Uses of Class

Packages that use Compiler.Depth
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.compiler Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source. 
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.loaders DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 

Uses of Compiler.Depth in org.openide.actions

Methods in org.openide.actions that return Compiler.Depth
protected abstract  Compiler.Depth AbstractCompileAction.depth()
          Get the depth the compiler compiles on.
protected  Compiler.Depth CompileAllAction.depth()
protected  Compiler.Depth CompileAction.depth()
protected  Compiler.Depth BuildAction.depth()
protected  Compiler.Depth BuildAllAction.depth()
protected  Compiler.Depth CleanAllAction.depth()
protected  Compiler.Depth CleanAction.depth()

Methods in org.openide.actions with parameters of type Compiler.Depth
static CompilerJob AbstractCompileAction.createJob(Enumeration en, Compiler.Depth depth)
          Create a job for compilation over a set of cookies.

Uses of Compiler.Depth in org.openide.compiler

Fields in org.openide.compiler declared as Compiler.Depth
static Compiler.Depth Compiler.DEPTH_ZERO
          Zero level of compilation--leaves should compile themself, but folders should do nothing.
static Compiler.Depth Compiler.DEPTH_ONE
          Penultimate level of compilation--folder should compile just directly contained files, but not recursively.
static Compiler.Depth Compiler.DEPTH_INFINITE
          Infinite level of compilation--compile all folders recursively.

Methods in org.openide.compiler that return Compiler.Depth
 Compiler.Depth CompilerJob.getInitialDepth()
          Get the depth of the job.
 Compiler.Depth Compiler.Depth.nextDepth()
          Proceed to the next level.

Constructors in org.openide.compiler with parameters of type Compiler.Depth
CompilerJob(Compiler.Depth depth)
          Create a new job with the given initial depth.

Uses of Compiler.Depth in org.openide.cookies

Methods in org.openide.cookies with parameters of type Compiler.Depth
 boolean CompilerCookie.isDepthSupported(Compiler.Depth depth)
          Tests whether a specified depth is supported.
 void CompilerCookie.addToJob(CompilerJob job, Compiler.Depth depth)
          Allows the cookie to add its compiler(s) into a compiler job.

Uses of Compiler.Depth in org.openide.loaders

Methods in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type Compiler.Depth
 boolean CompilerSupport.isDepthSupported(Compiler.Depth depth)
          Supports only depth one.
 void CompilerSupport.addToJob(CompilerJob job, Compiler.Depth depth)
static void CompilerSupport.prepareJob(CompilerJob job, Enumeration en, Class type, Compiler.Depth depth)
          Utility method to handle compilation on given set of DataObject.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.