editor kit.
CloneableEditor() - Constructor for class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
For externalization of subclasses only
CloneableEditor(CloneableEditorSupport) - Constructor for class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
Creates new editor component associated with support object.
CloneableEditorSupport - class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport.
Support for associating an editor and a Swing Document.
CloneableEditorSupport.Env - interface org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport.Env.
Interface for providing data for the support and also locking the source of data.
cloneableEditorSupport() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
Gives access to support object under this CloneableEditor.
CloneableEditorSupport(CloneableEditorSupport.Env) - Constructor for class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Creates new CloneableEditorSupport attached to given environment.
CloneableOpenSupport - class org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport.
Simple support for an openable objects.
CloneableOpenSupport.Env - interface org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport.Env.
Abstract interface that is used by CloneableOpenSupport to talk to outside world.
CloneableOpenSupport(CloneableOpenSupport.Env) - Constructor for class org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport
New support for a given environment.
CloneableTopComponent - class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent.
A top component which may be cloned.
CloneableTopComponent.Ref - class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent.Ref.
Keeps track of a group of sister clones.
CloneableTopComponent.Ref() - Constructor for class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent.Ref
Default constructor for creating empty reference.
CloneableTopComponent() - Constructor for class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Create a cloneable top component.
CloneableTopComponent(DataObject) - Constructor for class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Create a cloneable top component associated with a data object.
cloneComponent() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Clone the top component and register the clone.
cloneComponent() - Method in interface org.openide.windows.TopComponent.Cloneable
Creates a clone of this component
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Clone the node.
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Clone the node.
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Create new filter node for the original.
cloneSet() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet.Set
Clone the property set.
cloneSheet() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Create a deep copy of the sheet.
cloneTopComponent() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Clone the top component and register the clone.
CloneViewAction - class org.openide.actions.CloneViewAction.
Create a clone of the current cloneable top component.
CloneViewAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CloneViewAction
CLOSE_EACH - Static variable in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Behavior in which a top component closed (by the user) in one workspace will be removed from every workspace.
CLOSE_LAST - Static variable in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Behavior in which a top component closed (by the user) in one workspace may be left in other workspaces.
close() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.CloseCookie
Closes the object if it is open.
close() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie
Closes all opened editors (if the user agrees) and flushes content of the document to file.
close() - Method in class org.openide.modules.ModuleInstall
Called when all modules agreed with closing and the IDE will be closed.
close() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Closes all opened editors (if the user agrees) and flushes content of the document to the file.
close() - Method in class org.openide.util.io.ReaderInputStream
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Closes the top component on current workspace.
close() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport
Closes all components.
close(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Closes all opened editors (if the user agrees) and flushes content of the document to the file.
close(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Closes the editor, asks if necessary.
close(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport
Closes all opened windows.
close(Workspace) - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Closes the top component on given workspace, if closeOperation is set to CLOSE_LAST.
close(Workspace) - Method in interface org.openide.windows.WindowManager.Component
Close the component on given workspace.
CloseCookie - interface org.openide.cookies.CloseCookie.
Permits an object which was opened to be closed.
CLOSED_OPTION - Static variable in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor
Return value if user closes the window without pressing any button.
closeInputOutput() - Method in interface org.openide.windows.InputOutput
Closes this tab.
closeInputOutput() - Method in class org.openide.windows.InputOutput.Null
closeLast() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
When closing last view, also close the document.
closeLast() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Called when the last component in a clone group is closing.
closeNotify() - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Called only when top component was closed so that now it is closed on all workspaces in the system.
CloseViewAction - class org.openide.actions.CloseViewAction.
Close the current top component.
CloseViewAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CloseViewAction
closing() - Method in class org.openide.modules.ModuleInstall
Called when the IDE is about to exit.
collapseNode(Node) - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.TreeView
Collapses the tree under given node.
colors - Variable in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters
Color for each character.
colors - Variable in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters.AttributedCharacterIteratorImpl
Color for each character.
COLORS - Static variable in class org.openide.text.NbDocument
Deprecated. Not useful for anything.
COMPARE_ANY - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription.Dependency
Deprecated. No comparison, just require the dependency to be present.
COMPARE_ANY - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.Dependency
No comparison, just require the dependency to be present.
COMPARE_IMPL - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription.Dependency
Deprecated. Comparison by implementation version.
COMPARE_IMPL - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.Dependency
Comparison by implementation version.
COMPARE_SPEC - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription.Dependency
Deprecated. Comparison by specification version.
COMPARE_SPEC - Static variable in class org.openide.modules.Dependency
Comparison by specification version.
compareObjects(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.openide.util.Utilities
Safe equality check.
compareObjectsImpl(Object, Object, int) - Static method in class org.openide.util.Utilities
Safe equality check with array recursion.
compareTo(Identifier, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.Identifier
Compare the specified Identifier with this Identifier for equality.
compareTo(MethodParameter, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.MethodParameter
Compare the specified MethodParameter with this for equality.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion
Perform a Dewey-decimal comparison.
compareTo(Type, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.Type
Compare the specified Type with this Type for equality.
compatibleWith(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.modules.ModuleDescription
Deprecated. Check whether specification versions are compatible.
Compilable - interface org.openide.compiler.Compilable.
Basic interface that defines the object that can be compiled.
CompilationEngine - class org.openide.compiler.CompilationEngine.
Provides support for compilation of CompilerJobs; not needed directly by modules.
CompilationEngine() - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilationEngine
COMPILE - Static variable in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler
Constant for compilation.
COMPILE - Static variable in class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystemCapability
Well known capability of being compiled
compile(Enumeration, String) - Static method in class org.openide.actions.AbstractCompileAction
Compile a number of files.
CompileAction - class org.openide.actions.CompileAction.
Compiles selected nodes.
CompileAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CompileAction
CompileAllAction - class org.openide.actions.CompileAllAction.
Compiles selected nodes, descending recursively into directories.
CompileAllAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CompileAllAction
compileNodes(Node[]) - Static method in class org.openide.actions.CustomizeBeanAction
Execute some data objects.
CompileProjectAction - class org.openide.actions.CompileProjectAction.
Compiles the current project if it supports compilation.
CompileProjectAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CompileProjectAction
Compiler - class org.openide.compiler.Compiler.
Implementable object representing one task of compilation.
Compiler.Depth - class org.openide.compiler.Compiler.Depth.
Depth of compilation.
Compiler() - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Default constructor.
Compiler(Compiler) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Deprecated. use new Compiler ().dependsOn (c);
Compiler(Compiler[]) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Deprecated. use new Compiler ().dependsOn (Arrays.asList (dep));
Compiler(CompilerJob) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Deprecated. use job.add (new Compiler ());
CompilerCookie - interface org.openide.cookies.CompilerCookie.
Provides ability for an object to be compiled.
CompilerCookie.Build - interface org.openide.cookies.CompilerCookie.Build.
A cookie for unconditional compilation.
CompilerCookie.Clean - interface org.openide.cookies.CompilerCookie.Clean.
A cookie for cleaning before compilation.
CompilerCookie.Compile - interface org.openide.cookies.CompilerCookie.Compile.
A cookie for conditional compilation.
compilerError(ErrorEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.compiler.CompilerListener
Notification of an error during compilation.
CompilerEvent - class org.openide.compiler.CompilerEvent.
Event about a file being compiled.
CompilerEvent(CompilerGroup, FileObject) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilerEvent
Create an event.
CompilerGroup - class org.openide.compiler.CompilerGroup.
Cluster of compiler objects that actually runs the compilation.
CompilerGroup() - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilerGroup
compilerGroupClass - Variable in class org.openide.compiler.CompilerGroupException
Th class which was not able to produce a valid instance.
compilerGroupClass() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Get the associated CompilerGroup container class.
compilerGroupClass() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler
CompilerGroupException - exception org.openide.compiler.CompilerGroupException.
Exception thrown from CompilationEngine.createCompilerGroups(java.util.Collection).
CompilerGroupException(Class, Exception) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilerGroupException
compilerGroupKey() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Specify a unique key permitting division of a set of compilers into different compiler groups.
compilerGroupKey() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler
Produce a refined key for external compilers.
CompilerJob - class org.openide.compiler.CompilerJob.
A compiler job consists of more Compilers with dependencies between each other.
CompilerJob(Compiler.Depth) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilerJob
Create a new job with the given initial depth.
CompilerListener - interface org.openide.compiler.CompilerListener.
Listener for notification of the progress of compilation, and of compilation errors.
compilerProgress(ProgressEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.compiler.CompilerListener
Notification of the progress of compilation.
compilers() - Method in interface org.openide.compiler.Compilable
A collection of all compilers that have to be compiled to finish compilation of this Compilable
compilers() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.CompilerJob
A collection of all compilers that have been added by add (...) methods.
compilers() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.Compiler
Returns itself.
CompilerSupport - class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.
Support for compilation of data objects.
CompilerSupport.Build - class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.Build.
Build cookie support.
CompilerSupport.Build(MultiDataObject.Entry) - Constructor for class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.Build
New support for given entry.
CompilerSupport.Clean - class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.Clean.
Clean cookie support.
CompilerSupport.Clean(MultiDataObject.Entry) - Constructor for class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.Clean
New support for given entry.
CompilerSupport.Compile - class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.Compile.
Compile cookie support.
CompilerSupport.Compile(MultiDataObject.Entry) - Constructor for class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport.Compile
New support for given entry.
CompilerSupport(MultiDataObject.Entry, Class) - Constructor for class org.openide.loaders.CompilerSupport
New support for given entry.
CompilerTask - class org.openide.compiler.CompilerTask.
Represents an asynchronously running compilation task.
CompilerTask(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilerTask
Create the task.
CompilerType - class org.openide.compiler.CompilerType.
Base class defining method for compilation service.
compilerType() - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompiler
Deprecated. While subclassing this method and specifying a type will still work, it is no longer recommended. Instead, please use Compiler.compilerGroupKey() and make all compiler-specific state available to the compiler group via other means (such as getter methods).
CompilerType() - Constructor for class org.openide.compiler.CompilerType
compilerTypes() - Static method in class org.openide.compiler.CompilerType
Get all registered compilers.
componentActivated() - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.BrowserComponent
componentActivated() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerPanel
componentActivated() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
Overrides superclass method.
componentActivated() - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Called when this component is activated.
componentCloseNotify(TopComponent) - Method in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
Notifies component that it was closed (and is not opened on any workspace anymore).
componentDeactivated() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.ExplorerPanel
componentDeactivated() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
Overrides superclass method.
componentDeactivated() - Method in class org.openide.windows.TopComponent
Called when this component is deactivated.
componentOpenNotify(TopComponent) - Method in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
Notifies component that it was opened (and wasn't opened on any workspace before).
componentRegistry() - Method in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
Access method for registry of all components in the system.
computePermutation(Node[], Node[]) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeOp
Compute a permutation between two arrays of nodes.
computeProperties(Object, BeanInfo) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Computes a descriptor for properties from a bean info.
computeSizesAfterFlip() - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Computes component sizes after performing the flip, it means splitTypeChange
computeSystemName(File) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem
Compute the system name of this file system for a given root directory.
confirmed() - Method in class org.openide.util.UserQuestionException
Invoke the action if the user confirms the action.
connect() - Method in class org.openide.execution.NbfsURLConnection
connect(AbstractButton, BooleanStateAction) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Actions
Connects buttons to action.
connect(AbstractButton, SystemAction) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Actions
Connects buttons to action.
connect(JCheckBoxMenuItem, BooleanStateAction, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Actions
Attaches checkbox menu item to boolean state action.
connect(JMenuItem, SystemAction, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Actions
Attaches menu item to an action.
ConnectionCookie - interface org.openide.cookies.ConnectionCookie.
Cookie that allows connection between two objects.
ConnectionCookie.Event - class org.openide.cookies.ConnectionCookie.Event.
Event that is fired to listeners.
ConnectionCookie.Event(Node, ConnectionCookie.Type) - Constructor for class org.openide.cookies.ConnectionCookie.Event
ConnectionCookie.Listener - interface org.openide.cookies.ConnectionCookie.Listener.
Cookie that must be provided by a node that is willing to register itself as a listener to a ConnectionCookie.
ConnectionCookie.Type - interface org.openide.cookies.ConnectionCookie.Type.
Interface describing cookie type of event a cookie can produce.
ConnectionSupport - class org.openide.loaders.ConnectionSupport.
Support implementing ConnectionCookie, that stores listeners in extended attributes of associated entry.
ConnectionSupport(MultiDataObject.Entry, ConnectionCookie.Type[]) - Constructor for class org.openide.loaders.ConnectionSupport
Creates new connection support for given file entry.
CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementFilter
Specifies a child representing a constructor.
ConstructorElement - class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement.
Describes the constructor of a class.
ConstructorElement.Impl - interface org.openide.src.ConstructorElement.Impl.
Implementation of constructors.
ConstructorElement.Key - class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement.Key.
Serves as a key for constructor elements.
ConstructorElement.Key(ConstructorElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement.Key
Construct a key for a constructor.
ConstructorElement.Key(Type[]) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement.Key
Construct a key by parameter types.
ConstructorElement() - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement
Create a constructor with an in-memory implementation.
ConstructorElement(ConstructorElement.Impl, ClassElement) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.ConstructorElement
Create a constructor.
ConstructorElementNode - class org.openide.src.nodes.ConstructorElementNode.
Node representing a constructor.
ConstructorElementNode(ConstructorElement, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openide.src.nodes.ConstructorElementNode
Create a new constructor node.
consume() - Method in class org.openide.util.datatransfer.ClipboardEvent
Marks this event consumed.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.WeakSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
ContextSystemOption - class org.openide.options.ContextSystemOption.
Provides a group of system options with this as the parent.
ContextSystemOption() - Constructor for class org.openide.options.ContextSystemOption
Default constructor.
ContextTreeView - class org.openide.explorer.view.ContextTreeView.
Context tree view class.
ContextTreeView() - Constructor for class org.openide.explorer.view.ContextTreeView
ControlPanel - class org.openide.options.ControlPanel.
Deprecated. With the use of services and XML layers, this class is not useful.
controlPanel() - Method in interface org.openide.Places.Nodes
Deprecated. Typically no longer meaningful.
ControlPanel() - Constructor for class org.openide.options.ControlPanel
Deprecated. Default constructor, not to be called by user code.
convert(Object) - Method in interface org.openide.util.lookup.InstanceContent.Convertor
Convert obj to other object.
convert(Transferable) - Method in class org.openide.util.datatransfer.ExClipboard
Method that takes a transferable, applies all convertors, and creates a new transferable using the abilities of the convertors.
convert(Transferable) - Method in interface org.openide.util.datatransfer.ExClipboard.Convertor
Convert a given transferable to a new transferable, generally one which adds new flavors based on the existing flavors.
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.AbstractCompileAction
Get the requested cookie class.
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.CompileAllAction
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.CompileAction
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.BuildAction
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.BuildAllAction
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.CleanAllAction
cookie() - Method in class org.openide.actions.CleanAction
cookie(Transferable, int, Class) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Obtain a cookie instance from the copied node in a transferable.
CookieAction - class org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction.
An action dependent on the cookies of the selected nodes.
CookieAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.PrintAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.SaveAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.ReorderAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.OpenAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.ViewAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.EditAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.CustomizeBeanAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.actions.ExecuteAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction
Get the cookies that this action requires.
CookieSet - class org.openide.nodes.CookieSet.
Support class for storing cookies and retriving them by representation class.
CookieSet.Factory - interface org.openide.nodes.CookieSet.Factory.
Factory for creating cookies of given Class
CookieSet() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.CookieSet
Default constructor.
COPY - Static variable in class org.openide.loaders.LoaderTransfer
Generic mask for copying DataObjects (do not destroy the original).
COPY - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Generic mask for copying nodes (do not destroy the original).
copy(DataFolder) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Copy this object to a folder.
copy(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject.Entry
Called when the entry is to be copied.
copy(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry
copy(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry.Numb
Does nothing.
copy(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry.Folder
Creates new folder and copies attributes.
copy(FileObject, String, String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileObject
Copies this file.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil
Copies stream of files.
copy(String, AbstractFileSystem.Transfer, String) - Method in interface org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem.Transfer
Copy a file.
CopyAction - class org.openide.actions.CopyAction.
Copy the selected item to the clipboard.
CopyAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CopyAction
copyAnnotation(Throwable, Throwable) - Method in class org.openide.ErrorManager
Takes annotations from one exception and associates them with another one.
copyAttributes(FileObject, FileObject) - Static method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil
Copies attributes from one file to another.
copyFile(FileObject, FileObject, String) - Static method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil
Copies file to the selected folder.
copyFile(FileObject, FileObject, String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil
Copies file to the selected folder.
copyNode(Node) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
Allows subclasses to override creation of node representants for nodes in the mirrored children list.
cpl - Variable in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassChildren
Central memory of mankind is used when some elements are changed
create() - Method in class org.openide.util.datatransfer.NewType
Create the object.
create(Class, EventListener, Object) - Static method in class org.openide.util.WeakListener
create(DataFolder, DataObject) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow
Method that creates new data shadow in a folder.
create(DataFolder, String) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Helper method to find or create a folder of a given path.
create(DataFolder, String, Class) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject
Create a new InstanceDataObject in a given folder.
create(DataFolder, String, DataObject) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow
Method that creates new data shadow in a folder.
create(DataFolder, String, DataObject, String) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow
Method that creates new data shadow in a folder.
create(DataFolder, String, Object, ModuleInfo) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject
Create a new InstanceDataObject containing settings in a given folder.
create(DataFolder, String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject
Create a new InstanceDataObject in a given folder.
create(Identifier.Resolver, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Identifier
Create an Identifier
create(int, String) - Static method in class org.openide.modules.Dependency
Parse dependencies from tags.
create(Runnable) - Method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
Creates request that can be later started by setting its delay.
create(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Identifier
Create an identifier with the same source name and fully qualified name.
create(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Identifier
Create an identifier.
create(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Identifier
create(Transferable) - Static method in class org.openide.util.datatransfer.ExTransferable
Method to create a new extended transferable from a plain transferable.
createActions() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
This method returns null to signal that actions provide by DataLoader.getActions should be returned from method getActions.
createActions() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Lazily initialize set of node's actions (overridable).
createActions() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
createArray(Type) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Type
Create an array type.
createBootClassPath() - Static method in class org.openide.execution.NbClassPath
Creates path describing boot class path of the system.
createBreakpoint(ConstructorElement) - Method in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Create a new breakpoint assigned to a method (or constructor).
createBreakpoint(ConstructorElement, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Create a new breakpoint assigned to a method (or constructor).
createBreakpoint(Line) - Method in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Create a new breakpoint assigned to a specific line.
createBreakpoint(Line, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Create a new breakpoint assigned to a specific line.
createClass(Identifier) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Type
Create a class type by name.
createClassChildren(ClassElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
Create children for a class node.
createClassChildren(ClassElement, ElementNodeFactory) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
Create children for a class node, with specified factory.
createClassJavaDoc(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDoc.Class interface.
createClassLoader() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.InstanceSupport
Creates new NbClassLoader with restricted PermissionCollection that contains only: java.io.FilePermission("<>", "read") java.util.PropertyPermission("*", "read")
createClassLoader(InputOutput) - Method in class org.openide.execution.ThreadExecutor
Allows subclasses to provide its own classloader for loading classes.
createClassNode(ClassElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node representing a class.
createClassNode(ClassElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createClassNode(ClassElement) - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node representing a class.
createClassPath() - Static method in class org.openide.execution.NbClassPath
Creates class path of the system.
createClone() - Method in class org.openide.ServiceType
Method that creates a cloned instance of this object.
createCloneableEditor() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Allows subclasses to create their own version of editor.
createCloneableTopComponent() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
createCloneableTopComponent() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
createCloneableTopComponent() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableOpenSupport
A method to create a new component.
createClonedObject() - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.BrowserComponent
createClonedObject() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditor
createClonedObject() - Method in class org.openide.windows.CloneableTopComponent
Called from CloneableTopComponent.clone() to actually create a new component from this one.
createCompilerGroups(Collection) - Static method in class org.openide.compiler.CompilationEngine
Group a number of compilers together into compiler groups.
createComputationLevels(CompilerJob) - Static method in class org.openide.compiler.CompilationEngine
Analyze dependencies between sets of compilers.
createConstructorNode(ConstructorElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node representing a constructor.
createConstructorNode(ConstructorElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createConstructorNode(ConstructorElement) - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node representing a constructor.
createCookie(Class) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.CookieSet.Factory
Creates a Node.Cookie of given class.
createData(FileObject, String) - Static method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil
Creates a data file on given file system.
createData(String) - Method in interface org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem.Change
Create new data file.
createData(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.XMLFileSystem.Impl
Create new data file.
createData(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem
createData(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem.Impl
createData(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileObject
Create new data file in this folder with the specified name.
createData(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem
createData(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem.Impl
createData(String, String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileObject
Create new data file in this folder with the specified name.
createDefault() - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Convenience method to create new sheet with only one empty set, named Sheet.PROPERTIES.
createDefaultIterator() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard
Allows subclasses to provide their own default iterator the one that will be used if not special iterator is associated with selected template.
createDesign(String) - Method in class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor.InputLine
Make a component representing the input line.
createDialog(DialogDescriptor) - Method in class org.openide.TopManager
Get a new standard dialog.
createDocument() - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Replaced with XMLUtil It directly violates DOM's root element reference read-only status. If you can not move to XMLUtil for compatabilty reasons please replace with following workaround:
 String templ = "";
 InputSource in = new InputSource(new StringReader(templ));
 in.setSystemId("StringReader");  //workaround
 DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
 Document doc = builder.parse(in);
createDocument(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.xml.XMLUtil
Creates empty DOM Document using JAXP factoring.
createEditor(JEditorPane) - Method in interface org.openide.text.NbDocument.CustomEditor
Create a whole editor component over the given JEditorPane.
createEditorCookie() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. CookieSet factory should be used by subclasses instead.
createEditorKit() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Creates editor kit for this source.
createEditorKit() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Creates editor kit for this source.
createErrorNode() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node indicating that there was an error creating the element children.
createErrorNode() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createErrorNode() - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node indicating that there was an error creating the element children.
createExceptionsProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ConstructorElementNode
Create a node property for constructor exceptions.
createExpertSet() - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Convenience method to create new sheet set named Sheet.EXPERT.
createFieldJavaDoc(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDoc.Field interface.
createFieldNode(FieldElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node representing a field.
createFieldNode(FieldElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createFieldNode(FieldElement) - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node representing a field.
createFileSystem() - Method in class org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.FileSystemSection
Deprecated. Create a new file system.
createFolder(FileObject, String) - Static method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil
Creates a folder on given file system.
createFolder(String) - Method in interface org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem.Change
Create new folder.
createFolder(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.XMLFileSystem.Impl
Creates new folder named name.
createFolder(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem
createFolder(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem.Impl
createFolder(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.FileObject
Create a new folder below this one with the specified name.
createFolder(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem
createFolder(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem.Impl
createFormat(FileObject, String, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry.Format
Provide a suitable format for substitution of lines.
createFromClass(Class) - Static method in class org.openide.src.Type
Create a type from an existing class.
createFromTemplate(DataFolder) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Create a new object from template (with a name depending on the template).
createFromTemplate(DataFolder, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Create a new object from template.
createFromTemplate(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject.Entry
Called when the entry is to be created from a template.
createFromTemplate(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry
createFromTemplate(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry.Format
createFromTemplate(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry.Numb
Does nothing.
createFromTemplate(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FileEntry.Folder
Creates new folder and copies attributes, the template flag is cleared.
createHandle(Node) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.DefaultHandle
Create a handle for a given node.
createHtmlBrowserImpl() - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Factory
Returns a new instance of BrowserImpl implementation.
createIndex() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Index.KeysChildren
The method that creates the supporting index for this children object.
createInitializerJavaDoc(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates a new instance of memory implementation of JavaDoc interface.
createInitializerNode(InitializerElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node representing an initializer.
createInitializerNode(InitializerElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createInitializerNode(InitializerElement) - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node representing an initializer.
createInitValueProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FieldElementNode
Create a property for the field init value.
createInputSource(URL) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Deprecated as it was a workaround method. Replace with new InputSource(url.toExternalForm()).
createInstance(InstanceCookie[]) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FolderInstance
Notifies subclasses that the set of cookies for this folder has changed.
createInstance(InstanceCookie[]) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.FolderLookup
Updates the content of the lookup.
createInterfacesProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
Create a node property for the implemented interfaces of this class.
createJavaDoc(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDoc interface.
createJob(Enumeration, Compiler.Depth) - Static method in class org.openide.actions.AbstractCompileAction
Create a job for compilation over a set of cookies.
createLibraryPath() - Method in class org.openide.execution.ExecutionEngine
Method that allows implementor of the execution engine to provide class path to all libraries that one could find useful for development in the system.
createLibraryPath() - Static method in class org.openide.execution.NbClassPath
Creates class path describing additional libraries needed by the system.
createLine(int) - Method in class org.openide.text.DocumentLine.Set
Creates a Line for a given offset.
createList() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.ListView
Creates the list that will display the data.
createList() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.IconView
Creates the list that will display the data.
createLocksOn(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.MultiFileSystem
When a file is about to be locked this method is consulted to choose which delegates should be locked.
createMenuItem(Node) - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.MenuView.Menu
Create a menu element for a node.
createMethodJavaDoc(String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDoc.Method interface.
createMethodNode(MethodElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node representing a method.
createMethodNode(MethodElement) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createMethodNode(MethodElement) - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node representing a method.
createMode(String, String, URL) - Method in interface org.openide.windows.Workspace
Create a new mode.
createModel() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.ListView
Allows subclasses to change the default model used for the list.
createModel() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.TreeView
Allows subclasses to provide own model for displaying nodes.
createModel() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.ContextTreeView
Create model.
createModel() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.BeanTreeView
Create a new model.
createModel() - Method in class org.openide.explorer.view.ChoiceView
Creates the model that this view should show.
createModifiersProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.MemberElementNode
Create a node property for the modifiers of the element.
createMultiObject(FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.MultiFileLoader
Creates the right data object for a given primary file.
createMultiObject(FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader
createNameProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.MemberElementNode
Create a node property representing the element's name.
createNode(Object) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.BeanChildren.Factory
Create a node for a child bean.
createNodeChildren(DataFilter) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Support method to obtain a children object that can be added to any Node.
createNodeDelegate() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Provides node that should represent this data object.
createNodeDelegate() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject
Provides node that should represent this data object.
createNodeDelegate() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder
Create node representative for this folder.
createNodeDelegate() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow
createNodeDelegate() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject
createNodeDelegate() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
If the Info associated with this data object (if any) provides a subclass of Node, then this object is created to represent the XML data object, otherwise DataNode is created.
createNodeListener() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataShadow.ShadowNode
Creates a node listener that allows listening on the original node and propagating events to the proxy.
createNodeListener() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Creates a node listener that allows listening on the original node and propagating events to the proxy.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObjectFilter
Create children for a data-object key.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
Create nodes for a given key.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
Create nodes representing copies of the original node's children.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanChildren
Creates a node representant for given bean.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.SourceChildren
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassChildren
createParametersProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ConstructorElementNode
Create a node property for constructor parameters.
createParamTag(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDocTag.Param interface.
createParser() - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Use XMLUtil instead. It will create a SAX XMLReader that is SAX Parser replacement. You will have to replace DocumentHandler by ContentHandler besause XMLReader accepts just ContentHandler.

Alternatively if not interested in new callbacks defined by SAX 2.0 you can wrap returned XMLReader into XMLReaderAdapter that implements Parser.

createParser(boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.loaders.XMLDataObject
Deprecated. Use Util instead setting ns to false. For more details see createParser
createPart(int, int) - Method in class org.openide.text.Line
Create object which represent part of the text on the line.
createPaste(NodeTransfer.Paste) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Creates transfer object that is used to carry an intelligent paste source through transferable or clipboard.
createPasteTypes(Transferable, List) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder.FolderNode
createPasteTypes(Transferable, List) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Accumulate the paste types that this node can handle for a given transferable.
createPasteTypes(Transferable, List) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
createPath(Node, Node) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeOp
Find a path (by name) from one node to the root or a parent.
createPermissions(CodeSource, InputOutput) - Method in class org.openide.execution.ExecutionEngine
Trap accesses to Users that want to link their classes with the IDE should do this through internal execution.
createPopupMenu(SystemAction[]) - Static method in class org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction
Create the default popup menu representation of an array of actions.
createPosition(Document, int, Position.Bias) - Static method in class org.openide.text.NbDocument
Creates position with a bias.
createPosition(int) - Method in class org.openide.text.FilterDocument
createPosition(int, Position.Bias) - Method in interface org.openide.text.NbDocument.PositionBiasable
Creates position with a bias.
createPositionRef(int, Position.Bias) - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Create a position reference for the given offset.
createPositionRef(int, Position.Bias) - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Create a position reference for the given offset.
createPrimaryEntry(MultiDataObject, FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.MultiFileLoader
Creates the right primary entry for a given primary file.
createPrimaryEntry(MultiDataObject, FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader
createPrintIterators() - Method in interface org.openide.text.NbDocument.Printable
Get an attributed character iterator for the document, so that it may be printed.
createProcess(DataObject) - Method in class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor
Called to create the java.lang.Process for given data object.
createProcess(ExecInfo) - Method in class org.openide.execution.ProcessExecutor
Called to create the java.lang.Process for given exec info.
createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor, String[]) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerGroup
Allows subclasses to provide their own format for parsing the arguments of NbProcessDescriptor contained in the ExternalCompiler.
createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor, String[], File) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerGroup
Allows subclasses to provide their own format for parsing the arguments of NbProcessDescriptor contained in the ExternalCompiler.
createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor, String[], Object) - Method in class org.openide.compiler.ExternalCompilerGroup
Deprecated. Please instead directly override ExternalCompilerGroup.createProcess(NbProcessDescriptor,String[]) as this version does not use the now-deprecated "compiler type" object.
createProperties(Object, BeanInfo) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Prepare node properties based on the bean, storing them into the current property sheet.
createPropertiesSet() - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Convenience method to create new sheet set named Sheet.PROPERTIES.
createPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Create a property change listener that allows listening on the original node properties (contained in property sets) and propagating them to the proxy.
createReference(FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem
Creates Reference.
createReference(FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.XMLFileSystem
createReference(FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem
createRepositoryPath() - Static method in class org.openide.execution.NbClassPath
Method to obtain class path for the current state of the repository.
createRepositoryPath(FileSystemCapability) - Static method in class org.openide.execution.NbClassPath
Method to obtain class path for the current state of the repository.
createRequest(Runnable) - Static method in class org.openide.util.RequestProcessor
Creates request that can be later started by setting its delay.
createReturnProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.MethodElementNode
Create a property for the method return value.
createSecondaryEntry(MultiDataObject, FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.MultiFileLoader
Creates a new secondary entry for a given file.
createSecondaryEntry(MultiDataObject, FileObject) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader
Do not create a seconday entry.
createSeeTag(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDocTag.See interface.
createSerialFieldTag(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDocTag.SerialField interface.
createServiceType() - Method in class org.openide.modules.ManifestSection.ServiceSection
Deprecated. Create a new service type of the specified type.
createShadow(DataFolder) - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Creates shadow for this object in specified folder.
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataNode
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.DataFolder.FolderNode
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Initialize a default property sheet; commonly overridden.
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.InitializerElementNode
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ConstructorElementNode
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FieldElementNode
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.MethodElementNode
createStaticProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.InitializerElementNode
Create a property for whether or not the initializer is static.
createStyledDocument(EditorKit) - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Method that can be overriden by children to create empty styled document or attach additional document properties to it.
createStyledDocument(EditorKit) - Method in class org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport
Let's the super method create the document and also annotates it with Title and StreamDescription properities.
createSuperclassProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.ClassElementNode
Create a node property for the superclass of this class.
createTag(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDocTag interface.
createTargetChooser() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard
Method that allows subclasses to second (default) panel.
createTemplateChooser() - Method in class org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard
Method that allows subclasses to provide their own panel for choosing the template (the first panel).
createThrowsTag(String, String) - Static method in class org.openide.src.JavaDocSupport
Creates new instance of memory implementation of JavaDocTag.Throws interface.
createToolbarPresenter(SystemAction[]) - Static method in class org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction
Create the default toolbar representation of an array of actions.
createTopComponentManager(TopComponent) - Method in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
Create a component manager for the given top component.
createTypeProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FieldElementNode
Create a property for the field type.
createUndoRedoManager() - Method in class org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport
Create an undo/redo manager.
createUndoRedoManager() - Method in class org.openide.text.EditorSupport
Deprecated. Create an undo/redo manager.
createURLStreamHandler(String) - Method in class org.openide.execution.NbfsStreamHandlerFactory
Create a new URL stream handler.
createWaitNode() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory
Make a node indicating that the creation of children is still under way.
createWaitNode() - Method in class org.openide.src.nodes.DefaultFactory
createWaitNode() - Method in interface org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory
Make a node indicating that the creation of children is still under way.
createWatch() - Method in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Create new uninitialized watch.
createWatch(String, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.debugger.Debugger
Create a watch with its expression set to an initial value.
createWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
Deprecated. please use method createWorkspace(String name, String displayName) instead
createWorkspace(String, String) - Method in class org.openide.windows.WindowManager
Creates new workspace.
createWritableOn(String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.MultiFileSystem
Finds the system to create writable version of the file on.
createWritableOnForRename(String, String) - Method in class org.openide.filesystems.MultiFileSystem
Special case of createWritableOn (@see #createWritableOn).
createWriter(Document, int, Writer) - Method in class org.openide.text.IndentEngine
Creates writer that formats text that is inserted into it.
createXMLReader() - Static method in class org.openide.xml.XMLUtil
createXMLReader(boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.xml.XMLUtil
createXMLReader(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.xml.XMLUtil
Factory SAX XMLReader using JAXP.
creatorOf(Object) - Method in class org.openide.util.lookup.AbstractLookup.Pair
Method that can test whether an instance of a class has been created by this item.
current - Variable in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters
current - Variable in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters.AttributedCharacterIteratorImpl
Current position.
CURRENT_STYLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.openide.text.NbDocument
Name of style attached to documents to mark a paragraph (line) as current (in a debugger).
current() - Method in interface org.openide.WizardDescriptor.Iterator
Get the current panel.
current() - Method in class org.openide.WizardDescriptor.ArrayIterator
current() - Method in class org.openide.text.AttributedCharacters.AttributedCharacterIteratorImpl
currentClassLoader() - Method in class org.openide.TopManager
Provide access to the user class loader.
customize(InstanceCookie) - Static method in class org.openide.actions.CustomizeBeanAction
Customize a Bean.
customize(Node) - Method in class org.openide.TopManager.NodeOperation
Tries to open a customization dialog for the specified node.
CustomizeAction - class org.openide.actions.CustomizeAction.
Customize a node (rather than using its property sheet).
CustomizeAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CustomizeAction
CustomizeBeanAction - class org.openide.actions.CustomizeBeanAction.
Customize a JavaBean.
CustomizeBeanAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CustomizeBeanAction
CutAction - class org.openide.actions.CutAction.
Cut an object to the clipboard.
CutAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.actions.CutAction
cutAmpersand(String) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Actions
Replaces first occurence of '&?' by '?' or '(&??' by '' where ? is wildcard for any character.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.