Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node.Cookie
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.loaders DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 
org.openide.nodes The IDE uses nodes to represent JavaBeans or other property containers, formed into a hierarchical tree. 
org.openide.src The parsing results of Java sources and the result of Java Reflection may be uniformly accessed as source elements
org.openide.src.nodes Source elements can be represented by default element nodes
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. 

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.actions

Subinterfaces of Node.Cookie in org.openide.actions
static interface NewTemplateAction.Cookie
          Cookie that can be implemented by a node if it wishes to have a special templates wizard.

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.cookies

Subinterfaces of Node.Cookie in org.openide.cookies
 interface ArgumentsCookie
          Provides ability for a data object or node to be passed runtime arguments.
 interface CloseCookie
          Permits an object which was opened to be closed.
 interface CompilerCookie
          Provides ability for an object to be compiled.
static interface CompilerCookie.Build
          A cookie for unconditional compilation.
static interface CompilerCookie.Clean
          A cookie for cleaning before compilation.
static interface CompilerCookie.Compile
          A cookie for conditional compilation.
 interface ConnectionCookie
          Cookie that allows connection between two objects.
static interface ConnectionCookie.Listener
          Cookie that must be provided by a node that is willing to register itself as a listener to a ConnectionCookie.
 interface DebuggerCookie
          Cookie for debugger.
 interface EditCookie
          Cookie permitting objects to be edited.
 interface EditorCookie
          Cookie defining standard operations with a text document and an editor that can display it.
 interface ElementCookie
          Cookie permitting an object to be used in the Object Browser differently than in the Explorer.
 interface ExecCookie
          Cookie for objects which may be executed.
 interface FilterCookie
          Cookie for node groups which can somehow be filtered.
 interface InstanceCookie
          Cookie that should be provided by all nodes that are able to create a "instance".
static interface InstanceCookie.Of
          Enhanced cookie that can answer queries about the type of the instance it creates.
static interface InstanceCookie.Origin
          Enhanced instance cookie that also knows the file it was created from and can be serialized back to.
 interface LineCookie
          Cookie for data objects that want to provide support for accessing lines in a document.
 interface OpenCookie
          Cookie for opening an object.
 interface PrintCookie
          Cookie permitting an object to be printed.
 interface ProjectCookie
          A cookie that provides project manipulation functionality.
 interface SaveCookie
          The cookie for the save operation.
 interface SourceCookie
          A cookie for obtaining a source hierarchy from data objects.
static interface SourceCookie.Editor
          Extended source cookie permitting for bidirectional translation with Swing text elements.
 interface ViewCookie
          Cookie permitting objects to be viewed.

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.loaders

Subinterfaces of Node.Cookie in org.openide.loaders
static interface DataObject.Container
          Interface for objects that can contain other data objects.
static interface XMLDataObject.Processor
          Deprecated. use lookup

Classes in org.openide.loaders that implement Node.Cookie
 class CompilerSupport
          Support for compilation of data objects.
static class CompilerSupport.Build
          Build cookie support.
static class CompilerSupport.Clean
          Clean cookie support.
static class CompilerSupport.Compile
          Compile cookie support.
 class ConnectionSupport
          Support implementing ConnectionCookie, that stores listeners in extended attributes of associated entry.
 class DataFolder
          A folder containing data objects.
static class DataFolder.Index
          Support for index cookie for folder nodes.
 class DataObject
          Object that represents one JavaBean in the tree of beans representing data systems.
 class DataShadow
          Default implementation of a shortcut to another data object.
 class ExecSupport
          Support for execution of a class file.
 class FolderInstance
          Support class for creation of an object from the content of a DataObject.Container.
 class FolderLookup
          Implements a lookup, that scans a content of a folder for its data objects and asks them for instance cookie, the created objects are then used to for the content of the lookup.
 class InstanceDataObject
          A data object whose only purpose is to supply InstanceCookie.
 class InstanceSupport
          An instance cookie implementation that works with files or entries.
static class InstanceSupport.Instance
          Trivial supporting instance cookie for already-existing objects.
static class InstanceSupport.Origin
          Enhanced instance cookie support that also knows the file it has been created from and can be serialized back to.
 class MultiDataObject
          Provides support for handling of data objects with multiple files.
 class XMLDataObject
          Object that provides main functionality for xml documents.

Methods in org.openide.loaders that return Node.Cookie
 Node.Cookie DataObject.getCookie(Class c)
          Obtain a cookie from the data object.
protected  Node.Cookie DataObject.getCookie(DataShadow shadow, Class clazz)
          When a request for a cookie is done on a DataShadow of this DataObject this methods gets called (by default) so the DataObject knows which DataShadow is asking and extract some information from the shadow itself.
 Node.Cookie MultiDataObject.getCookie(Class type)
          Look for a cookie in the current cookie set matching the requested class.
 Node.Cookie DataFolder.getCookie(Class cookie)
          Adds a compilation cookie.
 Node.Cookie DataNode.getCookie(Class cl)
          Get a cookie.
 Node.Cookie DataFolder.FolderNode.getCookie(Class clazz)
 Node.Cookie DataShadow.getCookie(Class c)
 Node.Cookie DataShadow.ShadowNode.getCookie(Class cl)
 Node.Cookie InstanceDataObject.getCookie(Class clazz)
 Node.Cookie XMLDataObject.getCookie(Class cls)
          Cookies from PROP_INFO are not placed into protected CookieSet and can be obtained only by invoking this method.

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.nodes

Subinterfaces of Node.Cookie in org.openide.nodes
 interface Index
          Index cookie providing operations useful for reordering child nodes.

Classes in org.openide.nodes that implement Node.Cookie
static class Index.ArrayChildren
          Reorderable children list stored in an array.
static class Index.Support
          A support class implementing some methods of the Index cookie.

Methods in org.openide.nodes that return Node.Cookie
abstract  Node.Cookie Node.getCookie(Class type)
          Get a cookie for this node.
 Node.Cookie AbstractNode.getCookie(Class type)
          Get a cookie from the node.
 Node.Cookie FilterNode.getCookie(Class type)
 Node.Cookie IndexedNode.getCookie(Class clazz)
          Get a cookie.
 Node.Cookie CookieSet.getCookie(Class clazz)
          Get a cookie.
 Node.Cookie CookieSet.Factory.createCookie(Class klass)
          Creates a Node.Cookie of given class.
static Node.Cookie NodeTransfer.cookie(Transferable t, int action, Class cookie)
          Obtain a cookie instance from the copied node in a transferable.

Methods in org.openide.nodes with parameters of type Node.Cookie
 void CookieSet.add(Node.Cookie cookie)
          Add a new cookie to the set.
 void CookieSet.remove(Node.Cookie cookie)
          Remove a cookie from the set.

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.src

Classes in org.openide.src that implement Node.Cookie
 class ClassElement
          Element that describes one class.
 class ConstructorElement
          Describes the constructor of a class.
 class Element
          Base class for representations of elements in the Java language.
 class FieldElement
          Describes a field (variable) in a class.
 class InitializerElement
          Element which represents an initializer block.
 class MemberElement
          Superclass for containable Java source members (fields, methods and classes).
 class MethodElement
          Representation of a method.
 class SourceElement
          Describes an entire Java source file.

Methods in org.openide.src that return Node.Cookie
 Node.Cookie Element.getCookie(Class type)
          Look for a cookie providing added behavior for this element.
 Node.Cookie Element.Impl.getCookie(Class type)
          Get the support for a cookie, if any.

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.src.nodes

Classes in org.openide.src.nodes that implement Node.Cookie
 class ClassChildren
          Normal implementation of children list for a class element node.
 class SourceChildren
          Normal implementation of children for source element nodes.

Methods in org.openide.src.nodes that return Node.Cookie
 Node.Cookie ElementNode.getCookie(Class type)
          Get a cookie from this node.

Uses of Node.Cookie in org.openide.text

Classes in org.openide.text that implement Node.Cookie
 class EditorSupport
          Deprecated. Use DataEditorSupport instead

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.